Title: Dawnville Vendetta Genre: Vampire Horror Log Line: The trail of revenge… Synopsis: In 1970, in Dawnville, England, a family of vampires were brutally executed by the local government. 40 years later, their teenaged descendants live to avenge the previous wrongdoings, by killing anyone in their town who gets in their way. Brief outline of what will be in titles: Opening paragraph to explain the history. Montage pictures of the old family. Show another paragraph to show what’s happening now. Close up shots of fangs. Show a few victims being murdered. Resources needed Camcorder Tripod Locations Dark forest Characters Vampires Victims

Draft Treatment for Horror Film

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Title: Dawnville Vendetta Genre: Vampire Horror Log Line: The trail of revenge… Synopsis: In 1970, in Dawnville, England, a family of vampires were brutally executed by the local government. 40 years later, their teenaged descendants live to avenge the previous wrongdoings, by killing anyone in their town who gets in their way. Brief outline of what will be in titles: Opening paragraph to explain the history. Montage pictures of the old family. Show another paragraph to show what’s happening now. Close up shots of fangs. Show a few victims being murdered. Resources needed

Camcorder Tripod


Dark forest Characters

Vampires Victims