1 The Glocal Factor l solutions for global climate disrup www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010 Leo A. W. Wiegman, Mayor Village of Croton-on-Hudson, NY [email protected] AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson 2010 Sustainable Design Symposium April 22, 2010

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The Glocal FactorLocal solutions for global climate disruption

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

Leo A. W. Wiegman, MayorVillage of Croton-on-Hudson, [email protected]

AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson2010 Sustainable Design SymposiumApril 22, 2010



Municipalities can and must:

• Ask: Reach out for information

• Share: Build knowledge networks with neighbors.

• Know: Turn emissions data & smart growth concepts into Climate Action Plans

Today’s topics: A-S-K

New Yorkhas

62 cities,

932 towns,


Earth Day 2010


Climate Disruption Will Cost All New Yorkers

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

NY migrates south under Business as Usual




www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


“If you cannot measure it,

you cannot improve it." — Lord Kelvin

Why measure?

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


What’s best for the economy

Outdoor Lighting (Holiday Lights Benedict Blvd.)2007 (energy cost from line 4.11 on Table 2) $4912008 (estimated cost of electricity) $500Cost of new LED lights $1700Annualized cost of LED light (10 year lifespan) $1702009 (estimated electric bill of 1,600 new LED lights) $125New annual cost $295Savings (each year) $205


is also what is best for the


www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010



So what is Croton doing?



1.Tap national + state expertise✓We joined ICLEI-Local Govs for Sustainability


✓We joined Climate Registry ($500)

✓We took NYS Climate Smart Community

pledge ($0)

✓We signed USCOM Climate Protection

Agreement ($0)

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


2.Tap local expertise✓ We launched volunteer Sustainability Committee


www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


3a. Measure the easy stuff first

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

✓ We inventoried our emissions & energy baseline

In 2007, Village government ‣ Used 5.2 million kWh (17.8

billion Btu), ‣ Spent $532,000 on energy, &‣ Emitted 1,774 metric tonnes of



3b. Know annual GHG/energy costs

11www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


2007 GHG emissions by sector (%)


Information = power•1. Use smart growth concepts in local zoning and planning;

•2. Inventory our greenhouse gas emissions;

•3. Build knowledge networks with neighbors. 

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

Outdoor Lighting (Holiday Lights Benedict Blvd.)2007 (energy cost from line 4.11 on Table 2) $4912008 (estimated cost of electricity) $500Cost of new LED lights

$1700Annualized cost of LED light (10 year lifespan) $1702009 (estimated electric bill of 1,600 new LED lights)

$125New annual cost $295Savings (each year)


1600 new LED lights

40% savings($246)

800 old incand. lights

bulbs $

electricity $




4. Help grow clean energy in NYS

✓We recommitted to wind power for 25% of gov’s electricity

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

Wind RECs cost $8,000 and funded 400,000 kWh of wind power connected to the NYISO



5. Spur clean energy locally

✓We installed solar electric on Grand St Firehouse(NYPA grant)

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

http://bit.ly/Croton_Firehouse_SolarPanelsJune 2009-April 2010 (10 months): Energy: 5,493.88 kWh; CO2 avoided: 3 ,845.72 kg;

Revenue: $989.


6. Make roads bike-ped friendly

✓ We adopted a village-wide Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan & hold annual Bike Week to celebrate

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


7. Bin & barrel truck sale days✓ We host Compost bin & Rain barrel Truck Sale


www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

•270 compost bins sold at wholesale price to residents via vendor =

•190,000 pounds of waste diverted per year from curbside to our yards =

•$4,750 annual savings to village tax payer in avoided tipping fees =

•12% of village composts nowecopromo.com


8. Relearning how to grow our own

✓ We broke ground for Community Garden pilot program

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


9. Seeing nature = believing

✓ We set up EagleCam on Croton Bay & help Teatown’s annual EagleFest

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010



; Ste

ve S




10. Smart growth land use tools

✓We added zoning incentives for mixed-use district near public transportation (Harmon Business District)

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


Quick Payback Energy RetrofitsUpgrades with 2-3 year

paybackWater system

•We spend $150,000/yr now to lift 4 million gallons.

•Solution: audit whole systemStreet lighting

•We spend $90,000/yr now to run 800 streetlights.

•Solution: audit whole systemMunicipal Building utilities

•We spend $54,000 now for 29,000 sq. ft. ($1.86/sf)

•Solution: audit whole systemFire House (3) utilities

•We spend $44,000 now for 21,300 sq. ft. ($2.11/sf)

•Solution: audit whole systemwww.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010


What’s on the horizon?

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

Home Energy Retrofits=savings

+ =

Blower door energy audit

Insulation + Infiltration measures

Get more Comfort + Convenience for less than you spend now


What’s on the horizon?

www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

Smart grid = energy internet


Install new advanced meters to the existing grid.

Add monitoring feedback via internet for consumers.

Expand renewables to fit into the new demand response network.


healthier economy & planet

23www.crotononhudson-ny.gov Earth Day 2010

the Bigger Picture: Consortium


Sharing Data + Services for 190,000 people in 13 munis:•Bedford Pilot energy retrofits•Smart grid demo project•Solid waste-biomass study•Pace Univ partnership•Clean energy initiatives•IBM cloud computing pilots•... & more



Resources cited in The Glocal Factor Croton’s GHG Emissions baseline from all Village government sector sources:

Search for “GHG Inventory” at www.crotononhudson-ny.govEagleCam www.crotononhudson-ny.gov/eaglecamFirehouse PV results http://bit.ly/Croton_Firehouse_SolarPanelsCompost Bin and Rain Barrel vendor partner http://ecopromo.comRenewable Energy Credits broker www.earthkindenergy.com

ICLEI-Local Govs for Sustainability www.icleiusa.org

Climate Registry www.theclimateregistry.org

NYS Climate Smart Community www.dec.ny.gov/energy/50845.html

US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement www.usmayors.org/climateprotection

Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium www.nweac.org

Northeast Climate Impacts Study (UCSUSA.org) www.northeastclimateimpacts.org

10 Municipal Steps by Guy Dancey www.earthfuture.com/community

Climate Solutions Consensus at the Encyclopedia of Earth (500+ websites) www.eoearth.org/article/Climate_Solutions_ConsensusEmail me for a book discount code: [email protected]

Earth Day 2010