Fruit Export from Ecuador to Russia Sharon Mendez Nicole Mosquera Indira Guevara Michelle Orellana Carla Stopper Rocibel Sanchez Bryant Estupinan Paula Paredes Grade 10

Fruit export from Ecuador to Russia

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Fruit Export

from Ecuador

to RussiaSharon Mendez

Nicole Mosquera

Indira Guevara

Michelle Orellana

Carla Stopper

Rocibel Sanchez

Bryant Estupinan

Paula Paredes

Grade 10


Ecuador evaluates bids could present export to Russia after Moscow's decision to cease for a year importing various food products from USA, EU, Canada, Norway and Australia.

Between January and May this year, Ecuador exportedUSD 387 million to Russia, 18% more than the last year. The banana is ahead in shipments to Russia.

• So far Russia bought 30% of exports of fruits of the EU countries.

• According to IHS, Russia consulting company, is the largest export of fruits and vegetables in the EU market, reports The Financial Times.

In terms of demand in Russia, fruit and vegetables have a high cost and usually the Russian consumers are willing to pay a high price, also requires quality. Market demand all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

Russian Imports

Turkey brings almost 30% of citrus fruits that Russia imports. As for Spain, it presents very positive growth figures in citrus fruits. On the other hand, and as already been reviewed, the Spanish product is considered Premium.

Mandarins produced in Spain, have their place, especially in Christmas, when the consumption of these fruits is intensified in Russia.

In the field of fresh fruits, exporters also are wary the Russian market, due to the long distances. Although Ecuadorian fruits do come to Russia, basically do as a pulp and paste. "In the case of fresh mango, logistics does not allow us to get there. The handle is perishable, does not survive more than 20 days trip. "Says Bernardo Malo, president of the Mango Ecuador Foundation, the sector comprising exporters of fresh fruit. Exports of fruit puree and paste to Russia did not exceed USD 5 million in 2013 "There is a limitation in the port aspect: the number of ships entering is limited, due to the port's draft. The other option, via plane, is too expensive, "Malo said.

Ecuador Agricultural Products


As well as a rich source of minerals Melon also provides high levels of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C and farms depending upon demand between 2000-5000 hectares per annum, the main types are honeydews, Yellow Canary melons and Cantaloupes.

The main harvesting occurs between Sept-Jan and is packed in 11kg (22lbs) boxes which take dependent upon size around 5-15 melons per box. The prime importing countries are the United States, Argentina, Germany, England, Portugal and Colombia.


Grown on a farmed area of around 4,950 hectares in 1997 Ecuador shipped approximately 9,421 metric tons in fruit and juices amounting to around US$3,643,000.

Pineapple is also a rich source for minerals and Vitamins A, B, and C while the main two crops in Ecuador are the Cavensa Lisa and Española Roja (Spanish Red).

Most of the fruit is exported to France, Switzerland, Brazil Chile and the United states for processed pineapple.

Passion Fruit

Also known as Maracuya in Non-English speaking countries this fruit is rich as many Ecuadorian fruits in Vitamin A, B5 and C although its vitamin levels are the highest of all the worlds fruits.

As with most fruit farming is undertaken on around 3,610 hectares throughout the year while the main importers are Germany, Belgium, France, Sweden, Holland, Colombia and the United States


Rich in Vitamins A and C this is another fruit that due to all year round climatic advantages can be shipped all year long while other continents suffer harsher Winters. The main recognized names of strawberry in Ecuador are Chandler, Oso Grande, Taft, Fresno, and Tioga.

Ecuador also exports its strawberries for jams, in cans, frozen in syrup, and individually quick-frozen for yogurts and ice cream production. The main users are the Unites States, Germany, Russia Argentina, France, Holland, Spain and the United Kingdom Colombia.


Mango, is as many fruits from Ecuador due to its great all year round climate and rich soils very high in Vitamins A and C as well as carbohydrates and further minerals. The current allocation of land given to the Mango is around 4,107 hectares and Exports began in 1986 with the main varieties being Tommy Atkins, Edward Haden, Kent, and Van Dyke.

The main end uses of this fruit are used mainly for jams, ice cream, juice or canned and is exported fresh. The major importers are United States, Spain, Holland, Italy, France and Argentina. The regular shipments are made in plain cardboard boxes which has between 8-16 pieces according to the various sizes.

To Take Note

Russia is one of the few countries with which Ecuador has surplus of exports.

The shipments were made last year for $ 532 million, an increase of 17% compared to 2012, according to the Central Bank.
