How rachael walked to school safely

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Alex, Madison, Rachael and Angus, Year 5 and 6 from Wairakei School, use a digital story to explain a safe journey.

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Page 1: How rachael walked to school safely


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Page 2: How rachael walked to school safely

One morning when Rachael was getting ready for school, her mum told her that she would be walking to school by herself for the first time.

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Page 3: How rachael walked to school safely

She would be doing this because her sister was feeling sick. Rachael was quite daunted by this news, as she had to walk past two sneaky driveways and across a busy main road.

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Page 4: How rachael walked to school safely

After walking on the footpath for quite some time Rachael came to the sneaky driveway. First she listened for cars. Next she peeked around the wall to look for cars.

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Page 5: How rachael walked to school safely

When she saw that there were no cars coming out of the driveway she moved onto the next driveway.

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Page 6: How rachael walked to school safely

She did the same check on this driveway but this time there was a car (motaka) ! Rachael waited for the car to back out of the driveway and then she carried on walking.

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Page 7: How rachael walked to school safely

“Phew that was close just as well I listened (whakarongo) and looked (titiro),” said Rachael.

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Page 8: How rachael walked to school safely

Rachael walked on until she came to the busy road. Rachael saw that further down the road there was a set of lights. She decided that it would be a much safer option to walk the short distance to the lights than be hit by a car (motaka)!

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Page 9: How rachael walked to school safely

When she got to the lights she noticed that there was a road patrol out. The road patroller pressed the button on the light and the red man popped up on the light at the other side. Rachael picked up a flag and waited for the man to go green.

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Page 10: How rachael walked to school safely

As soon as the man on the light turned green the road patroller yelled, “Cross now!” Rachael walked across the crossing then joined up with her friends.

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Page 11: How rachael walked to school safely

They walked the rest of the way to school together where their first lesson was learning the colours of the rainbow in Te Reo Maori.

Page 12: How rachael walked to school safely

THE ENDCharacters:

•Rachael Mangos (main character)

•Alex Reilly (road patroller)

Pictures Taken By:

•Alex Reilly.

•Miss Olliff.

Edited By:

•Angus Seal.

•Madison Roberts.

Directed By:

•Alex Reilly

Special Thanks To;

•Mr Lynch.

•Miss Olliff.

•Mrs Williams.

•Mrs Gibson.

For Helping Us Get This Done!