The Turtles of Tulap Biodiversity Loss of Sulawesi

Emergency on Plant Earth - Turtles

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1. The Turtles of Tulap Biodiversity Loss of Sulawesi 2. Learning Objectives Give a brief outline on turtle ecology and the type of sea turtles that exist Explain the major threats to turtle populations around the world; Assess the causes and extent of beach pollution in Hong Kong; Critically evaluate some solutions to the problem of plastics in our oceans. 3. The Turtles of Tulap Why are these turtles in a bucket? Choose one of the turtles in the picture. What might he/she be staying to his friends. Share with a partner. 4. Tulap Sea Turtle Project Masarang Turtle Hatchery and Coastal Community Development 5. Tulap Sea Turtle Project A project of Masarang Foundation under management of Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre Activities started with volunteers in 2010 and with full-time staff since March 2011 Collaboration with international sea turtle conservation experts and local community 6. Project Aims To maximise the number of sea turtles successfully nesting at the beach area of Tulap-Toloun To maximise the successful incubation of the eggs at the correct temperature for natural gender ratio To enable hatchlings to reach the sea under natural conditions, to promote their chances to adulthood To develop harmony between coastal villages and the coastal ecology 7. Turtle High 5! While you watch the short film on the ecology of turtles, you need to write down five questions with answers that you will test your partner on! 8. Turtles of Tulap: Where do come from? Image Source: www.classyplaques.com/product_images/uploaded_images/sea-turtle- under-water.jpg Video on turtle life cycle and migrations 9. At least 4 species of sea turtle Hawksbill Green Leatherback Olive Ridley CRITICALLY ENDANGERED CRITICALLY ENDANGERED ENDANGERED VULNERABLE 10. Also Loggerheads Although no recorded nesting at this beach since 2011. ENDANGERED 11. What do you see? Choose one of the following three images to analysis using the 8 Way Thinking Model. Write down key ideas/statements that come to mind under the 8 headings. 12. SOURCE: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/files/2014/05/chines e-fisherman-turtle.jpg 13. SOURCE: http://conserveturtles.org/turtleblog/wp- content/uploads/2014/04/turtle-and-plastic-bags- underwater.jpg 14. SOURCE: www.oboylephoto.com/costa_rica/costa_ric a_007.jpg 15. Threats to sea turtles (man-made) Coastal & Oceanic Pollution Destructive Fishing Poaching of Nests & Turtles Beachfront Development & Light Pollution Misguided Conservation Projects ! CLIMATE CHANGE Sea level rise affects availability of suitable nesting grounds, coral bleaching affects habitat and food chain 16. By-catch in large-scale Fishing 17. Destructive Fishing Destructive fishing affects the sea turtles habitat, food chain and directly kills many turtles Trawler nets Reef damage / mooring / fishing / dynamite fishing / cyanide fishing Sea grass damage from dragnet fishing 18. Poaching of Nests and Turtles Lack of effective law enforcement often quoted for main issue of all illegal poaching According to Indonesian law UU#5/1990; all species of sea turtles, their nests and eggs are protected and may not be interfered with unless under specific licence to do so for approved conservation or research purposes. 19. Beachfront Development Example batu putih wall Example house near pantai kawis 20. Light Pollution Newly hatched sea turtles seek the light of the horizon to find the sea at night and can be disorientated by beachfront lighting from villages and resort hotels 21. Coastal & Oceanic Pollution Also chemicals from agriculture fertilisers, pesticides, fuels / oil, etc 22. Turtles & Plastic Intro video clip to turtles and plastics 23. Where am I? On our door step: The sandy beach at Sham Wan, Lamma Island is the only regular nesting site of Green Turtles. 24. Plastic Free Seas Field Work Planning 25. DB North Plaza beach clean up We will be visiting North Plaza Beach in Discovery Bay on Friday 16th January. You will be assessing the causes and extent of beach pollution and critically evaluate some solutions to the problem of plastics in our oceans. 26. What are the sources marine pollution come from? Why is oceanic pollution such a problem? Look around the room at items that we might dispose of and try and find out how long it would take for some of these items to decompose. 27. Review of beach waste categorization and identification sheets What types of waste do you think will be most common? Where do you think this rubbish comes from? 28. Roles You will be assigned one of the below roles. 1. Collection and recording of macro waste 2. Digging and sieving of sand sample 3. Classify micro waste. 4. Recording data for macro and for micro waste 5. Collection and bagging of waste once its been classified YOU WILL ROTATE JOBS EVERY 20 TO 25 MINUTES - there will be 3 rotations. 29. Land-Based Marine Litter Survey 30. Classes along the beach end nearest north plaza GP 1 GP 2 GP 3 GP 4 GP 5 GP 6 GP 7 GP 8 furthest from plaza 31. Transects 32. Micro-survey 33. Cycle Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Role Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Collection and recording of macro waste Group 1 Group 5 Group 4 Digging and sieving of sand sample Group 2 Group 1 Group 5 Classify micro waste Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Recording data for macro and for micro waste Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Collection and bagging of waste once its been classified Group 5 Group 4 Group 3 34. Checklist Create a checklist using the information given that will ensure you know your role / job during next weeks fieldtrip You the procedure sheets to help you with this. 35. Risk Assessment What is the difference between a RISK and a HAZRAD? What are the potential risks of undertaking this fieldwork? Hazard Risk Likelihood of Risk 1-3 36. Outline of the day Students dismissed from period 2 at 9.50am Meet in Block 5 Playground Ensure that you have wet/cold weather clothing, casual clothes and closed shoes, packed lunch, a litre of drinking water, pen/pencil Depart Island School at 10 am by bus - direct to North Plaza DB Arrive DB at 11.00 approx. Beach clean up should take 1 hour and 30 mins. max Leave DB at 1.45 pm Students from DB dismissed in DB. Bus returns to admiralty (2:40pm) then school (3:00pm) 37. Common Assessment Task Part 1 You will produce a data presentation showing the types of waste on our beaches. You should also describe the causes and effects of this waste Level 7 You produce a range of innovative graphs which show the types and sources of waste. A well developed detailed description is given for both causes and effects of these types of waste. 38. Common Assessment Task Part 2 You will be producing a letter to the local newspaper (the editor SCMP) in which you have to evaluate 2 solutions to the environmental problem you identify in part 1. You will considering both sides of an argument for and against for both solutions. You should include reference to real life examples of where these solutions have been tried. You need to include reference to different stakeholders and personal opinions. You will need to make a final decision on which solution you would choose and justify your choice, particularly referring to why the final decision is most suited to Hong Kong. 39. Collaborative Research What are the some of causes, effects and solutions to the problems of plastic in our oceans. Use of Pinterest to collect information 40. Beach Clean up Data presentation and analysis 41. Common Assessment Task Part 1 You will produce a data presentation showing the types of waste on our beaches. You should also describe the causes and effects of this waste Level 7 You produce a range of innovative graphs which show the types and sources of waste. A well developed detailed description is given for both causes and effects of these types of waste. 42. Info-graphic - Produce a series of innovative graphs to show information about the types and sources of waste found in your part of the beach. Remember to label your axes, include a key, title etc. This could be done for micro and macro waste. Info-graphic Ideas 43. Info-graphic Ideas 44. Info-graphic Ideas 45. Info-graphic Ideas 46. Info-graphic Ideas 47. Info-graphic Ideas 48. Info-graphic Ideas 49. Written analysis - Describe and explain your results/graph. Describe the main types/categories of waste found on the beach shown in your graph/s, use numbers in your descriptions about the amounts of different waste categories. Could also use annotated PHOTOS describing and explaining cause and consequences of the problem. What are the origins of the waste - Hong Kong? China? elsewhere? how did it get into the sea? 50. Written analysis - Describe and explain your results/graph. What are the causes of these types of waste? (paragraph that describes the sources and reasons for a couple of waste types being found on the beach) Explain the types of problems that this waste creates?(at least 2 problems - how does it affect plants and animals, ecosystems, humans etc) 51. How can the problem of plastics in our seas be tackled? In order to do this we must first understand the different stakeholders and how they are affected by the problem and might solve the problem. Stakeholders Hong Kong Fishermen Local Residents of Discovery Bay Government of HK Park & Shop Green Groups WWF & Plastic Free Seas Governments of other countries in the region Soft drinks manufacturers in China Global citizens How are they all affected by plastic in the seas? How might they tackle the problem? 52. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 53. Letter to the Hong Kong Government- evaluating 2 potential solutions to the waste problem Planning for the letter - critically evaluating 2 solutions to the problem of waste on beaches and in our seas. You will then write up a neat version of your letter next week to send to the Hong Kong Environment Secretary to suggest the best way of solving the problem of plastic in our seas. 54. Letter Writing 55. Planning for the letter - critically evaluating 2 solutions to the problem of waste on beaches and in our seas. You will then write up a neat version of your letter next week to send to the Hong Kong Environment Secretary to suggest the best way of solving the problem of plastic in our seas. See Critial Evaluation Worksheet Letter to the Hong Kong Government- evaluating 2 potential solutions to the waste problem 56. Critical Evaluation of Solutions Environmental problem and Solution (type of strategy-REDUCE, REUSE RECYCLE Example from Hong Kong or elsewhere in the world. Case for include stakeholders perspectives Case against include stakeholders perspectives Recommended decision and Implications include your own opinions Problem: Soft drinks bottles and caps found on beaches- killing animals , polluting water with toxins, entering the food chain Solution: Ban plastic drinks bottles This type of strategy is to reduce the quantity of plastics that could enter our oceans. San Francisco (US) city government has banned the sale of single use small plastic bottles from its government buildings and premises. including street fairs By banning Plastic bottles this would benefit the city- reducing waste in the city, particularly if citizens were encouraged to use their own re- useable bottles to fill up from water fountains. Plastic manufacturers may suffer in the short term but could switch their business to more durable longer lasting plastic manufacture. Reduced choice for consumers in the short term 57. Plastic Free Seas - Solutions Homework last week - Planning for the letter Solution Evaluation Model student ideas on the board 1. What solutions have you discussed? With your partner feedback to each other focusing on critical evaluation of their 2 solutions/ideas to the problem of plastic in the seas. 58. Letter Writing You will now start to write your letter to the HK environment secretary to outline your ideas about how the problem of plastic in our seas can be tackled. Wong Kam-sing 59. Letter Writing - Structure What are the components of a formal letter? 1) Your Address The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter. 2) The Address of the person you are writing to The inside address should be written on the left, starting below your address. 3) Date: You can write this on the right or the left on the line after the address you are writing to. Write the month as a word. 4) Salutation or greeting: Dear Mr. Wong, If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only. 5) Ending a letter: a) Yours Faithfully If you do not know the name of the person, end the letter this way. b) Yours Sincerely If you know the name of the person, end the letter this way. c) Your signature Sign your name, then print it underneath the signature. If you think the person you are writing to might not know whether you are male of female, put you title in brackets after your name. 60. So what do I write in the middle? Exemplar paragraph for sleeping policeman idea. I have two ideas for dealing with the problem of speeding traffic. Speeding traffic can be slowed by the use of sleeping policeman. These are bump type structures, often made of concrete and tarmac, which are built on roads which are designed to force drivers to slow down. These structures have been used successfully in Hong Kong and in numerous cities around the world, studies in the UK have shown that speed bumps result in 18 % reduction in traffic volumes and an average 13% reduction in traffic collisions. Sleeping Policemen slow traffic down making it less likely that accidents will occur. One of the advantages of sleeping policeman is that they are relatively low cost as they only require an asphalt or tarmac structure. They do not require constant supervision from policeman or expensive traffic speed cameras. This would work in areas of Hong Kong which have relatively slow moving traffic. Local Residents would be pleased that traffic is slower and the likelihood of accidents is less. One of the disadvantages of sleeping policeman is that vehicles will travel slower this may create slower flowing traffic and this could cause congestion, which may actually increase air pollution. They are likely to result in increased gases like Carbon Monoxide and Nitrous oxides which are harmful to human health in local areas. They can result in increasing levels of respiratory disease such as asthma. They can also slow down emergency vehicles which may result in longer response times for ambulances and this may cost lives. Local businesses may also be disappointed because delivery vans may be slowed down. Sleeping policemen cannot be used in areas where the traffic is meant to flow at high speeds such as on motorways as it would be dangerous and damaging to vehicles. Another strategy to reduce speeding traffic is to .. 61. Letter Writing Template Use the letter writing template and your critical evaluation sheet to write your first argument for your letter. You have 20 minutes to write this. Peer review your first argument with your partner