EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGIES - 2 Saint Joseph University Joao Garrott Marques Negreiros, PhD [email protected] - Version 2.1

Evaluation and technologies 2

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My second presentation about education. By Noel

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Saint Joseph University

Joao Garrott Marques Negreiros, PhD

[email protected] - Version 2.1

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“The Net changes everything”, Oracle Corporation

Mass media of television and radio

Synchronous tools of video and audio teleconferencing

Web 2.0

Semantic Web 3.0

Autonomous agents

Web crawlers


First Topics…

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Web 2.0 -> It gives the users the free choice to interact or

collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators

(prosumer) of user-generated content in a virtual community (social-

networking sites, blogs, wikis and P2P - Peer-To-Peer such as

BitTorrent -> thepiratebay.se, Kazaa and eMule).

Public "Education" has become indoctrination and distraction


The Future of Learning


Learning Object -> A digital and web-based resource that can be

used and re-used to support learning


http://www.learnactivity.com/lo/index.htm (*)

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1. Setup a class account on blogger.com by one the peers’s class in order to

create a BLOG with several discussion topics. Afterwards, all students must

expressed their opinions to this issue (10%, Class assignment).

Instant Messaging and Class Assignments: You are a middle school teacher

with numerous computers in your classroom. You keep catching your students

spending class time receiving and answering instant messages (IM) instead of

working on class assignments. Your students say that the IMs are a great way

to keep in touch with friends and ask questions about class work. To them,

instant messaging is totally cool! Should you allow your students to use instant

messaging during class time? Is this a misuse of class time? If you think that it

is a misuse of class time, what can you do to manage the sending and

receiving of IMs in your class?


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2. Possible Cheating: Today, students come to class with cellular telephones,

graphing calculators, pagers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), notebook

computers, and other devices. During a test, you notice that a student is using

a cell phone. As you approach the student, you realize that the student is

looking at a smart phone with a picture on the screen. The student puts away

the phone and apologizes, indicating that he had forgotten to turn off the

phone when a call came in. After class, another student informs you that the

student you caught with the phone was making calls to another student in the

classroom, and they were taking pictures of the equations. This student was

almost positive the two students were that cheating by sending each other

pictures of the answers over their smart phones. What should you do? How are

you going to handle this situation? Does a way to gather proof exist? What

next? Should telephones of any kind be banned in classrooms? If so, how?


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3. Virtual Field Trip: You have been teaching your students about famous

eighteenth- and nineteenth-century artists. As a final activity, you want to

take your students on a field trip to an art museum. The nearest museum,

however, is three hours away, so the trip requires bus transportation. Due to the

cost of the proposed field trip, your principal has asked you to explore other

possibilities. What other options do you have? Could you take your class on

a virtual field trip (http://www.airpano.ru/) to an art museum? How would you

and your students feel about taking that type of field trip? What are some

advantages of a virtual field trip? What are some disadvantages?

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Explore edublogs.org (optionaly)

4. Online vs Printed Newspapers: Computers have changed the way people

access information dramatically. For example, avid newspaper readers now can

turn to Web sites offered by their favorite newspapers and tabloids. Some of

the more recognizable names include The Boston Globe , Los Angeles

Times , The Miami Herald , New York Times , USA TODAY and the National

Enquirer; or you can search a Web site that will allow you to find

your hometown newspaper online. How is the online rendering of a periodical

different from the printed version? How are they similar? What are the

advantages and disadvantages of each? Do you see a use for these online

newspaper resources in your classroom? Why?

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The assimilator learning (Active) style prefers high instructor

presence while the accommodator learning (Passive) style prefers low

instructor presence



Theory on Educational Frameworks…

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12 (C)




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Learning Styles (video, 3m16s)


(foster repetitive knowledge)

Well Organized Model

(Information processing modeling)

Create their own knowledge on their

experience (teachers becomes moderators)

Pedagogical Models for Learning

12 Learning Styles (10 minutes)


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iP9W9RxlOg (4m48s)

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Index of Learning Styles – ILS – What

Kind of Learned Are You?


web.html (44 questions)

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Teaching & Understanding (6m19s video):
