Open General Quiz 2.0 IIT Bombay Conducted by Raghav Chakravarthy Finals of

IIT - Bombay - Open General Quiz 2.0 - Finals (with Written Round and Long Visual Connect)

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Questions from the Finals of the Open General Quiz 2.0. Conducted by Raghav Chakravarthy at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay on 8 October 2014.

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Open General Quiz 2.0

IIT Bombay Conducted by

Raghav Chakravarthy



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Open Gen Quiz 2.0 IIT-Bombay


• Potpourri – 1 (16 Questions) - Clockwise

• Written Round – Trainspotting (7 Questions)

• Potpourri – 2 (16 Questions) – Anti-Clockwise

• Long Visual Connect – Stage 2 (10 Questions)

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Potpourri – 1


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• Infinite Pounce (+10/-5) – Full Answer;

• +10 for a direct and a pass;

• Infinite Bounce.

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Spanish artist Diego Velazquez, was a Spanish painter who was the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV and one of the most important painters of the Spanish Golden Age. He was the inspiration behind what?

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The look of Salvador Dali and the iconic mustache.

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Open Gen Quiz 2.0 IIT-Bombay

Q.2 • The logo of this famous company came to

mean something unintentionally by customers, at least according to design consultant and psychologist Louis Cheskin.

• In the '60s, the company wanted to change their logo but Cheskin insisted on leaving it unchanged.

• He said it's because customers unconsciously recognize the logo as "symbolism of a pair of nourishing breasts“.

• What logo?

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Q.3 • Hejny, an audio engineer from

Nashville, Tenn., was inspired to create the wax four years ago when he was at a concert in Texas and saw a musician he was working with, constantly have to do something.

• Out of sympathy, he wanted to

walk on stage and hold something in place so the drummer could focus on the music. This led to him creating Nerd Wax.

• What does nerd wax do?

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It helps to hold the spectacles in place.

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Q.4. What? A certain victim preference was recently explained by Dr. Jonathan Day, a medical scientist and expert in that field from the University of Florida. A few key reasons attributed to the preference include:

– Difference in Lactic acid produced in the human body;

– Metabolic rate, or the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) your body releases as it burns energy.

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Preference to be bit by mosquitos That’s the answer to why some get more mosquito bites than others.

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Q.5 Origin of? • According to myth, it originated from the Shinto goddess Ame no Uzume,

the goddess of sunlight, Amaterasu, and her brother Susanoo, the god of the sea and storms.

• One day Susanoo suddenly became angry bringing havoc to the land.

• His sister, Amaterasu, was so upset at this state of affairs, she fled into a cave and sealed it with a boulder, refusing to come out.

• The other gods gathered and knew that without sunlight, life on Earth would decay and die. Accordingly, they tried many ways to bring Amaterasu out by begging, threatening, and even trying to physically move the boulder, but were unsuccessful.

• Finally, the elder goddess Ame no Uzume, did something that led to celebration and this is supposed to have led Amaterasu to become curious and peer out of the boulder and come out.

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Taiko Drumming

• Ame no Uzume emptied out a barrel of sake and jumped on the barrel's head, stomping on it furiously to create compelling, percussive rhythms.

• From Ame no Uzume's performance, taiko music is thought to have been created.

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Q.6 Connect:

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“One Library, One Village” an NGO from Kochi started an initiative that was widely accepted. What initiative did they start?

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Book Bucket Challenge

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Why is Sion station called 'Sheev' in Hindi and Marathi?

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As you all are aware Bombay is divided in two parts. • Town or main city • Suburbs district or Salsette Island Initially in 17th century Sion was a small village which formed a boundary between the main city and the Salsette Island. In Marathi the name, Sheev, means boundary or limit of a place or area. It is an indication that the city ends over here and Suburbs starts from here.

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Q.9 Whose other works?

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Jonathan Ive of Apple

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Q.10 • Ariel Zev "Ari" Emanuel is an American talent agent

and co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor (WME), an entertainment and media agency.

• Emanuel has been described as a "21st century Hollywood mogul" and “the pre-eminent power player” in Hollywood.

• His working style and persona is supposed to have inspired the character Ari Gold, played by Jeremy Piven on the HBO television show Entourage.

• Which other famous character from another popular show is he supposed to have been an inspiration for?

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The lawyer, Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad.

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Q.11 These are various types of kites such as wau kuching (cat kite), wau merak (peacock kite), and wau bulan (moon kite).

Each kite also comes with a different design and size. They inspired what?

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Q.12 Connect these two facts:

• Fact 1: The Japanese forces surrendered to the Supreme Allied Commander of Southeast Asia, on August, 1945.

• Fact 2: Anything born on a Friday would be doomed.

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August 15, 1947 was chosen as the independence day, and

Freedom at Midnight! August 15th was chosen as the Independence Day of India because

Lord Mountbatten, who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, South East Asia thought it as an auspicious day to leave India

because the Japanese forces had surrendered to him on the same day in August 15, 1945.

But, August 15, 1947 was a Friday and astrologers advised Jawaharlal Nehru that anything born on a Friday would be doomed. Therefore Nehru insisted that the independence take place in the midnight ,

because under the Hindu calendar it would be still be Thursday because the sun has not risen for the next day.

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Q.13 These birds, when they travel outside of the forest into urban areas often became confused and unaware of the potential dangers in the city – like traffic. What term is supposed to have originated by as a reference to the erratic/irresponsible behaviour of these birds in urban/noisy settings?

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“Jay walking”

• They were the Jay birds.

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Q.14 • In case of birthdays, one is eligible for:

• 100th birthday • 105th birthday • each year following your 105th birthday • In case of anniversaries, eligible for: • 60th (diamond) anniversary • 65th anniversary • 70th (platinum) anniversary • each year following your 70th anniversary

• In case the any of the above are satisfied, what are you eligible to get?

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Q.15 This structure (mantap) had to be on a particular famous monument. However because it was fragile and a large part of it was broken, now it is placed next to the famous monument. Which famous monument?

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Hampi, Chariot

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Q.16 Connect:

• "In a pickle“

• “Break the ice”

• “Wild Goose Chase”

• “Heart of gold”

• “The world is your oyster”

• “It’s all Greek to me”

• “Catch a cold” • “Love is blind” • “Laughing stock” • “Wear your heart

on your sleeve” • “Dogs of war” • “ A method to the


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Phrases in the English language derived from Shakespeare plays.

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Written Round


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• Ritwick who is an artist based out of Mumbai/Bangalore/Chennai created an image which combines movie titles and train stations of Mumbai.

• http://rithwick.deviantart.com/art/trainspotting-214261653

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Round Details

• Write down the name of the train station.

• 7 questions.

• 5 points per right answer.

• 10 points bonus for getting all right.

• 45 points at stake.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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• Identify the name of the train station taking a hint from part of the name of the movie mentioned.

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Potpourri – 2


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• According to José Luis Aragón of the National Autonomous University in Mexico, this artist’s famous spiral brushstrokes in his famous painting is a near-perfect renderings of turbulence.

• From the largest visible swaths of paint to the tiniest strokes, the brushwork seems instinctually guided to simulate natural formations such as river eddies and cloud formations, which matched the famous Kolmogorov statistical model of turbulence. Name the painter and the painting?

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Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night

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Q.2 What’s the good word?

This word is defined by Oxford Dictionary as

"a type of astanga yoga...A type of ashtanga yoga focusing on the correct alignment of the body, making use of straps, wooden blocks, and other objects as aids to achieving the correct postures”

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The word “Iyenger”

Named after world famous yoga guru B.K.S. Iyenger.

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Project Calico is a new company being funded by Google, Art Levinson, Chairman and former CEO of Genentech and Chairman of Apple, will be its Chief Executive Officer.

The company’s ambitious purpose?

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Immortality, Prolong death

Calico, will focus on health and well-being, in particular the challenge of aging and associated diseases.

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Siachen Glacier, Gilgit, Baltistan,

Dafdur or Kanjut (Disputed, any of

the above)

Ghuar Mota



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Indira Point, southern most point of India

• Ghuar Mota, Gujarat, Westernmost point in India;

• Kibithu, Arunachal Pradesh Easternmost point in India

• Northernmost point is disputed, it could be Siachen Glacier, Gilgit, Baltistan, Dafdur or Kanjut.

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Q.5 What? • The theme of decoration is unrelated to the area it is

known, but is mythological. • The central boss depicts the figure of Sophrosyne, the

personification of temperance and moderation, seated on a chest with a lamp in her right hand and a jug in her left, with various attributes such as a sickle, fork and caduceus around her.

• The reserves around the rim show Minerva presiding over the seven liberal arts: astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, music, rhetoric, dialectic and grammar, each with relevant attribute.

• It is an 18 3/4 inch diameter, partially gilded, sterling silver salver made in 1864 and is a copy of an electrotype by Caspar Enderlein from a pewter original in the Louvre.

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Venus Rosewater Dish

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Q.6 • X, a famous actor along with John Prendergas started the

Satellite Sentinel Project where by way of a satellite, they track Sudan’s vicious army in an attempt to warn civilians before attacks occur. As per the site, their rationale is “What if we could watch the warlords? Monitor them just like the paparazzi spies on X?”

• Sometime in 2013, he was quoted saying “most of the money I make on the [Nespresso] commercials I spend keeping a satellite over the border of North and South Sudan to keep an eye on [Sudan President] Omar al-Bashir.”

• Identify this actor who was arrested in Washington, D.C. at a protest he organized outside the Sudan embassy in 2012.

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George Clooney

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• This dentist who has his practice in Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, New York, is known as ‘Painless Dr Z’. His site (going by the same name) in its description states that it is “Catering to Cowards and Dental Phobics of All Ages for Over 30 Years..”. He still continues to have this dental practice.

• Just give me his surname or his claim to fame.


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• Edward Zuckerberg.

• Father of Mark Zuckerberg.

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• A recent fan ended up bumping into a Andrew Anthony, who has a claim to fame.

• Seen in the muted video is the fan trying to imitate Andrew.

• What is Andrew’s claim to fame?

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Q.9 What? • Researchers from the University of California at

Davis have recently concluded on a fact which researchers going as far back as Charles Darwin have offered a number of theories, some of them being protection from predators etc.

• They concluded that something evolved in such a characteristic way, so that they keep themselves free from suffering the bites of house flies, which can carry fatal diseases because house flies were averse to a certain surface. What?

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Zebras black and white stripes Researchers from the University of California at Davis knew that certain flies avoid black and white surfaces, so they wondered: Could zebra stripes have evolved to keep the animals free from suffering the bites of those very same flies, which can carry fatal diseases? To tackle that question, the researchers examined the distribution of zebras and the locations of the best breeding grounds for the stripe-averse flies. Sure enough, they found that they overlap. The same was true for other animals in the horse family that had stripes on various parts of their bodies.

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• This gentleman used to DJ as a drag queen under the name DJ Revvlon.

• He was voted “Best Irish Gay DJ of 2000” in the “Goscars” (Irish Gay Community Awards).

• How do we better know him?

• [Images on next slide]

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Clipped portion of website:

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• Kristian Nairn is better known as Hodor!

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• _______ _______ _______ happens to be the largest consumer of fire works in the United States.

• They also launch the fireworks with compressed air instead of gunpowder to reduce fumes and gain better height and timing.

• Just fill in the blank.

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Q.12 Connect:

Person 1 - During the Second World War, he served in the Royal Air Force. In 1977, he played the ruthless General Outram, to great acclaim, in the Indian director Satyajit Ray's period piece The Chess Players.

Person 2 - Has the distinction of having a number of newly discovered species and fossils being named in his honour. In 1993, palaeontologist Robert Bakker renamed the species “_________saurus conybeari” after him. Person 3 - Was an English executive in the motor industry, worked with “Alfa Romeo” and then a financial advisor.

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Attenborough Brothers

• Richard Attenborough • David Attenborough • John Attenborough

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Q.13 Nandalal Bose’s famous illustrations which represent styles from the different civilizations of the subcontinent, ranging from the prehistoric Mohenjodaro, in the Indus Valley, to the present, has been immortalized where?

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The pages of the Indian Constitution

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Q.14 John Charles Miller, worked at the São Paulo Railway Company becoming the Royal Mail's agent. In 1884 he was sent to the Banister Court Public School in Southampton, England, where he acquired sufficient knowledge in a particular field. When he returned in 1894, Miller brought a book and what else to Brazil in his suitcase?

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Football, he is known as the Father of football in Brazil.

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Q.15 A flag hidden and the happy flag campaign. Which country and explain?

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• The ancient Roman encyclopaedist Pliny the Elder claimed that a copy of Homer's The Iliad existed that was small enough to fit inside a _________ shell.

• Almost 2000 years later in the early 1700s the Bishop of Avranches tested Pliny's theory by writing out the epic in tiny handwriting on a _________-sized piece of paper and lo and behold, he did it!

• This has also given rise to a phrase in English. Fill in the blank and identify the phrase.

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• The phrase is “In a nutshell”.

• The blank is:

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Flipkart started off in a flat whose number was 610, in a housing society in Bangalore.

What did they do to immortalize that number?

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Long Visual Connect


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• Overarching theme.

• 10 questions (marked) have points (+5 for correct anwers) applicable to them.

• Write down your answers!

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“Tasseography” is a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in _______.

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• Also known as Viscount Howick, he was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 22 November 1830 to 16 July 1834.

• His administration saw the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.

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As per 2007 data

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The firm's logo, created in 1787, is the world's oldest in continuous use

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Amuleek Singh Bijral is the founder and CEO of Mountain Trail Foods Private Ltd. The famous upcoming brand of Mountain Trail Foods Private Limited, based out of Bangalore and expanding aggressively.

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Q.5 Sir Thomas _____was a Scotsman of Ulster-Scots parentage who was a self-made man, merchant, and yachtsman. He was the most persistent challenger in the history of the America's Cup.

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Q.6 Identify the movie?

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Q.8 Connect

• The precise origin of the name is not clear. It is suggested by some that it comes from the Sanskrit word ("unequalled", "peerless", etc.)

• “Blue Mountain”

• 'the land of the thunderbolt'

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Q.10 The common winter season layout of what?

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Long Visual Connect


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“Tasseography” is a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in _______.

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Tasseography is a divination or fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments.

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• Also known as Viscount Howick, he was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 22 November 1830 to 16 July 1834.

• His administration saw the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.

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Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey

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As per 2007 data

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Percentage of total global tea production by country in 2007

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The firm's logo, created in 1787, is the world's oldest in continuous use

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Amuleek Singh Bijral is the founder and CEO of Mountain Trail Foods Private Ltd. The famous upcoming brand of Mountain Trail Foods Private Limited, based out of Bangalore and expanding aggressively.

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Chai Point

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Q.5 Sir Thomas _____was a Scotsman of Ulster-Scots parentage who was a self-made man, merchant, and yachtsman. He was the most persistent challenger in the history of the America's Cup.

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Sir Thomas Lipton

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Q.6 Identify the movie?

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The local time in Assam's tea gardens, known as 'Tea Garden Time' or Bagantime, is an hour ahead of the IST. The system was introduced during British days keeping in mind the early sunrise in this part of the country.

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Q.8 Connect

• The precise origin of the name is not clear. It is suggested by some that it comes from the Sanskrit word ("unequalled", "peerless", etc.)

• “Blue Mountain”

• 'the land of the thunderbolt'

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Q.10 The common winter season layout

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Tea Ceremony

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• Black Tea

• Green Tea

• Lemon Tea

• Ginger Tea

• Cardamom Tea

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Thank you! Hope you enjoyed the quiz!

Sachin Ravi (91-9008043525)

Raghav Chakravarthy (91-9686566849)

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

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