EVALUATION -Plants -Animals -Ecosystems

Evaluación science

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PLANTSThey are : There are two types:-Producers -Non flowering plants-Multicellular -Flowering plants-Attached-Terrestial

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They have big flowers ,then fruits with seeds inside. Examples: poppies, apple tree, lavendes and daisy.

They have very small flowers, the seeds group in cones. These plants are evergreen or perennial. Examples: pine-tree and firecypless

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They don´t produce seeds, they reproduce spores. This plants prefere dark, humid and cold places. MOSSES FERNS

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ANIMALS VERTEBRATES-Fish-Birds-Amphibians-Reptiles-Mammals


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They live in fresh or salt water.They have the body covered with scales, they breathe through gills they have fins to move about.They are oviparous, they hatch from eggs. Baby fish are called fry. There are two groups:

-Cartilagenous: skeleton made of cartillage. -Bony fish: skeleton made of bones.

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They are terrestial, they live in different climates. Some emigrate. Their bodies are covered with feathers, they breathe through lungs. They have wings and legs to move about. Most fly, others hop, swim…They are oviparous, they hatch from eggs. They incubate the eggs and they also feed the chicks from the beginning. They can be herbivorous, carnivorous or omnivorous.

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They live near rivers. First they are aquatic; then they change (METAMORFOSIS). When they are young, they have gills and tail. When they grow older, they developed lungs and legs. They are oviparous, the mother doesn´t take care of the babies. There are two groups:

-Amphibians with tail -Amphibians with no tail

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They are terrestial and aquatic, they all breathe by lungs, most have legs, some have flippers and others nothing so they slither. For all these reasons, they are called cold-blooded animals. They are oviparous, the mothers do not nurture or care for their young. Most reptiles are carnivorous and capture their prey.

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Most are terrestial, others are aquatic, but all breathe with lungs. Most are covered with fur or hair, most have four limbs , most have legs, but others have fins or wings. They are viviparous, they develop inside the mother´s body. They can be herbivorous, carnivorous or omnivorous.

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-Marsupials: koalas and kangaroos.-Primates: monkeys, gorilas and you =).-Insect eaters: moles, hedgehogs and shrews.-Rodents: mice and hamster .-Ruminants: cows,horses and zebras.-Cetaceans: dolphins and whales.-Carnivores: lions, tigers and lynx.-Bats: bats.

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An ecosystem is all the living, non living things and their interactions. COMPONENTS-Living things -Non living things-Biotic part -Abiotic part-5 Kingdoms -Water, soil, air and light

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TYPESM I X E D-Wetlands

AQUATICSALT FRESH WATER WATER-Oceans -Rivers-Seas -Lakes-Some lakes -coral reefs

TERRESTRIALFOREST DESERT-Tropical rain -Cold desert forest -Hot desert-Perennial forest-Mixed GRASSLAND forest -Tropic-Decidious -Savannah forest

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PRODUCERS: plants and algae. FIRST CONSUMER: zebras and butterflies. SECOND CONSUMERS: tiger and lion. DECOMPOSERS: hyennas, vultures and fungi

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