Font and colour

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Page 1: Font and colour


Page 2: Font and colour

Why are fonts and colour important

• Font and colour is an important element in sending your intended message to the audience in a form they can understand.

Page 3: Font and colour

Types of fonts

Font FontOld English text Lucida console

This font looks old fashioned, it makes it look like its posh. The lines are all straight therefor it looks formal. The lines are thicker/bolder

This font looks more modern as the ends of each letter don’t have a flick, they have a straight edge. This font has curvy lines

Page 4: Font and colour

French script font• A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZThis font is an elegant sophisticated font, therefor this would be used for a classical or a jazz

music magazine, this font could not be used for a heavy metal, rock, DJ or pop music magazine. This font is posh, this suggests that it could be used for serious text or to show sophistication.

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Impact fonta b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

This font is big and bold, this would grab the readers attention, therefor this would be used on a magazine cover or a poster, something big which needs to stand out to the reader. This font has thick letters so that it is easy to see and clear for the audience to read.

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Handwriting fonts

This handwriting font is neat, this suggests that the person who did it took time on it because they care about appearance, therefor this font would be used on a pop magazine.

This font looks as if the person who did it doesn’t care what it looks like and didn’t take much time doing it, it looks messy and as if it was just done quick to get it out of the way, therefor this could be used on a heavy metal or a rock magazine.

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Size of fonts

big small

Size indicates importance, the bigger the font, the more important it is. Therefor the masthead and main coverline on a magazine would be in a big font to show they are the most important pieces of text on the front cover. Another reason why it being big is important is so that its clear and easy to read and grabs the readers attention.

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Colours are important because they represent peoples age and gender. Therefor colour is important on a magazine front cover so that the target audience is clear and so that the genre of the magazine is represented by the colours.

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Colour representation.Blue shows relaxation and represents being calm.

Yellow represents happiness and joy and fun

Green represents nature and growth and freshness

Red connotes destruction and danger.

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Wrong choice of colour and font

rock musicThis is the wrong choice of font and colour because it doesn’t represent the genre. Pink and yellow suggest this could be for a pop magazine, however the genre of the magazine is ‘rock music’. Also the font ‘cooper black’ isn't the right font to represent the genre of rock music. Another reason why this is the wrong choice of colour and font is because it doesn’t match the representation of the genre.

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The right choice of colour and font

Dj musicThis is a good choice of colour and font because it represents the genre. The font is big and

bold, therefor this would be suitable for a masthead because it would stand out to the audience and It is clear to read. The colours of this are a good choice because the orange stands out against the black background. And the colours also represent the genre.

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Mind map of colours

Dj music Dj music

i would choose black as one of my colours because its plain and makes the other colours stand out. Another reason I would use black is because it represents the dark venues where d's normally are.

Dj music

I would choose to use a bright colour such as lime green, bright orange or bright blue so that they stand out from the black background. I would also choose a bright colour because they represent the lights in a club which is associated with DJ’s.

I would choose to use white because it contrasts with the black background. Also the white represents strobe lights.

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Mind map of fonts

All of these fonts are clear and easy to read. They all have a dJ theme