Doing A Job Analysis Burhan Qureshi MBA(HR)

Doing A Job Analysis

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Doing A Job Analysis

Burhan Qureshi MBA(HR)

Job Analysis Roadmap

Job Analysis components depends/varies from organization to organizationWe will include some of the essential components are mentioned below :

Job title Competencies Ornagram





Job Analysis Part (A)

Job Title


•Job Title should be comparable with the responsibilities that your employee is performing .• Day to Day task being performed by an employee should define the job title.• E.g. Assistant Manager prime responsibilities is to coordinate, facilitate , medium , assist between Upper Management and Lower Management., Responsibilities should represent job title. • Your Responsibilities should be in accordance with your prime responsibilities • Of Course there will be a variation between different organization. • Some organization do not follow this mentioned above guidelines because there are some task, duties ,or responsibilities which are temporary and ends with a timeline .

High School Teacher


Rough Work of Job AnalysisPart (B)

Competencies of a teacher

Performance Indicators of a teacher

Leads to Responsibilitie

sWhich help us

making JD

Leads to


We have Calculated the competencies of a teacher which is mentioned in the previous slides , Competencies are the major aspect an employer seek in an employee. We will

Chalk down each competencies in detail and convert those details which chalked down into Key performance Indicators which will be in accordance with the job responsibilities• We will explain competencies in detail, The Critical Competencies for a Teacher is

calculated before. We will Explain In depth.• Leadership

• Coaching / Mentoring • Career Counseling • Communication

Leadership(Brainstorming Session)



Leads From Front

Participate in Activities

Promote School Brand Name

Support Students in Achieving There

GoalsCatalyst of Good Change That Will Benefit ‘s School


Being a Role Model

Induces Energy into The Classroom and Also in Workplace

Developing Students Committees in the

betterment of School

Effective and Efficient Knowledge Sharing


Coaching / Mentoring(Brainstorming Session)

Coaching/Mentoring Supervision Of Students

Solving Problems and issues of


Progress Reports of Students

Identifying Potential and Developing it

Identifying SWOT Analysis of Students

Be a Catalyst of Continuous Development

Career Counseling (Brainstorming)

Career Counseling Supporting

Students Towards There Careers.

Advisor to the Management

Regarding Careers Issues Facing


Conducting Job Fairs in order to

Share Knowledge With the Students

Conducting Meetings with Counseling Professional and


Inviting Ex-students for giving lectures (Alumni Management)


Communication Deliverance of Lectures

Precise and Concise Communication

Frequent Communication

ReportStrengthens Relationships

Showing initiatives in conducting Meeting

Conducting One to One

Communication with Students


We have now described the

competencies of the teacher required now

we will make job Responsibilities also we will now make Key Performance


We will now make two important aspects of Job

Analysis which will be also helpful in other

HR Function

Two Important Aspects Are• KPI’s• Job


Key Performance Indicators


• To Lead From The Front In the betterment of the School(A)• To Promote Activities Internally and Externally For the Betterment of Students and

Management (B) • Supporting Students in achieving there goals regarding Course(C)• To act as a change agent for the good of the school management (D)• To be Energetic , and Passionate about the work on hand(E) • To be a role model in the classroom and at workplace(F)

We have Chalked Down Six Task/Responsibilities The Critical Responsibilities can be measured by calculating the

frequency of the task performed. • We will Select (C) and (F) and (E)

• Selection will depend upon the organization view of frequency of tasks

Key Performance Indicators



• Development and Enhancement of Students Potential(A)• Making Performance Reports of Students on as per Requirement (B)

• Knowing Students Strengths, Weakness , Opportunities (C) • Solution of Employee and Students Issues (D)

• Supervision of Students regarding there day to day progress (E)

We have Chalked Down Five Task/Responsibilities The Critical Responsibilities can be measured by calculating the

frequency of the task performed. • We will Select (D) and (E)

Selection will depend upon the organization view of frequency of tasks

Key Performance Indicators

Career Counseling


• To Conduct one-to-one meetings with counseling professionals regarding Students Management Career. (A)• To conduct job fairs in order to share knowledge of what’s happening in the practical world with the school management and students. (B)• To conduct meetings with staff , School Management and also with students regarding there career management. (C) • To invite Alumni Students to motivate students. (D) • To Advice/ Recommend Solutions to the School Management regarding Students who are facing career challenges. (E)

We have Chalked Down Six Task/Responsibilities The Critical Responsibilities can be measured by calculating the

frequency of the task performed. • We will Select (A) , (C) , (B)

Selection will depend upon the organization view of frequency of tasks

Key Performance Indicators


• To deliver lectures with effectiveness and efficiency (A)• To Design and communicate course material with empathy and creativity. (B) • To Conduct Group Discussion with Students in order to improve and develop there Communication skills. (C)• To Know and Remove Communication Gap Between Students. (D)• Be able to interact with Student while containing a sense of humor. (E)

We have Chalked Down Five Task/Responsibilities The Critical Responsibilities can be measured by calculating the

frequency of the task performed. • We will Select (A) , (E) , (B)

Selection will depend upon the organization view of frequency of tasks

Summarization of Competencies

We now have the critical competencies of the teacher now we will try to measure these competencies and get the Min and Max Performance Required from Teachers

First we will Summarize what are the main critical competencies

• Leadership

• Coaching/Mentoring

• Career Counseling •Communication

C , F , E

D , E

A , B ,C

A , B, E

These are the Critical

Competencies we just

chalked down earlier

Competency Table

Competency Code

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%

Leadership (C1) C,F,E B A D

Coaching/Mentoring (C2)


Career Counseling (C3)


Communication (C4)


We can Add More Competencies as per requirement.

Competency Table

Competency Code % Range Min. Range Max.Range

C1 60% to 100% 60% 100%

C2 70% to 100% 70% 100%

C3 70% to 100% 70% 100%

C4 70% to 100% 70% 100%

Competency Table In competency table we had competencies measured now the second step is measuring

the KPI’s or Job Responsibilities. We will try to develop a mechanism that we will measure the measure KPI’s which will directly measure the competencies, which will be useful in

other HR Functions. We Will Make Outline / Pictorial Description of developing KPI’s measurement.

We Chalked Down the Competencies

and there we explained the

critical competencies and

less critical.

Now the Development of

mechanism takes place , which

includes allotment of ranges of both


Two Ranges Shall be Formed one defining both competencies

which will lead them to measurement of KPI’s/

Job Responsibilities

KPI’s / Job Responsibilities Measurement(1)

Critical KPI’s / Job Responsibilities Ranges/Classes /Category one

Less Critical KPI’s / Job Responsibilities Ranges/Classes/Category two


60% 70% 1

70% 80%

71% 80% 2

81% 90%

81% 90% 3

91% 100%

91% 100% 4

Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

KPI’s / Job Responsibilities Measurement(1)

In previous table we have defined ranges /classes in

which min expectations and

maximum expectations from the employee shall

be expected

Now we will define rating

scales to measure our KPI’s/ Job

ResponsibilitiesWhich will lead to actual competency


Rating scales may or may not be

different Category one will be

calculated first then category


Category One Measurement Example

Competency Code

Competency Alphabets

Rate Total/Same on Rating Scales

On Rating Scale Of Actual Competency

Lying on Which Class

C1 2

C2 3

C3 3

C4 3

C F E 7 8 8 23/30*100

= 77%77% out of


D E 8 9 17/20*100 = 85%

85% out of 100%

A B C 8 9 8 25/30*100

= 84%84% out of


A B E 8 9 9 26/30*100

= 87%87% out of


Category One Measurement Explanation

Critical KPI’s / Job Responsibilities Ranges/Classes /Category one

Classes Performance Measurement

Category One

60% 70% 1 Satisfactory

71% 80% 2 Good C1

81% 90% 3 Excellent C2,C3,C4

91% 100% 4 Out Standing

Minimum Maximum

Category One Measurement Explanation

• In the table we see that the example rating that we took the employee is lying in the category one of class 2 and 3 meaning the employee has the competency

of coaching and mentoring also good at career counseling and also good at communication

• We need a little effort on the employee’s Category One (C1) , We will Focus on Training and development recommendations for the employee.

• Also while measuring the Category One competencies we took the rating scale from 0 to 10.

• Now we will calculate the category two KPI’s / Job Responsibilities

Competency Code

Competency Alphabets Rating Scale On Competency ScaleTable






On the competency table means that the % ‘s that we defined earlier are taken in account also means that out of 70% the employee secured 56% which means 56/70=80%

Thus the employee is lying in class 1







56% out of 70% 1

63% out of 90% 1

54% out of 60% 2




8/10*90 = 72%

8/10*80 = 64%

9/10*70= 63%

72% out of 90%

64% out of 80%

63% out of 70%






7/10*80 = 56%

6/10*70 = 42%

56% out of 80%

42% out of 70%1




8/10*90 = 72%


72% out of 90%

63% out of 70%



56% out of 70%

Category Two Measurement Explanation

• We calculated the KPI’s / Job Responsibilities/ Category two in which the employee is basically lying in the Classes 1 and 2 mostly.

• The Scale is varying as we could see, also we there is a case in which the employee has scored below the minimum expectation required.

• Training recommendations will be made, The Performance of the employee in category is just meeting expectations , we have to develop these Category 2

further. • The Numbers are taken as examples no disclosure of source

Category One Measurement Explanation

Less Critical KPI’s / Job Responsibilities Ranges/Classes /Category two

Classes Performance Measurement

Category Two

71% 80% 1 Good C1,C2<C


81% 90% 2 Excellent C1,C2,C


91% 100% 3 Out Standing

Minimum Maximum



We will now move to designing the Ornagram. Ornagram means in simple words that says “who reports to whom”, there are also other objectives of designing the

Ornagram we can use it in man power planning , we can also do succession planning on every step of the hierarchy. Point to be notice is that hierarchy depends upon the

organizations complexity and its values.

Ornagram means in simple words “ Who reports to whom” Ornagram or in most common word hierarchy , defines structure of your organization the most important

factor in defining the hierarchy of the organization is Span of Control and its formulation so in the coming slides we will discuss the span of control and its


We Will in the next Slide will Give You Examples of Narrow And Wide Span of Control

Ornagram/HierarchySpan of Control

Span Of Control

Narrow Span of Control

Wide Span of Control

• Many Hierarchical Levels.• More Managers and Supervisors • Tall Structure • Layers are more • More Bosses Along The Way to the Top.

• Less Hierarchical Levels • Less Managers • Flatter Structure • Less Layers • Low Reporting From Bottom To Top

In Simplest of Words it means

“No. of staff that report to a manager of supervisor”

Span of Control

Senior Manager


Narrow Span of Control


Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer

Span of Control


Wide Span of Control

Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer

Span of Control

Senior Manager


Narrow Span of Control


Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer

Headcount starts from 1

Count = 2

Count = 4

Count = 8

Span of Control Formulation

• In the above two span of control it depends upon the organizations management how to select between the two it may be they opt for Flatter (Wide) or Tall(Narrow)

• Formulation of Two are defined separately.


In narrow span of control simple formula is used you start with

one than the headcount doubles as you move down the order. Now

changing the headcount depends upon the


In Wide Span of Control there is less headcount there is no definite rule

Of defining the headcount

Span of Control

• It Should be noted that while making span of control you should bear in mind that there is practices which says that number of employee under one reporting manager

must range from min 6 to max 12. • Also there is a common practice that Small Businesses or initial Start ups opt to go

for Wide Span Of Control because of the less complexity and financial restraints. • An organization should adapt Wide or Narrow Span of control taking in view of the

tasks performed by individuals. • Following topics will be covered in preceding slides

1. Hierarchy 2. Span of control(Symbol)

3. Subject Set4. Assignment of Subject Set

5. Implementation

Span of Control(Hierarchy) in Our Example In our example we are taking the hierarchy of a school

We Take both the narrow and wide scenarios in our caseFormulation will take place according to span of control


Assistant one Assistant two





















Narrow Span of Control Wide Span of Control


Assistant one Assistant one

A1 D1 C2B1 C1 B2 D2A2

Span of Control (Symbol) in Our Example Symbols

Level Description Subject Set Grades

A Administration Supportive stuff which assists other staff e.g. office boys , sweepers , office assistants , and Security Guards


B Beginner / Basic Theoretical Courses+ Language Courses S1 and S2

C Intermediate / Advance / Middle

Theoretical Courses + Technical Courses

S2 and S3

D Leadership / High Technical Courses + Advance Theoretical Courses

S4 and S5

Subject Set Will Further Be defined , We will also define Description column and what has been written in it in our further slides .

Span of Control (Subject Set)

S1 = C1,1 C1,2 C1,3 C1,4 C1,5 S2 = C2,1 C2,2 C2,3 C2,4 C2,5S3 = C3,1 C3,2 C3,3 C3,4 C3,5 S4 = C4,1 C4,2 C4,3 C4,4 C4,5S5 = C5,1 C5,2 C5,3 C5,4 C5,5

1 means Classroom Number

C1 represent Course

Span of Control (Assignment)

Symbols Level Combination Description Example

B Beginner / Basic

S1+S2 = C1,1 C1,4,+ C1,1 and C2,3 C2,5

Theoretical courses + language courses which are at initial level will lie in this set

C1 = History IOr Persian

C Intermediate / Advance / Middle

S2+S3 = C2,1 C2,3 + C3,2 C3,3 & C3,4

Theoretical courses + Technical courses which are at initial level will lie in this set

Economics& C+

D Leadership / High

S4+S5 = C4,1 C4,3 C4,5 + C5,1 & C5,4

Technical Courses + Advance Theoretical Courses

Accounting 1 & Report Writing

Each Teacher will teach 5 subjects other than these subjects , there will be other responsibilities that will be performed. Courses and subject assignment depends upon the school management. It May be altered in any way depending upon the situation.

Span of Control Hierarchy Implementation

D1 D2 D3 D4



Assistant TwoAssistant one


We have taken D category there are 4 D category teachers there direct

reporting is towards there supervisor and indirect to Assistant

& Head


Assistant one

Assistant one

D1 D2

We have taken D category there are 2 D category teachers there direct

reporting is towards there Assistant & indirectly to Head

Span of Control (Symbol) in Our Example Symbols

Level Description Subject Set Grades

A Administration Supportive stuff which assists other staff e.g. office boys , sweepers , office assistants , and Security Guards


B Beginner / Basic Theoretical Courses+ Language Courses S1 and S2

C Intermediate / Advance / Middle

Theoretical Courses + Technical Courses

S2 and S3

D Leadership / High Technical Courses + Advance Theoretical Courses

S4 and S5

According to our example highlighted in red Teacher lies in the category D , Which means that the teacher falls in Subject Set (S4 & S5)

Span of Control (Subject Set)

S1 = C1,1 C1,2 C1,3 C1,4 C1,5 S2 = C2,1 C2,2 C2,3 C2,4 C2,5S3 = C3,1 C3,2 C3,3 C3,4 C3,5 S4 = C4,1 C4,2 C4,3 C4,4 C4,5S5 = C5,1 C5,2 C5,3 C5,4 C5,5

Teacher will teach and take classes according to subject set highlighted in red.

Span of Control (Assignment)

Symbols Level Combination Description Example

B Beginner / Basic

S1+S2 = C1,1 C1,4,+ C1,1 and C2,3 C2,5

Theoretical courses + language courses which are at initial level will lie in this set

C1 = History IOr Persian

C Intermediate / Advance / Middle

S2+S3 = C2,1 C2,3 + C3,2 C3,3 & C3,4

Theoretical courses + Technical courses which are at initial level will lie in this set

Economics& C+

D Leadership / High

S4+S5 = C4,1 C4,3 C4,5 + C5,1 & C5,4

Technical Courses + Advance Theoretical Courses

Accounting 1 & Report Writing

Teacher according to our Subject Set lies in D category and will teach technical and theoretical courses. Subjects may vary or depend upon the school management e.g. Calculus II and Principles of Management etc.


Compensation Introduction

• Monetary and Non-Monetary Payment Done to the employee.

• It Includes direct and indirect/ cash and non cash payment made to an employee. • Also Governed by Tax laws

Direct Compensation/ Monetary• Base Pay • Bonuses • Perks• Etc

Indirect Compensation/ Non-Monetary

• Insurance • Nice Office • Parking Space

• Etc


• A compensation package must meet with the needs of the employees and also should be market competitive.

• A compensation package depends upon the nature of the organization , which direct and indirect monetary payment is important in front of the management and

employees. • Organizations should monitor there Compensation packages with the passage of

time. • There should be communication between management and employees regarding

which indirect monetary payments they want. • In General Public Ltd Organization focus on Equity Base Benefits , Private ltd

companies focus more on non-cash payments and Government based organization gives more non-cash payment and less focus on cash payments.

• One of the goals of compensation packages should be that employees should feel that they are rewarded for what they deserve.

Compensation Pay


Assignment Method


Pay Structure / Pay Scale / Pay Grades

• Introduction:-What is Pay Structure?

• A collection of pay grades, levels or bands related to jobs placed in the hierarchy.Questions need to be asked?

What is grade? • Horizontal Grouping of Jobs For Pay Purposes.

What is the objective of Pay structure? • To pay employees fairly, market competitive and motivating.

What is a Pay Range? • A scale that has Min and Max Point.

What is a Mid Point? • Mid Point is the average salary for the defined range.

What is the Range Spread? • Helps Management in Career Paths definition, Promotions and in other HR Functions.

Pay Structure / Pay Scale / Pay Grades

Method that will be used in Job


Ranking Method

Why We are Using Ranking


It is used because of small business and it’s the most

easy to use

Pay Structure / Pay Scale / Pay Grades

Job Evaluation

Introduction • Determining the relative worth of the

job in accordance with our organization • It’s a Systematic

Comparison • Purpose is to

establish a rational pay structure

Ranking Method Steps in doing a ranking method


Step1 : State Positions in your Organization

Step2: Write Job Descriptions

Step3: Important Characteristics

Step4 : Rank the positions

Pay Structure / Pay Scale / Pay Grades

We will use this as a sample.

Ranking Method Usage We will rank Teachers

Unranked:B (1,2,3,4)C(1,2,3,4)D(1,2,3,4)

Ranked:B (4,3,2,1)C(4,3,2,1)D(4,3,2,1)

Pay Structure / Pay Scale / Pay Grades

We will use this pay structure as a sample









Designation Salary

As per our Job analysis our candidate Fall in B4

Category. Earning Rs.40000

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