How to Determine Your Lawn’s Grass

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Page 1: How to Determine Your Lawn’s Grass


By Lawn Doctor

Page 2: How to Determine Your Lawn’s Grass


Knowing the type of grass you have is essential to having a great lawn. Factors such as water use, fertilization, mowing height and frequency, as well as weed and pest control treatments may be dependent upon the type of grass.

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Know Your Native Climate

Whether a grass is native or not, its performance is tied to the climate. According to the United States National Arboretum there are two types of grass:

• Cool-season grasses grow best in cool-seasons, as per the name, and grow best when the temperatures are between 65 and 75 degrees.

• Warm-season grasses do best when the temperatures are between 80 and 95 degrees.

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Zones 1 & 2

1. The cool humid zone includes northeastern part of the U.S., northern Midwest, and Pacific Northwest:

• Bentgrass

• Bluegrass

• Fescues

• Ryegrasses

2.The cool arid zone includes drier, more western areas of the Midwest, and most of the western states:

• Buffalograss

• Canada bluegrass

• Wheatgrass

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Zones 3& 4

3. The warm humid zone includes southeastern parts of the U.S.:

• Bahiagrass

• Bermudagrass

• St. Augustinegrass

• Zoysiagrass

4. The warm arid zone includes southwestern parts of the U.S.:

• Bermudagrass

• Buffalograss

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The Transitional Zone

This zone includes eastern central and mid-central parts of the U.S., and is generally the most difficult area in which to grow grass. The USNA states that no single species of grass is “well adapted for this region,” but any of the previous mentioned grasses may grow there.

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Examine the Youngest Grass Leaves

• Unfolded young grass leaves that come from the center of the shoot are the easiest way to determine a type of grass.

• This arrangement of these new leaves is called vernation and will either be rolled or folded in the bud.

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Examine How the Grass Grows

A defining characteristic of grass is whether it grows bunched together or creeps apart. Grasses that bunch together include fescues, while those that creep out include centipedegrass. Some grasses creep but also have what are called rhizomes –underground stems that spread the grass’ growth and fill in blank spots. These types of grasses include Bahiagrass. Some grasses, like Zoysiagrass, can be a combination of these types of growth.

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Examine the Whole Grass Plant

• The crown: Comes up from the roots; is at the bottom of the grass.

• The sheath: This comes up from the crown, and connected to the blade. This can be split or fused.

• The blade: This is commonly the part we think of as being grass; the most visible part. The style and number of veins can indicate what type of grass it is. Can be smooth, ridged, or hairy.

• The ligule: This is where the sheath and blade join; it has membrane or hairs that project upward. Can be membranous, hairy, or absent.

• The collar: This is on the backside of where the sheath and blade meet. It can be continuous, constricted, or divided.

• The auricles: If they exist, they are near the ligule, by the collar. They can be long and clasping, short and stubby, or absent.

• The leaf tip: This is at the top of the blade of grass. It can end in a flat point, rounded, or a keeled (boat-shaped) one.

• Seedhead: This is the flowering portion of a young shoot. It can be spike, panicle, or raceme.

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