Developing data services A tale from two Oregon universities NN/LM, Pacific Northwest Region PNR Rendezvous | 18 June Melissa Haendel Amanda Whitmire

Developing data services: a tale from two Oregon universities

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While the generation or collection of large, complex research datasets is becoming easier and less expensive all the time, researchers often lack the knowledge and skills that are necessary to properly manage them. Having these skills is paramount in ensuring data quality, integrity, discoverability, integration, reproducibility, and reuse over time. Librarians have been preserving, managing and disseminating information for thousands of years. As scholarly research is increasingly carried out digitally, and products of research have expanded from primarily text-based manuscripts to include datasets, metadata, maps, software code etc., it is a natural expansion of scope for libraries to be involved in the stewardship of these materials as well. This kind of evolution requires that libraries bring in faculty with new skills and collaborate more intimately with researchers during the research data lifecycle, and this is exactly what is happening in academic libraries across the country. In this webinar, two researchers-turned-data-specialists, both based in academic libraries, will share their experiences and perspectives on the development of research data services at their respective institutions. Each will share their perspective on the important role that libraries can play in helping researchers manage, preserve, and share their data.

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Page 1: Developing data services: a tale from two Oregon universities

Developing data services A tale from two Oregon


NN/LM, Pacific Northwest RegionPNR Rendezvous | 18 June 2014

Melissa HaendelOHSU Library

Amanda WhitmireOSU Libraries

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B.S. in Aquatic Biology, 2000Worked in a bioluminescence laboratory

Ph.D. in Oceanography, emphasis in biological oceanography, 2008Dissertation study area: bio-optics; using optical tools to study ocean ecology (N. California Current)

Post-doc in Oceanography, emphasis in biological oceanography, 2008-2012Study area: bio-optics; using optical tools to study ocean ecology in low oxygen zones (N. Chile)

Assistant Professor, Data Management Specialist, Sept. 2012 - present

About Amanda…

Not a librarian.

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B.A. in Chemistry, 1990Modeled drug-receptor ligand binding

Ph.D. in Neuroscience, 1999, Dissertation study area: Identification of novel genes involved in neural development in the mouse

Post-doc, 2002-2004Study area: Toxic effects of biocides in zebrafish and salmon

Assistant Professor, Library, 2010 – presentLead semantic research team

About Melissa…

Not a librarian.

Post-doc, 2000-2002, Study area: Role of thyroid hormone during neural cell death in zebrafish

Post-doc, 2002-2004Study area: Ontologies, data models, gene nomenclature, biocuration


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Do you have any data-related tasks or responsibilities in your job description or duties? [Yes/No]

What role do you believe metadata plays in the modern research cycle? [big, small, none, other]


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Why data management?The researcher perspective

Why libraries?Why bring in non-librarians?

Amanda & Melissa share their experiencesWrap-up

image credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/54803625@N08/8296296949/

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“…the recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate

research findings.”

Research data is:

U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Circular A-110

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“Unlike other types of information, research data are collected, observed, or created, for

the purposes of analysis to produce and validate original research results.”

What is research data?

University of EdinburghMANTRA Research Data Management Training,

‘Research Data Explained’


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Actions that contribute to effective storage, use, preservation, and reuse of data and documentation throughout the research lifecycle.

Data management:

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Why data management?

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Images collected by DataONE.org

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Data is collected from sensors, sensor networks, remote sensing, observations, and more - this calls for increased attention to data management and stewardship

Data deluge


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Slide credit: http://www.dataone.org/education-modules

Page 12: Developing data services: a tale from two Oregon universities

Federal movement toward open data

1985: National Research Council

1999: OMB

Circular A-110


2003: NIH Data Sharing Policy

2008: NIH

Public Access Policy

2011: NSF DMP


2012: NEH, Office of Digital

Humanities DMP


2013: NSF bio-sketch change

2013: OSTP

memo on public

access to results of federally funded


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More funder mandates are coming

22 Feb. 2013

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The memorandum states that, “digitally formatted scientific data resulting from unclassified research supported wholly or in part by Federal funding should be stored and publicly accessible to search, retrieve, and analyze.” To this end, federal agencies must create a public access plan that includes the following mandates:

• Maximize public access to data while protecting personal privacy and confidentiality, intellectual property, and balancing costs with long-term benefits;

• Ensure that investigators create data management plans that describe strategies for long-term preservation of and access to data;

• Costs of data management are included in proposal budgets;• Ensure that the merits of data management plans are properly evaluated;• Implement mechanisms to ensure that investigators comply with their data

management plans and policies;• Promote deposition of data into publicly accessible repositories;• Encourage private and public cooperation to improve data access and

interoperability;• Develop and standardize approaches to data citation/attribution;• Support training in data management best practices;• Assess needs and strategies for the long-term preservation of data.

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Journal data policies

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Information propagation tales:The researcher’s perspective

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Data isn’t always what it seems

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“β amyloid, known for its role in injuring brain in Alzheimer’s disease, is also produced by and injures skeletal muscle fibres in the muscle disease sporadic inclusion body myositis.”

Greenberg 2009

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BMJ 2009;339:b2680 doi:10.1136/bmj.b2680

All 242 papers point to 4 from same lab, and very few to the ones with negative results

Greenberg, 2009

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How do we believe what we think we know?

Is it true or do we just believe it because everyone else does?

How do we transcend “follow the leader”? What tools can we build to help us?

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How reproducible is science?

Let’s start simple.

Do we know what the ingredients were?

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Journal guidelines for methods are often poor and space is limited

“All companies from which materials were obtained should be listed.” - A well-known journal

Reproducibility is dependent at a minimum, on using the same resources. But…

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How identifiable are resources in the published literature?

An experiment in reproducibility

Gather journal articles

5 domains:ImmunologyCell biologyNeuroscienceDevelopmental biologyGeneral biology

3 impact factors:HighMediumLow

84 Journals

248 papers

707 antibodies

104 cell lines

258 constructs

210 knockdown reagents

437 model organisms

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There is no correlation between impact factor and resource identification

Journal Impact Factor

0 10 20 30 40



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1.0AntibodiesCell LinesConstructsKnockdown reagentsOrganisms

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Maybe labs are just disorganized?

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Meet the Urban Lab

Meet the Urban Lab

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A+ organization!

The Urban lab antibodies

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Of 9 antibodies published in 5 articles, only 44% were identifiable



t id




Commerical Ab identifiable

Catalog number reported

Source organism reported

Target uniquely identifiable






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Resource information is not adequately getting into the literature, EVEN


The problem is a lack of standards, review, and tools


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Numerous endorsers https://www.force11.org/RII/SignUpImplementation of the new standard http://biosharing.org/bsg-000532

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Sample citation: Polyclonal rabbit anti-MAPK3 antibody, Abgent, Cat# AP7251E, RRID:AB_2140114

1. Researcher submits a manuscript for publication

2. Editor or Publisher OR

LIBRARIAN! asks for inclusion of RRID

3. Author goes to Research Identification Portal to locate RRID

4. RRID is included in Methods section and as Keyword

Publishing Workflow

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$1.3 million grant from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation to validate 50 landmark cancer biology studies

Partnership between Science Exchange, PLoS, FigShare, Mendelay, and some of us scientists

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Librarians can help researchers understand: How to be critical of data and where it came from

Data provenance and meeting data standards

That there is a need to reinterpret data when new information comes to light

That reproducibility depends on many things, including very basic things

Why both retrospective and prospective efforts are needed to ensure data quality, consistency, and utility

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Amanda’s dissertationThe spectral backscattering properties of marine particles

Observationsship-based sampling & moored instruments

Simulation results

scattering & absorption of light

Experimentaloptical properties of

phytoplankton cultures

Derived variablesendless things

Compiled observationsglobal oceanic bio-

optical observations[self + from peers]

Referenceglobal oceanic bio-

optical observations[NASA]

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Why libraries?

OSU Libraries Digital Collections | http://oregondigital.org/u?/archives,31

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image: http://www.beautiful-libraries.com/7200-1.html

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Agricultural Sciences




Liberal Arts

Public Health & Human Sciences

Veterinary Medicine




Earth, Ocean &Atmospheric Sci.


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“Only a small minority of academic libraries in the United States and Canada currently offer research data services (RDS), but a quarter to a third of all academic libraries are planning to offer some services within the next two years.”

“Few academic libraries are responsible for developing research data policies. Being able to serve as a clearinghouse of ideas and to provide expertise to build these policies is an opportunity for libraries to be members of the knowledge creation process.”

“Reassigning existing library staff is the most common tactic for offering RDS.”

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Our experiences


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Timeline of data services at OSUUL & library admin. recognize need for role of RDS on campus that requires a dedicated FTE



Data Management Specialist starts


Data survey launches

Strategic Agenda in place*


GRAD 521launches


*Sutton, Shan; Barber, David; Whitmire, Amanda L. (2013): Oregon State University Libraries and Press Strategic Agenda for Research Data Services. Oregon State University Libraries. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/38794.


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OSU Data stewardship survey

Interview by Sarah Abraham from The Noun Project

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Responses to the question, “Please indicate whether or not you generate each of the following data format(s) as a part of your research process. Select Yes or No for each.” Color scale indicates what percentage of respondents in each college or unit selected ‘Yes’ for each data type. The number in each tile shows the number of faculty responses for that data type and college/unit.

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Scope of Data Services at OSU

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Analysis of data management plans as a means to inform and empower academic librarians in providing research data support. National Leadership Grant LG-07-13-0328, Oct 2014 – Sept 2015

Data management plans As a Research Tool The DART Project

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Teaching: GRAD 521

Logistical Details• http://bit.ly/GRAD521• All course materials on figshare• 2 credits• Discipline-agnostic• Offered annually, winter quarter

Topics covered• Overview of RDM• Types, formats & stages of data• RDM planning• Storage, backup & security• Documentation & metadata• Legal & ethical considerations• Sharing & reuse• Archive and preservation

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Timeline of data activities at OHSU

OHSU library awarded eagle-i



Monarch Initiative awarded


Data survey launches

Beyond the PDF1K challenge award


OHSU hiring CRIO position



NIH BD2K program

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OHSU Data stewardship survey

Interview by Sarah Abraham from The Noun Project

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How do you reference your data when you publish, either in the context of a journal publication, or by di-

rect publication of data sets?

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Are there any professional community standards in your research area regarding data

management, sharing, storage, archiving, and/or producing metadata or other descriptive information that would apply to your research


Answer Instructor

Assistant Professor,

Research Assistant Professor, or

Assistant Scientist

Associate Professor or

Associate Scientist

Professor or Senior Scientist

Director, Division Head,

Department Head


PhDYes 1 9 5 16 6 13No 1 8 9 15 1 10I don't know 1 19 13 14 4 19

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Scope of Data Services at OHSU

Open houses,Lib Guides, NIH proposals to improve data education, hosting fellows

New IR, research profiling tools

Participation in national efforts: BD2K, Force11, Galaxy, Biocuration Society

Data consults, collaborations

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NIH Big Data to Knowledge Initiative


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1 | Can facilitate the creation of a smarter body of literature for future research

2 | Train researchers to utilize metadata standards to enable data reuse

3 | Facilitate researchers understanding of available resources

Libraries, in summary…

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Members from:Oregon Health & Science UniversityOregon State UniversityUniversity of OregonUniversity of IdahoUniversity of Washington Portland State UniversityReed College

Join us @ bit.ly/pnwdatalibsAlso we need a logo: Free data science training for good suggestions!

PNW Research Data Geeks Group


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How do you think libraries can best facilitate best practices in data management?