LeadCap Ventures, nurtured by some of the great thinkers from the Ivy League, is a platform to empower youngsters from smaller towns in India with leadership opportunities, beyond their birth and living conditions. All our ventures are led by these youngsters, founded on a dream of nurturing leaders out of everyone. Group Dynamics Lead Capper: RaviRaj Arus

Group Dynamics RaviRaj Arus

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Page 1: Group Dynamics RaviRaj Arus

LeadCap Ventures, nurtured by some of the great thinkers from the Ivy League, is a platform to empower youngsters from smaller towns in India with leadership opportunities, beyond their birth and living conditions. All our ventures are led by these youngsters, founded on a dream of nurturing leaders out of everyone.

Group Dynamics

Lead Capper:

RaviRaj Arus

Page 2: Group Dynamics RaviRaj Arus

LeadCap Ventures, nurtured by some of the great thinkers from the Ivy League, is a platform to empower youngsters from smaller towns in India with leadership opportunities, beyond their birth and living conditions. All our ventures are led by these youngsters, founded on a dream of nurturing leaders out of everyone.

What is LeadCap?

LeadCap Ventures, nurtured by some of the great thinkers from the Ivy League, is a platform to empower youngsters from smaller towns in India with leadership opportunities, beyond their birth and living conditions. All our ventures, some for-profit and some not-for-profit, are led by these youngsters, founded on a dream of nurturing leaders out of everyone.

"Is there an Indian equivalent of the American Dream? LeadCap is striving to identify it": Forbes

RaviRaj Arus from Sirsi, a small town in North Karnataka, dreams about taking the leadership qualities that he imbibed beyond the shores of India. He wants to be the first to start-up LeadCap abroad. He also dreams about starting up an orphanage in a 5 acre land in his home town, where children would be treated with respect, where they would be taught how to stand-up and lead in this world, though they started with a disadvantage. Whenever he is not thinking about his venture abroad, orphanage and writing qualitative reports, he plays the role of a unifying thread in LeadCap, drawing and leveraging knowledge from multiple ventures. He is an MBA with Marketing, Finance and Operations Research specilizations.

Page 3: Group Dynamics RaviRaj Arus


What is Group Dynamics?

Group Dynamics Process

Why this topic?

Importance of Group Dynamics

Role of a Leader in Group Dynamics

Group Dynamics / LeadCap

LeadCap Planet

Page 4: Group Dynamics RaviRaj Arus

Group Dynamics ?......

“Group Dynamics refers to the study of human behaviors in a group”

Interaction among


People see themselves as members

Shared Goals

Two or More People

“A collection of two or more interacting individuals with a stable pattern of relationship between them, who share common goals and who perceive themselves as being a group.

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Process : Group Dynamics

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Why this topic ? Group Dynamics

In earlier days, an individuals was seeing himself / herself separately. For every work he/she did, they considered themselves as individual.

Later on they realized that, they could do the things more better than doing it individually. They found they could do the things in many ways instead of doing it in one way.

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Importance of Group Dynamics

Many things is life are beyond the capabilities of one individual. It takes a group efforts , to built a Jet airplane or a multistory building, it also takes a group efforts to play a cricket and to perform a television soap opera. The element common to each the above examples is the benefits of groups synergy. Synergy may be understood as the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. It is in this context that the famous 2+2=5 becomes relevant, when synergy occurs, groups accomplish more than the total of individual capabilities.

1. When the presence of an “expert” is uncertain, groups make judgments than would the average individuals .

2. When problem solving can be handled by a division of labour sharing of information, groups are typically more successful than individuals.

3. Because of their tendencies to make more risky decision than individuals, groups can be more creative and innovative in their task accomplishment.

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Role of a leader in Group Dynamics

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Group Dynamic / LeadCap

LeadCapGroup Dynamics











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LeadCap Planet

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Experience the Journey of LeadCap



















Learn Each Aspect with Dedication on a Continuous basis having Aspiration to Perform as a leader

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Experience the Journey of LeadCap

“ See yourself holding an Indian national flag, you are alone, you are a lead capper, now you are spreading the sense of leadership message to 5 more people…………

Everyone is holding the national flag, now imagine that you are spreading the sense of leadership message to many more people, its growing, its growing, growing……..

This message reaches more and more people. We are achieving our mission , that is building a nation of leaders……………

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For India to beA leaders of Nation……

It should become a Nation of Leaders………

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