Deciphering The Code Of Tenses In Sentence Formation

Deciphering the code of tenses in sentence formation

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Tenses help us to understand the correct meaning of any communication. This presentation deals with the different types of tenses and their proper usages. This also sheds light on the aspects to be taken care of while using tenses in your day to day language.

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Page 1: Deciphering the code of tenses in sentence formation

DecipheringThe Code Of

Tenses InSentence Formation

Page 2: Deciphering the code of tenses in sentence formation

Contents Objective of the seminar Overview of parts of speech Introduction to tenses Usage of tenses Words used for stating tenses Usage in sentences Tenses in a nutshell Tense recognition and conversion

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Objective of the seminar

The main objective of this seminar is to get a clear understanding of the role played by tenses in sentence formation and to clear any doubts regarding their usage.

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Overview of Parts of SpeechNoun – name, place, animal or thing.

Verb – Action performed by the noun.

Pronoun – Replaces noun.

Adjective – Describes the noun.

Adverb – Modifies verb, adjective or a phrase and answers how, when, what time etc.

Preposition – Links nouns, pronouns & phrases to other words in a sentence.

Conjunction – Links independent words or phrases to form a single sentence.

Interjection – A word added to a sentence to convey emotion.

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Introduction To Tenses

Verb – A verb is defined as a word which shows action or a state of being.

Tense – The time (past, present, future) or the duration (ended, going on) of the action performed by the verb.

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Usage of Tenses

Past Tense – Used to depict or state an event which has happened in the past.

Present Tense – Used to depict an event which is taking place at this moment or in general the present happenings.

Future Tense – Used to state an event which will take place in the future.

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Words Used for Stating Tenses

Past Tense – saw, did, had, made, took, caught, fought etc.

Present Tense – see, do, be, make, take, catch, fight etc.

Future Tense – will see, ~ do, ~ make, ~ fight, ~ take, ~ try etc - may see, ~ do, ~ take etc

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Usage in Sentences

Past – I did the work. I saw the movie. I cooked the food.

Present – I have the book. I see the good things. I go to college.

Future Tense – I will bring the book. I may go to the movie. I will have gone by then.


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Usage in SentencesPast – He had gone to play.

He had done the work. He had been to Kollencherry.

Present – He has gone to play. He has done the work. He has gone to Kottayam.

Future – He will have gone to play. He will have done the work. He will have seen the movie.


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Usage in SentencesPast – I was doing the work.

We were planning a trip. It was behaving erratically.

Present – He is going to class.I am finding the keys.It is doing the job.

Future – She will be working at that time. I will be on vacation during April. It will be fine by then.



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Tenses in a Nutshell




Was, were, ate, met, saw, thought


Had been, had eaten, had metContinuous

Had been doing, had been working, had been meeting



Am, is, are, do, go, see, eat, meet Perfect

Has done, have met, has gone, has


Is doing, are going, is happening, are




Will do, will go, may go


Will have done, will have met


Will have been doing

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Tense Recognition and Conversion

1. I go to play.

2. We went to college today.

3. She has been beautiful.

4. It will have been taken care of.

5. I am rich.

6. The movie is interesting.

7. The horse is flying.

8. He is handsome.

9. The concert will be worth the price.

10. My computer had been awesome.

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