TEENAGE MAGAZINE Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow Part 2 Will Be Released This July 2011. Justin Bieber: Tips: “Hi Indonesia. I’m happy to be here” 5 Tips To Help You Stay Healthy Sport News: Dubai Badminton To Break Records (More than 500 players expected in this year's tournament)

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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow Part 2

Will Be Released This July 2011.

Justin Bieber: Tips:“Hi Indonesia. I’m happy to be here” 5 Tips To Help You Stay Healthy

Sport News: Dubai Badminton To Break Records(More than 500 players expected in this year's tournament)

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From the redaction

5 Tips To Help You Stay Healthy

The key to a long, happy and prosperous life is, of course, good health. While we may be pre-destined to certain conditions or diseases, there are definitely things we can do to ward off

illness and stay healthy for as long as possible. Here are five simple tips that anyone can do to help you live a long life full of good health.

1. No smokingDon't smoke, and if you do quit immediately. Smoking is perhaps the most preventable and avoidable cause of many debilitating and fatal diseases and conditions.

2. Drink in moderationStudies have shown that drinking in moderation, meaning no more than one drink per day, can have a protective effect on the body depending on the type of alcohol consumed. Red wine, for instance, has been shown to have a positive effect on the heart while distilled spirits such as vodkas and bourbons may increase a person's risk of developing certain cancers.

3. Eat healthyAn overwhelming percentage of the population is either overweight or obese. A simple, yet sensible eating plan coupled with regular exercise is the absolute best way to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy for the rest of your life.

4. Exercise regularlyFor example walking, running, swimming, bicycling

5. Make time to relaxResearch has proved that those with a Type-A personality or those who are prone to stress or anger are far more likely to suffer from heart-related illnesses as well as a host of other detrimental conditions.3. In order for long-lasting concealer, powder Dab on pimples that have been covered with concealer. Once again, use a cotton bud or a makeup sponge tip is still clean, to avoid acne exposed to bacteria.

4. Apply foundation to the entire surface of the face, including the acne. Concealer that covers acne will not be deleted because it was protected by the powder.

5. After the foundation dioles flat on your face, please continue to dress up as usual. Annoying red acne has now been out of sight.

Dear Readers would like to inform that teenage

magazines are magazines that contain information

about the update. There should also be informed here

that the teenage magazine is now the first edition in

decent value for publication and can be an

inspiration to readers. Of course not all the news of

teenage magazines will be loaded.

In this edition we focus on discussing the latest

information in Indonesia. There is Justin Bieber,

First Brigadier Norman and many more. We think

this teenage magazine still has its own advantages

and disadvantages. In addition, we also display the

latest news about one of your favorite high school in

the city of Singkawang. What are its contents please

just read in this edition.

Created by:

Irma Setyani

Nasya Nurrachma

Nurul Wulandari

Santi Chairoti







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Thousand Viewers "Hi Indonesia. I'm happy to be here"

VIVAnews - A total of 10 thousand spectators witnessed the action stage, Justin Bieber tonight in the series "My World Tour" it in Indonesia. Located at the Sentul International Convention Center, he managed to anesthetize the audience is predominantly young women. Opening concert with the song "Love Me", Justin was wearing a white jacket and pants. Lacks music from disc jockeys and four dancers, he made thousands of spectators

hysterically screaming his name. Canadian singer was also demonstrated that mixed martial arts action with a dance. After the song "Bigger", Bieber also greeted the audience. "Hi Indonesia. I'm happy to be here. You know, I do anything to be here," Justin said on stage. He continued his concert by singing "You Smile" with a very slick. While singing the song "Runaway Love", Bieber opened his jacket. Wearing a purple shirt and hat, which is her favorite color, he amaze the audience with breakdancing movement. In concert this time, Bieber also performed the song "Never Let You Go" acoustic version. Also played a video of Justin Bieber's childhood at the age of three years, after he performed the song "Favorite Girl" and "One Last Lonely Girl". In the video it looks fun little Bieber

playing guitar and singing. Bieber hits "Never Say Never", "One Time" and "That Should Be Me", the display with stunning stage act. Again and again he displays expertise and dance together with the background dancers. No wonder thousands of spectators back hysterical look at the action stage. He also showed skill in playing the drums. For three minutes he was doing the drum solo. The song hits "Eeeme Meenie," "Pray" and "Baby" became the perfect closing concert tonight.

Chief of Police Mobile Brigade Commander Gorontalo to appear in Norman's latest video.

VIVAnews - First Brigadier Norman Kamaru re-emerged in recent videos. If the video 'Police craze', Gorontalo BriMobs did lipsync, now Norman sings the song 'Love Farhat' by lawyer Farhat Abbas.Latest video clip of this Norman circulating in Youtube site and has a duration of 3 minutes 29 seconds. This video was uploaded the first time since Monday, April 11, 2011, and is now visited

by 55 thousand people.Video opens with a picture of the statue of General Sudirman and buildings in Jakarta. In addition, a number of leadership Norman of Gorontalo to the Police Mobile Brigade Commander General of the East Pradopo appear in the video.Video also continues where Norman is wearing a dark blue uniform Brimob, singing the song Love Farhat from the car. Occasionally a video piece 'Police craze' is inserted in this video. In addition, also displayed a picture when Norman did the recording in a studio.Unlike previous videos, the video clip is also present a female model wearing a sleeveless pink.





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5 Steps To Covering The Naughty Acne with


It's annoying if there is an important event that requires us to look beautiful, but a big pimple red nan suddenly appeared on the face. It was impossible to heal in an instant, but we've got tricks to cover it so as not to be seen.

1. Dab astringent in cotton, then pat on the acne. If you do not have the kind of astringent toner, can also use eye drops. Believe it or not, eye drops can reduce acne by the way red blood vessels shrink around the lump. Squirt a little over pimples and blend with fingertips.

2. The main weapon that must be held to cover acne: concealer. All brand cosmetic concealer product release. You can choose the kind that feel most appropriate, whether it is a cream, or a pencil. Choose a concealer with the same color as your skin color, and Dab on pimple and bumps in the surrounding red. To be free from bacteria and acne does not get worse, apply concealer with a cotton or a cotton bud.

getting down.. I know she was waiting for me.. when i went to her. she said ” Hey, i told you already. i dont like this type of stuff. please dont disturb me. i have to study”. i too wanted to shout ” what did you tell me” but sound was blocked in my mouth. then she went. while going back she gave a look back, i dont know what was she thinking at that time, i think she felt sorry, then she said in a soft voice, almost calmed voice. dont send any mediators and disturb me.I actually was confused on what feelings to show. as i was a bit happy that the first time she talked to me and sad that that she hated me. But this is all a short love story with small twist… But the actuall turning point in my life was later after around a month. I used to write my personal diary….the diary was the only one friend i shared all my life with ,after my friend Sanju…I used to maintain it secretly. at last one day my mom found that DIARy…In every page of the diary Her name was highlight..My parents scolded me a lot…Actually my mom said

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that Harini’s mother visited our home to complain about me.It am still not able to believe…next day Sanju went to her and asked her about that. she said” No, i did not tell anything to my mother”. I was not there at that time. i could not go to college with that scoldings. LOVE was very good upto the day i was forced by my parents to Burn the diary myself,,,,IT WAS VERY PAINFULL. it was like burning my own memorys…. i lost my one close friend-DIARY. i wanted to talk to her many time but i remember the day when she said ” dont disturb me. i have to study”. I will never leave her in my life. I will talk to her dad after her studies and also my studies. After i am settled in a good position in my life… I still love her a lot…I am not forcing her to LOVE me back. i am just making her realise ” NOBODY LOVES YOU THE MOST I LOVE YOU…. You will be happy with me beside you”.

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow Part 2

This is the most awaited film by the fans of Harry Potter as the latest edition of Harry Potter film series ever. Film Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows itself is made in two parts. The first part has been played in theaters in November 2010 that then, while the second part will be released on July 7, 2011 simultaneously in all over the world. The film is still played by Daniel Radcliffe,

Emma Watson, Rupert Grint.Premier Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is planned to take place fantastic. Screenings will premiere a show first premiere ever held in Trafalgar Square - the heart of London that became a tourist attraction throughout the UK. Reportedly at Aceshowbiz, Mayor of London Boris Johnson has allowed the Harry Potter stars like Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint to walk on the red carpet to be held in Trafalgar Square. Harry Potter stars at the same time it will meet their fans in Trafalgar Square and then they will walk towards Leicester Square to watch the film.

Trailer 7 Heart, 7 Love, 7 Women Tired of seeing the film Indonesia weird? Well, it's time to watch Indonesian movie quality. Get ready to welcome seven Heart, 7 Love, 7 Women at your favorite theater. Through this film, Happy Salma has been named as Assistant Women Starring FFI 2010 and Jajang C. Noer was nominated as best actress.Synopsis:As a gynecologist, Kartini (Jajang C. Noer) to meet a variety of female patients from different backgrounds but are equally victims of male figure in their lives. He ministered to teenagers who

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become pregnant out of wedlock, wives who experienced domestic violence and sex workers who suffer from uterine cancer. Kartini own trying to bury his past relationship full of problems with several different men. This is why Kartini always been skeptical of the meaning of love and therefore he also reluctant to get married.Anton (Heng Solaiman), another doctor, expressing his sincere feelings towards Kartini and proposed. Although friends and family encourage, Kartini survive the reluctant attitude and ragunya about the future of marriage. Everything changed when he met a junior gynecologist who eccentric but friendly, Rohana (Marcella Zalianty). *Producer: Diamond Kieflie, Revi Budiman *Director: Robby Ertanto Soediskam *Starring: Jajang C Noer, Marcella Zalianty, Olga Lydia, Hengky

Solaiman, Tamara Tyasmara, Happy Salma, Rangga Djoned, Tegar Satria, Verdi Solaiman, Bombom Gumbira, M Zaky, Intan Kieflie


Love Stories: True LoveI still remember the day when i was going to write 10th exams, the exam center was not far enough from my house. my friends and i went to write the first exam. after the exam i saw her, HARINI… at first nothing was special and i came to know she lives near my house. And later than the exams were over and i got joined in Intermediate college, when the first day i board the college bus… i saw her, she was looking very attractive as ever. Dont know why, i wanted to see her all the time, i dont know about her feelings but she also used to take the apportunity to see me. In the crowded bus, i use to get the shot of her eyes seeing me. then later i fell in LOVE with those cute eyes and then with her heart…..i dont know the exact meaning of LOVE but i wanted to do anything for her…. I still remember when in the evening while going to home,one of the student

commented on her. I dont know that she listened it or not but i almost had fight with him… I was really surprised by my own behavior…fighting for some girl. I was sure by now it was LOVE….Slowly the matter got leaked in my college bus mates….some of my friends use to shout while going to home loudly ” SANDEEP-HARINI” i was bit tensed but she used to laugh…then in my second year i decided to propose my love to her. that day i was well prepared and took a good greeting card and followed her…but then i could not dare to tell and then i missed the chance.One day a guy once met me… he suddenly started to talk to me as if we are best friends. he said he knows about me and my LOVE.. he said ” i can help you, i know some of her friends”..He was Sanvith.. I thought he was dropped down by god to help me out. He conveyed my LOve to her through her friend…she still used to laugh. I thought ” am i looking like a JOKER”. Sanvith said to me ” she said ‘ let him approach himself’” . I then prepared once again for Love proposal..that day as usual all my bus mates were shouting ” SANDEEP-HARINI” when we reached our stop…she seemed quite angry. she waited after

"We have opened the doors of our tournament to players from outside UAE irrespective of the visa status hence players from Qatar, Bahrain, India, Pak-istan, Philippines, Oman, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Denmark and the UK are expected to take part," said Sunil Singh the ex-officio of the India Club.

Top ranked player

The last date for receiving entries is May 18.

"We will be flying in four top ranked players out of the ten top ranked players in India to lift the standard of competition," added Singh.

Cash prizes and trophies amounting to over Dh50,000 will be distributed among the winners. The various categories include girls and boys singles starting from the age of 10 to 18, men's and women's singles and doubles, veterans categories for over the age of 40 to 55 in 24 different categories will be staged.

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OUR SCHOOLSchool ProfileName of School / Type : SMA Negeri 1 Singkawang / Public School

School Level : Senior High School (Years 10 – 12)

Location : Singkawang City – West Kalimantan

Year of Establishment :1957

Pupil Enrollment : 426


1. Administrators : 4

2. Teachers :37

3. Non-Teaching Staff :9

Unique Features and General Description of School Facilities:

1. Has a multicultural group of students (Chinese, Malay, Dayak,

Javanese, and other ethnicities).

2. Four classes (Year X – RSBI) have been equipped by LCD, air-conditioned with class ICT.

3. Computer Laboratory, with LAN and Wifi internet access.

4. A large auditorium building for 750 people.

5. Available Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Language laboratories.

6. Available Hotspot 24 hours for students’ internet access in school area.

7. Library toward digital access.

8. Available sport and art facilities (volley ball, basket, badminton court, 2 tennis table boards, and house/room art).

9. UKS/Health Centre.

10. House/room for Sispala (students who love nature) “Camar”.

11. Has achieved Healthy School Environment .

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Sport News

Dubai badminton to break recordsMore than 500 players expected in this year's tournament

Sunl Sawlani (right), vice chairman of India Club, and Sunil Singh, ex-officio, India Club, during the press conference India Club Western Union UAE Open Badminton Tournament 2011.Dubai: Badminton as a sport is yet to have a governing body but the number of participants in the India Club Western Union UAE Open Badminton tournament will break all records for the largest number of participants.

The tournament, the oldest in the UAE, will begin on May 24 and include more than 500 players.

Last year it broke its record with 501 entries and 460 matches played in various categories "This year we will break that record too and we will stage 15 matches every day and over 50 matches on Fridays," said Sunil Sawlani, vice chairman, India Club.

The final will be held on June 17.

The tournament, which started in the early 1980s, has been staged every year except in 1997 and 1999.

AQUARIUSGeneral: a moment just to feel happy. It was not yet willing to part. Time for planning purposes to mature. Do not be too thought out, you'll be sick. Take time to have fun with friends.Love: Keeping your emotions and moods so as not to be too up and down is actually not a difficult thing. As long as you want to organize it, your relationship with the couple will stay calm.

AQUARIUSGeneral: a moment just to feel happy. It was not yet willing to part. Time for planning purposes to mature. Do not be too thought out, you'll be sick. Take time to have fun with friends.Love: Keeping your emotions and moods so as not to be too up and down is actually not a difficult thing. As long as you want to organize it, your relationship with the couple will stay calm.

PISCESGeneral: Work is piling up at last resolved. The focus and enthusiasm will give satisfactory results. Patience with people who are less appreciate your efforts, the wheels turning.

Love: There is no partner who likes to be so controlled and accounted for over protective.

PISCESGeneral: Work is piling up at last resolved. The focus and enthusiasm will give satisfactory results. Patience with people who are less appreciate your efforts, the wheels turning.

Love: There is no partner who likes to be so controlled and accounted for over protective.

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Vision / Mission Statement:


Preeminent in Achievement Stable in Creation Pursuant to Faith and God fearing


1. To develop a healthy organizational school system having an environmental conception, harmoniously chic, leafy and shady.

2. To improve the quality of school personnel resources in their own duties to achieve an international school profile

3. To provide a quality bilingual educational opportunity for highly qualified students

4. To conduct the process of teaching and learning with quality, well-organized discipline and democracy, which is supported by adequate learning facilities

5. To foster and empower educators in developing teaching and learning materials in the forms of modules, hand-out, and ICT-Based materials

6. To optimize in exploiting the school facilities to pick aback the quality of teaching and learning process

7. To build a harmonious relationship among school community – school, school committee/parents, students and the surroundings


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MATERIALS:170 grams dark cooking chocolate75 grams margarine2 eggs75 grams sugar75 grams of wheat flourWalnut Nuts½ Teaspoon baking powder

how to make:-Melt the dark cooking chocolate and margarine.-Beat eggs and sugar until dissolved.-Enter the flour and baking powder are sifted and mix evenly.-Add the melted chocolate and margarine, stirring evenly.-Pour in a pan of brownies that dioles margarine and covered with paper. Set aside.-Heat the first steam after boiling and then enter a pan of brownies, before closing, put the walnuts which are sliced thin and dioseng with Teflon (low heat) to appear brownish-Steam for 30 minutes over low heat.-Lift out of pan, then split with a sharp knife whichso do not be destroyed, lift the top, then fill the center with chocolate or dark cooking chocolate meses who already grated (just a little and evenly) and then re-united with parts of steamed brownies.-Wait a cold and ready to serve

GEMINIGeneral: There is also a farewell meeting. Time to finish the job you snooze. Lots of homework piling up. Face the debate with a cool head, do not be hasty in action. Love: Do not be ashamed to express feelings in advance, especially if you are "single". For those pairs, good emotional control will make the relationship more enjoyable. Just wait and see.

GEMINIGeneral: There is also a farewell meeting. Time to finish the job you snooze. Lots of homework piling up. Face the debate with a cool head, do not be hasty in action. Love: Do not be ashamed to express feelings in advance, especially if you are "single". For those pairs, good emotional control will make the relationship more enjoyable. Just wait and see.

CANCERGeneral: a super busy week with a myriad of activities. Take time for relaxation if you do not want to saturated.Love: On the one hand you're happy, on the other hand you also are a mellow mood. The problem is most expert love toying with someone's feelings. But that does not mean you should submit and surrender when swayed.

CANCERGeneral: a super busy week with a myriad of activities. Take time for relaxation if you do not want to saturated.Love: On the one hand you're happy, on the other hand you also are a mellow mood. The problem is most expert love toying with someone's feelings. But that does not mean you should submit and surrender when swayed.

LEOGeneral: Time to perform the routine again. New challenges in front of the eye. Do not worry, you can do it. Suddenly the old memories came back. Do not let him haunt your life.Love: Do not feel guilty if the person who is close to some of the time you start away. There's nothing wrong with you, maybe he's not suitable for you.

LEOGeneral: Time to perform the routine again. New challenges in front of the eye. Do not worry, you can do it. Suddenly the old memories came back. Do not let him haunt your life.Love: Do not feel guilty if the person who is close to some of the time you start away. There's nothing wrong with you, maybe he's not suitable for you.

VIRGOGeneral: Time for a holiday to celebrate the success. Assertiveness and discipline led to good results. Love: Your bad habit is too soon to conclude anything and express it without thinking. Well, this is the main source of problems in your relationship. No wonder if the spouse was depressed and did not agree with you.

VIRGOGeneral: Time for a holiday to celebrate the success. Assertiveness and discipline led to good results. Love: Your bad habit is too soon to conclude anything and express it without thinking. Well, this is the main source of problems in your relationship. No wonder if the spouse was depressed and did not agree with you.

LIBRAGeneral: Your efforts give very satisfactory results. Satisfied with your business associates. Time to expand the business into other fields.

Love: Work or your busy life to give a negative effect this weekend. It seems you are too busy so that people you care about feel less attention.

LIBRAGeneral: Your efforts give very satisfactory results. Satisfied with your business associates. Time to expand the business into other fields.

Love: Work or your busy life to give a negative effect this weekend. It seems you are too busy so that people you care about feel less attention.

SCORPIOGeneral: Do not be easily incited others who have not proven the truth of his words. The work done do not be a wrong move if you do not want to be disappointed.Love: This week the best time for you who are still "single" or in pairs to find the time with a lover to get closer to each other. Ignore the problem of basic principles that could be prohibitive. Focus on commitment and relationships.

SCORPIOGeneral: Do not be easily incited others who have not proven the truth of his words. The work done do not be a wrong move if you do not want to be disappointed.Love: This week the best time for you who are still "single" or in pairs to find the time with a lover to get closer to each other. Ignore the problem of basic principles that could be prohibitive. Focus on commitment and relationships.

SagitariusGeneral: Be thankful, luck was on your side. Thanks to your persistent struggle, promising results already in sight.Love: Why? You feel there is something wrong with your current relationship? If it is true, think about it and find out first. Talk with your partner to know certainty. Do not even tell the problem to someone you do not know, it'll just bring up another problem.

SagitariusGeneral: Be thankful, luck was on your side. Thanks to your persistent struggle, promising results already in sight.Love: Why? You feel there is something wrong with your current relationship? If it is true, think about it and find out first. Talk with your partner to know certainty. Do not even tell the problem to someone you do not know, it'll just bring up another problem.


General: Too busy with extra work to make you forget the core work in the office. To settle if the boss does not want to be reproved.

Love: You are getting close relationship with a partner even though there are still some differences in principle in the relationship.


General: Too busy with extra work to make you forget the core work in the office. To settle if the boss does not want to be reproved.

Love: You are getting close relationship with a partner even though there are still some differences in principle in the relationship.

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rawon kentangIngredients:2 bay leaves

1 stalk lemongrass, crushedTwo lime leaves100 grams tetelan, chopped500 grams of potato round, peeled2 tablespoons soy sauce500 ml water50 grams short sprouts2 tablespoons cooking oil

Spices:5 red onions2 cloves garlic1 teaspoon coriander2 cm turmeric2 slices galangal3 pieces keluwak, take it1 teaspoon shrimp paste2 tablespoons soy sauce

HOW TO MAKE:Saute spices, bay leaves, lemongrass, and lime leaves until fragrant. Enter tetelan. Tetelan Stir until soft.Add potatoes and soy sauce. Stir and add water little by little until all the ingredients cooked. Serve with bean sprouts.

Serves 6.


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material:-200 grams bengkoang, small diced-100 grams of sugarBlue-dye cake to taste (you should not over-ya)-150 grams of corn starch600cc water-blue fizzy drinks-200 cc of fresh milk-150 grams of nata de coco-1 canned lychees, drained all

how to make:a. Boil sugar until bengkoang bengkoang and soft, remove and drain.b. Mix the blue dye yam, yam roll into sago flour until blended.c. Boil yam until evaporated and re-cooked, drainedd. Mix the blue soda, milk. Mix welle. prepared in a glass: yam, nata de coco, lychees. Pour soda mixture, serve. Able to 4 cups


ARIESGeneral: a fun week. Work and romance go hand in hand.There is no harm in sharing sustenance . The good do not easily persuaded friends who just want to take advantage of youLove: That in the past have led to disagreement with the him this weekend. The past should not be remembered and not make weight in a relationship.

ARIESGeneral: a fun week. Work and romance go hand in hand.There is no harm in sharing sustenance . The good do not easily persuaded friends who just want to take advantage of youLove: That in the past have led to disagreement with the him this weekend. The past should not be remembered and not make weight in a relationship.


General: Projects not anticipated the road as well. Better to focus on doing that there, will also be fruitful sweet.

Love: This week, your love is not so good. Disagreement that appears to make the relationship so memorable cold. Moreover, the sense of not setujunya shown by keeping a distance from you.


General: Projects not anticipated the road as well. Better to focus on doing that there, will also be fruitful sweet.

Love: This week, your love is not so good. Disagreement that appears to make the relationship so memorable cold. Moreover, the sense of not setujunya shown by keeping a distance from you.