Everything on a Waffle By: Polly Horvath

Danny and marisa

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Page 1: Danny and marisa

Everything on a WaffleBy: Polly Horvath

Page 2: Danny and marisa

main characters and settingPrimrose Squarp

clever and hopeful THEY LIVE IN COAL HARBOR

Uncle jack brave and nice

Miss Perfidyold and forgetful

Miss Bowzer nice, helpful and a good cook

Miss HoneycutGreedy ,mean, and only speaks in long anecdotes

Page 3: Danny and marisa

Primrose used to live with her parents but one day her dad got lost at sea so Primrose’s mom

went out to find him but they never came back.

Page 4: Danny and marisa

Early in the book

Uncle Jack is trying to sell a house and Primrose is outside and she was in the road and a car came and ran over her pinkie toe and knocked her unconscious. Then Uncle Jack took her to the hospital.

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Later in the book Primrose lost a part of her finger while

fishing with a net. The net got tangled on her finger and she fell in the water. Miss Honeycut thought it was not safe for her to be living with Uncle Jack anymore so she sent Primrose to a foster home far away from coal harbor. There was a fire in one of Uncle Jack’s townhouses and

Miss Honeycut was trapped inside so Uncle Jack ran inside to save her and when he is coming out with Miss Honeycut in his, arms the door falls on his back and he goes to the hospital.

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