Distribution - the action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.


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Distribution - the action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.

Page 2: Distribution

Film Distribution Companies

Page 3: Distribution

• The film we have produced is a horror film, distribution companies that have distributed films like ours is IFC Films who distributed ‘ The Human Centipede’ I believe this film distributor would be interested in distributing our film as it has similarities to other films they have distributed such as The Human Centipede, The abandoned, Submerged which have all done well.

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Is your film going to appeal to UK audiences only? Or does it have a wider appeal?

• Our film will have a wide international appeal, however mainly targeting the US and UK as these have increasingly popular film industries and a broad set of horror films that are similar to ours, this means we will gain the same audience. However due to our main roles being British I believe it will attract the British population more.

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Marketing strategies, releasing strategies and exhibition options

• Possible releasing strategies will be to use of social media such as uploading it onto YouTube which would then be shared around by the public through twitter or Facebook, this means we will be able to get feedback from our audience. Then as the film increases in popularity and audience we will increase the marketing such as promoting it in better ways such as making poster or leaflets that appeals to our target audience, however if we had a larger budget we could use the TV as a more successful place of advertisement that would gain a bigger audience.

• We would also need to do some further research into our target audience to know where to distribute it and what would attract this audience .

• As we have only created a low budget British film we need to be aware of competition with other small films.

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Self Distribution

• You maintain full control and right of your film so this gives you the responsibility in distributing your film this will save money as you don’t need to take money out of your budget for a distributor. However distributing a film yourself takes up a lot of time and you have the responsibility in ensuring all your legal rights.