never looking behind VORTEX VORTEX always on the grinDnever looking behind always on the grinD never looking behind


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never looking behind



“always on the grinD”never looking behind“always on the grinD never looking behind”

The trucks of the FUTURE Caleb KNOWLES The new skateboarder to be assigned to Plan B is Caleb knowles who is also known as Bird-man. By landing a 1080 at Tampa first go on the warm up session everybody knew Caleb was going to pack a punch when it come to the competiton the next day but nobody quite expected him to bring so much style. When it come to the main event Caleb did not just skate street he also got on to the vert and com-petley destroyed he compotition and scored full marks on the tricks by all the judges which is a tampa first which then people give him the name bird man.Tampa really was a stroke of luck for the new skater Caleb knowles if he did not enter he would still be making sponser me videos on YouTube.Calebs style of skating is out of this world imgen Torrey Pudwill on street with the pop and tech of a god and Danny Way on vert. His style is very much the best on PlanB because he has the best of both worlds and everybody is going to be looking forwards to his part in the new PlanB video.

Because Caleb became such a big sensation almost over night he was asked to join at leat 6 profesinal skateboarding teams. The team caleb decided to go for was Plan B as he said "Plan B has been the company i have dreamt about joining ever since i got my first skate-board so being able to finally skate for them is a dream come true". Caleb is now working on a new tuck com-pany with the help from Plan B. The new trucks allow skaters like caleb to be able to skate street and vert with out adjusting the trucks before doing each one the company is called vortex and will be coming on later this year. Caleb quoted ‘‘These trucks saved my life’’ he said that not having to change his truck layout everytime he goes on to vert means that he gets atleast 2 more hours of skating. Caleb also mentioned that because he does not have to change his truck layout he can get alot more lines done when he is filming.

We don’t need roads where we’re going.

We don’t need roads where we’re going.

Soon to be avalible on the PlanB store!