Harry c arthur Deposition by Andy Vickery Attorney at Law

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Page 1 (Pages 1-4) HARRY C. ARTHUR January 26, 2010

Page 1 CAUSE NO. 2009-75693 2 HARRY C. ARTHUR AND ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT 'l'liE MARINE BUILDING, ) 3 L.L.C. ) )4vs. ) HARRIS COUNTY, TI::KAS ) 5 CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL ) AND THE BEACON ) 234Tli JUDICIAL DISTRICT 6 Page 3 2 1 INDEX 2 Appearances . 3 HARRY C. ARTHUR 4 Examination by Mr. Vickery. . . . . . 6 5 Examination by Mr. McKinney. 110 I'; Further Examination by Mr. Vickery. 127 7 Signature and changes. . . . . . . . . . 128 B Reporter's Certificate 130

25 22 st...ted on the record or attached hereto. 15nmnbered cause on January 26, 2010, from 1:12 p.m. to 200ne Riverw