LeadCap Ventures, nurtured by some of the great thinkers from the Ivy League, is a platform to empower youngsters from smaller towns in India with leadership opportunities, beyond their birth and living conditions. All our ventures are led by these youngsters, founded on a dream of nurturing leaders out of everyone. Qualitative Research Lead Capper : RaviRaj Arus

Leadership Lab - RaviRaj Arus

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Presentation given by Mr. RaviRaj Arus on Qualitative Research in Leadership Laboratory.

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Page 1: Leadership Lab - RaviRaj Arus

LeadCap Ventures, nurtured by some of the great thinkers from the Ivy League, is a platform to empower youngsters from smaller towns in India with leadership opportunities, beyond their birth and living conditions. All our ventures are led by these youngsters, founded on a dream of nurturing leaders out of everyone.

Qualitative Research

Lead Capper : RaviRaj Arus

Page 2: Leadership Lab - RaviRaj Arus

Qualitative research is an exploratory study, which gives us an in-depth understanding of

Human Behaviors and the Reasons to governing such particular behavior.


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History of QR

Qualitative research was one of the first forms of social studies. But till 1960 its popularity was being restricted discipline of Anthropology and sociology. In earlier days it was popularly known as so many names like ethnography, Field work, Participation observation.

After 1970 and 1980 it gained its importance since it is often used in education studies, social work, , information studies, management studies, and consumer products studies.

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How it is different ?Quantitative Qualitative

1. Objective Generating the Hypothesis Testing the Hypothesis

2. Meaning ? ?

3. Sample size Small number of non-representative cases

Large number of representative cases

4. Data Collection Method

Unstructured Structured

5. Nature of Data Non- Statistical Statistical

6. Software Atlas Ti, Hyper Research, QSR N6, Ethno Graph and Max QDA

SPSS, SAS, STATA and Minitab

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Qualitative Research Procedure

Qualitative Research


Direct Indirect

Focus Group Discussion

In-depth Interviews

Projective Techniques









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Focus Group Discussion

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1. Synergism. When a group of people with similar interestsdiscuss an issue together, they are likely to produce a richerinsight, wider range of information, and innovative ideas thanwill individual responses obtained privately.

2. Snowballing. In a group discussion, one person’s comment oftentriggers a chain reaction from the other participants andgenerates more views.

3. Stimulation. Once the focus group discussion is underway,general level of excitement over the topic increases, and a largenumber of respondents want to express their ideas and exposetheir feelings.

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4. Security. Because of homogeneity of composition, focus groupparticipants have similar feelings. This enables them to feelcomfortable and uninhibited to express their ideas/feelings.

5. Spontaneity. In focus groups participants are not required toanswer specific questions. Their responses can be spontaneousand unconventional reflecting an accurate idea of their views

6. Speed. Because people discuss issues simultaneously, datacollection and analysis in focus group proceed relatively quickly.

7. Inexpensive. Considering the richness of output, it is arelatively inexpensive method of data collection.

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An In-depth Interview

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Projective TechniquesWord Association

Sentence Completion

Story Completion

Cartoon Test

Thematic Appreciation Test

Role - Playing

Third-Person Techniques

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Word Association:

Stimulus Word Response

Bank Teller* ___________ Networking ___________ Automatic teller machine* Persian Carpet ___________ Driver ___________ Bank by Phone* ___________


In this technique, a list of carefully selected stimulus words or phrases related to the topic of research are read out, one at a time, to a respondent. The respondent is asked to respond with the first word or phrase that comes to his/her mind. The list of words should contain a mixture of test words and neutral words.

In the example shown here, the researchers seems to be interested in studying high-tech banking (words with *).

However, analyzing and interpreting test results are rather difficult.

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Sentence Completion:


Automatic teller machine users are______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Automatic teller machines may be convenient, but they______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My major concern about automatic teller machines is______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This technique is an extension of the free-word association test. In this This technique is an extension of the free-word association test. In this technique, the respondent is presented with some sentences containing technique, the respondent is presented with some sentences containing incomplete stimuli and is asked to complete them. Like the free-word incomplete stimuli and is asked to complete them. Like the free-word association method, interpreting and analyzing data obtained from this association method, interpreting and analyzing data obtained from this technique is also difficult.technique is also difficult.

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Story Completion:


Since Mr. Albert Lee had received a large commission by check justbefore leaving home for a holiday trip, he wanted to deposit it in anautomatic teller machine, because ___________, but his friend Mr.Wong told him that he should _____________, because_____________.

This technique is similar to the sentence completion test. However, in This technique is similar to the sentence completion test. However, in this technique, the respondent is presented with a specific scenario this technique, the respondent is presented with a specific scenario containing incomplete stimuli [containing incomplete stimuli [see example belowsee example below] and is asked to ] and is asked to complete the scenario. Interpreting and analyzing data obtained from complete the scenario. Interpreting and analyzing data obtained from this technique is also difficult.this technique is also difficult.

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DepositthischequenearestATM inthe

In the cartoon technique, the respondent is shown a comic-strip like cartoon with two characters in a conversation. While the speech of one character is shown in his/her balloon, the other balloon is empty.The respondent is asked to assume the role of the other person and fill

the empty balloon with a speech.

Cartoon Test:

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Thematic Appreciation Test:

Here respondents are shown a picture (or series of pictures) and asked to make up a story about the picture(s)

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Role – Playing:

In this case respondents are asked to play the role of someone else - researchers assume that subjects will project their own feelings or behaviors into the role

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Third-Person Techniques:

A verbal or visual representation of an individual and his/her situation is presented to the respondent - the respondent is asked to relate the attitudes or feelings of that person - researchers assume that talking in the third person will minimize the social pressure to give standard or politically correct responses

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Thank You

Lead Capper , RaviRaj Arus