Games in education – some key trends and initiatives in Europe Jeffrey Earp Institute for Educational Technology Italian Research Council keynote address @ Edupolicies Conference, Athens 26-28 Sept. 2014

Games in education – some key trends and initiatives in Europe

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Keynote address by Jeffrey Earp (ITD-CNR) at "Europolicies: International & European Trends in Education", Athens 26-28 Sept., 2014

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Page 1: Games in education – some key trends and initiatives in Europe

Games in educat ion – some key

t rends and in i t iat ives in Europe

Jeff rey Earp

Inst i tu te for Educat ional Technology

I ta l ian Research Counci l

keynote address @ Edupolicies Conference, Athens 26-28 Sept. 2014

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collaborative game making

21st century skills

serious games

game design

game based learning




design patterns

innovat ive pract ice

innovat ion

empir ica l research

universal des ign

inc lus ionSEN

educat ional software

teacher tra in ing

teacher competenc ies

Knowledge Soc iety

teacher educat ion

open educat ional resources

knowledge shar ing

profess ional development

Ini t ia l Teacher Educat ion

ICTcurr iculum

resource des ign

shar ing & reuse

resource catalogues

technology enhanced learning

educational technology

Page 4: Games in education – some key trends and initiatives in Europe

investi gati ng

pi loti ng

implementi ng

val idati ng

supporti ng

informing . . .educational policy

Edupolicies Conference – Athens, Sept. 2014

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educati onal innovati on in Europe -

the creati ve c lassroom


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Edupolicies Conference – Athens, Sept. 2014

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games in education - some trends & initiatives

US survey of 700 teachers in 2013/14

Edupolicies Conference – Athens, Sept. 2014

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Games and Learning Publishing Council - USA

2013/14 survey of 700 teachers

75% use digital games for teaching

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well-ordered problems connecting play & learning

good tools “cycle of expertise”

clear goals narrative immersion

safe failure multiple learning paths

learn by doing learning transfer

feedback & assessment design thinking

“Teaching as Designing”

GBL principles - James Paul Gee, 2011

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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1) communicati on in the mother tongue2) communicati on in foreign languages3) competences in maths, sc ience and technology4) digital competence5) learning to learn6) interpersonal , intercultural and social competences,

and c ivic competences7) entrepreneurship8) cultural expression

key competencies - EU

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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Game Based Learning

Gamifi cati on

Game Making

Serious Games

games in education - some trends & initiatives

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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“integrati on of games (or gaming mechanics) into educati onal experiences to support learning"

. . . of curr iculum contents and . . .

"soft ski l ls ( l ike) col laborati on, problem solving, communicati on, cr iti cal thinking, and digital l i teracy.”

Horizon Report 2012 K-12

Game Based Learning

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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• Commercia l off -the-shelf games - The Sims

• Massively Multi player Onl ine Role-playing Games (MMORPGs) - World of Warcraft

• Serious Games/Educati onal games - STEM/humaniti es games

• sandbox games - Minecraft (Edu)

• pervasive / Alternate Real i ty Games - ARG

• game authoring environments - Scratch, Magos


some digital game types

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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• Place & space in the curr iculum• Assessment• Planning & organisati on

o what game/so access to and management of dig ital

environment o design of teaching unito managing acti viti es - in/out of c lass,



key teacher concerns

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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GEL key questions

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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Serious Games

games designed for purposes other than entertainment

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014


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Gamifi cati on

appl icati on of game mechanics & mechanisms to non-game contexts

to enhance engagement / learning

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entrepreneurship in Europe's schools

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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educati onal game making

design and producti onof digital games to support learning

. . . of curr iculum contents and . . .

21st century ski l ls : col laborati on, problem solving, communicati on, cr iti cal thinking, dig ital l i teracy

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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digital maker movement

makes i t

with Italy 's pol icy makers!

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MAGICAL snapshot

What? game making for learning and transversal skills

When? 1 Jan. 2012 – 01 Oct. 2014 (33 months)

How? EU Longlife Learning Progamme KA3 (ICT)

Who? Institute for Education Technology, CNR (IT)

Tampere University of Technology - TUT (FI)

Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE)

+ specially commissioned institution - GAPMET (GR)

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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Main project objectives

• Investigate collaborative game making as a student-centred, hands-on approach to learning

• Examine support for 21st C. skills: collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, ICT literacy

• Implement game-making environments & activities

• Support broader uptake of collaborative game making in education

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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Target populations

• Primary school students

• Student teachers

• In-service teachers

• Staff dealing with special needs (SEN)

Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014

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Core outputs

• Magos (Lite & Classic ) game making-platform

• Library of game making environments

• Pedagogical planning tool

• Set of reusable pedagogical plans

• Set of ready to use games

• Guide for classroom practice

• Toolkit for teacher/educator training courses

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MAGOS Lite game-making environment

29Edupolicies Conference – Athens 2014Magos Lite

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Library of Game Making Environments for Learners

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Pedagogical planner for GBL

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MAGICAL website http://www.magical-project.net/

MAGOS platform http://magos.pori.tut.fi/

Pedagogical Planner http://www.magical.itd.cnr.it/

Library of Game Making Environments for Learners


MAGICAL bibliography on Mendeley

http://www.mendeley.com/groups/1932391/magical-collaborative-game-design-for-learning/ Scoop.It! curated game

making feedhttp://www.scoop.it/t/game-making-and-learning

my email [email protected]

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