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E-Learning courses for the development of the exporting skills of SMEs' staff and unemployed willing to set up an SME or improve their professional

skills in order to nd a job.


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the project:

SMEs constitute the basis of the European Economy and according to the SMEs performance review published by the European Commission in 2012 SMEs constitute 98% of the total number of European companies. The increase of SMEs’ exporting activity is considered one of the main ways for Europe to get out of the nancial crisis. Therefore E-EMPORIO aims to contribute to the development of the export skills of staff working in SMEs, by prproviding them with complete, qualitative, results-oriented and practice- oriented e-learning contents, accessible through internet from any place, at any time. Some of the e-learning contents and training methodology will be transferred from a previous Leonardo project, called text-e - "Training of Export Trainers via e Learning - an Innovative Approach" (LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-TR-026), which was completed in 2009. This project has created innovative e-learning ccontents on the following topics: E- trade, Payment methods Negotiations and contracts and Export market research. These e-learning modules are going to be updated according to the developments of the last years and adapted to the specicities of each national context. They are also going to be transferred in a more modern e-learning platform and adapted in order to be able to be used also through the use of mobile devices. The main target group consists of: •SMEs' staff (particularly persons working in marketing and sales departments, but also from other departments); •Unemployed willing to set up an SME or improve their professional skills in order to nd a job. MMore specically, the project is targeting those members of SMEs and those unemployed willing to establish an SME that are willing to target foreign markets and are willing to make exports.

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target groups &


The general objectives of the project are: •To contribute to an increase in SMEs competitiveness at international level by using innovative technologies; •To increase foreign trade capacities of SMEs' staff; ••To minimize training gaps in exports identied in partner countries; •To generate dialogue among the trainers from partner countries and promote the accreditation of skills acquired through non-for-mal and informal learning. The specic objectives of the project include: •To develop practice-oriented and competence based e-learning contents, especially developed in order to increase the skills of SMEs' staff in exports, taking into consideration the specicities of each partner country; •To transfer these e-learning courses also to mobile devices applications; ••To provide certication for the skills and competencies that are going to be obtained through the e-learning platform; •To transfer best practices and expertise between partners; •To consider the needs of specic target groups such as older workers (or unemployed) wishing to improve their skills.

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partnership &


The partnership of E-EMPORIO is constituted from organizations from the Southern Europe (GR, CY, ES) and from the Eastern Europe (RO, LV, TR). The composition of the transnational partnership is determined by the selection of key actors in the project's area (1 SMEs’ Association, 2 Chambers of Commerce, 1 SME in management consulting, 2 SMEs in innovation, development and ICT training and 1 organization in the eld of e-learning and EU prprojects) with great experience and expertise in the eld of SMEs’ training, thus facilitating the mainstreaming of project results and the sustainability of outputs. The major outcomes of the project are:

Desk and eld research on the training needs of SMEs; e-learning platform; innovative E-Learning Modules; e-learning courses; training of trainers etc. The project's products are going to increase the skills of the staff of the SMEs or of the unemployed wanting to establish an SME in exporting activities. This will create more condence for this staff to direct themselves towards the foreign markets and could contribute to the increase of the exporting acactivities. The fact that the training is going to be organized through e-learning, will provide an added value because it will increase the reach of export training to SMEs that are not easily reachable from a geographical point of view and will also provide the exibility that is so much needed from the target group.

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the partners:

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the partners:

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For further information about the e-EMPORIO project please contact the Coordinator of the


The National Council of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises in Romania - CNIPMMR 51 Dr. Lister Street , 050542 , Bucharest

Tel: + 40 31 86 00 497 Fax: + 40 21 41 08 734 e-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.e-emporioexports.eu

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This project has been funded with support from the Euro-pean Commission, through the Lifelong Learning Pro-

gramme – Leonardo da Vinci. This poster reects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission and ANPCDEFP cannot be held

responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.