How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation - Q2) - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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How does your media product

represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents middle class, working class, employed and lower class people because of the price my magazine is currently at which is £3.99, this is not expensive for a music magazine. My magazine represents professionals because of the high quality maintained throughout my magazine (e.g. Front cover, contents page and double page spread) The colours used, gold and white represent wealth because gold is the colour of money or value and the black writing represents professionalism because it is simple and standard to use black font. People who are on benefits would be able to afford my magazine and would be attracted to it because of the bright colours, it would stand out on a shelf in a supermarket, also they would be attracted to the magazine because they may know the artists on the front. My magazine represents the upper-class people because of the models costumes, they are smart but with a modern effect on them. The Vintage era is was very much about class and status and looking the part therefore this would appeal to them very much.

My magazine represents people who live in cities and towns because in general people who live in rural places and travel by bus, train or aeroplane, they take something with them to read, my magazine would appeal to these social groups because my target audience is people ages 16-20, people aged 16 -17 cannon drive so these types of transport are a necessity . People read the magazine on public transport which encourages other people to buy the magazine. People from the vintage era would be inclined to buy ‘New Vintage’ magazine because it is unusual for magazine to be made about vintage music. My magazine represents schools because of the target audience being 16 year olds who are more than likely still at school.

My magazine represents youth clubs because of its target audience being 16-20, people go to youth clubs to hang out with their friends and listen to music and in my magazine it gives advice as to where free music will be released. ‘New Vintage’ represents customers by the information which is given on the front of the magazine, it gives important information as the what is in the magazine, the contents page also does this so before the customer buys the magazine it gives them an insight as the whether they would like to buy the magazine or not. Teen groups is represented because there are teen groups who are interested in the vintage era, my magazine represents these by using vintage colours and offering competitions to see vintage artists and find out exclusive information about their favourite artists. ‘New Vintage’ represents educational groups by informing the reader on true information, educating them on the history of music.

‘New Vintage’ represents Young people because on the front cover the model is a young artist. It also represents male and female audience because there are male and female models on the front cover and there is no gender bias colour scheme. Parents and grandparents are represented in the magazine because they are old enough to enter competitions and they would be interested in the artists in the magazine because they are from the older generation so they would remember some of the songs the artists are covering from the vintage era. Most parents were brought up with this kind of music. Single parents are represents in ‘New Vintage’ because on the front cover there are no couples, the main model is on her own, single, showing her power as an individual by dominating the front cover.

‘New Vintage’ represents divorced, single, seperated, widowed people because the model, Cour on the front cover represents individuality and importance on her own, this would attract people of these statuses. My magazine represents enemies because on the contents page there is ‘Ed Sheeran or Meat loaf’ showing they are enemies in their types of music they produce being so different. Sisters are represented because there are many female singers on throughout the magazine. Brothers are represented due to the amount of male artists in the magazine . Gay and bisexual people are represented by the whole magazine because music in general is a main interest of gay and bisexual people.

Post natal depression is represented in my magazine it is targeted at parents. Social networking sites are available to join which also display information where people with disabilities can get information and help if needed as they provide helpline numbers. An improvement I would make to my magazine if I had to do it again would be to include more features of people with disabilities. People with addictions are represented through ‘Afire’ having a cigarette in both pictures of him in the magazine.

Gifted people like singers and dancers are

represented through the genre of the

magazine, music. People who make

money are represented as the artists in the

magazine are all aspects of money

making. All of the artists used in my

magazine all have abilities but in different

ways representing every single person

with different abilities.

Black and white people are represented in my magazine because it will be displayed in a supermarket where people of all ethnicity and cultural groups shop. Religious people are represented in ‘New Vintage’ because of the language used, it is formal and there is no disrespectful language used. Vegetarian and vegan’s a represented because there are no images of food in my magazine showing that their decision is respected as if there was a big picture of meat they would be put off buying the magazine.