Defining Your Audience - A2 Media Powerpoint

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My film will apply to the Uses and Gratifications theory in either one of two ways: Divergence, or Surveillance.

It will apply to Divergence because people will want to be entertained and distracted from the real world. With a good enough story, people will want to re-watch the film and go through further distractions.

It will also be the entertainment, as I plan for the film to be engaging and thrilling.

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My film will also apply to Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory. The preferred meaning for my film is to show that bad things can

happen to anyone. This might make people more aware of the kinds of things that can happen if you’re alone and not on your guard.

The negotiated meaning might come across as me trying to make one gender seem weaker than the other, mainly because I always see the male as the villain because they are stereotypically the more evil gender.

I don’t plan on having a protagonist that is a stereotype of women or men.

The story plays out and the villain still roams free because no one has done anything about him.

I don’t really see the film as having an oppositional view because I don’t plan on representing anything in such a bad way that people might take offence from it.

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Age Range – 15 to 40. I have decided on this age range because the thrills would entertain a younger audience and the story would be interesting for the older audience.

This age range means that my film would attract a wider audience.

Gender – I think that my film would appeal to both genders, as both would have an interest in the genre of the film, being a thriller with physiological elements.

Ethnicity – As there is no ethnic bias in my film, the film would be open to all ethnicities and cultures.

Habits – This film would be mainly focussed on people who like to spend money on the cinemas or enjoy watching movies. The film has a storyline you’ll have to think about, and it isn’t something that can just sit down and watch, because it’s up to you to make the conclusion that makes the most sense to you, as there is no definite ending.

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Interests – The interests of my audience, in terms of genre, would have to range from thriller to horror, because I aim for the film to be atmospheric, with unexpected twists and small scares.

Location – The film will be most effective to those who live in rural areas, as the film will take place within a rural area. The people in those areas will be left more paranoid as they’ll be more alert to things that happened in the film that might happen in the real world. This would create a longer lasting impact.

Niche – The film is aimed at a niche audience because you’ll have to know that you like the type of film that I am planning, or have an interest in the genre.

Active – The film is designed to make you think about where the narrative is going and what might happen. The film is not aimed at passive audiences, due to the fact that the audience will have to think about plot events and have their own opinions on certain aspects of the movie.