Croton-Harmon Schools Pursuing Coherence Focus & Connect Jonathan P. Costa, Sr. February 9 th , 2016 http://digitallearningforallnow.com http:// www.slideshare.net/jpcostasr [email protected] Jonathan P. Costa

Intro to Coherence Croton Harmon Share

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Croton-Harmon Schools

Pursuing CoherenceFocus & Connect

Jonathan P. Costa, Sr.February 9th, 2016


[email protected]

Jonathan P. Costa

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Contact Information

Jonathan P. Costa, Sr.

[email protected] (cell or text) 860-484-

9109 (Twitter) @jpcostasr

To access additional assorted materials:



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Our MissionTo prepare

EVERY student for learning,

life,and work

beyond school.

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The Evolution of Educational Reform

FocusLearning Goals

Assessment Protocols


Teacher Prep


Testing Tools

Student Abilities

Instructional Focus


Universal Access

Locally Determined

Rank and SortNo News is

Good News

Get A Degree

Table of Contents

Pencil & Paper

Grouped & Labeled

Teacher Dependent

Ready for K59.9 to leave

Universal Proficiency

State by State

Tests for ALL

Label Failing Schools

Certifications & BEST

State Standards & Frameworks

Pencil & Paper WithPerformance Tasks

Integrated (N=40)

Standards Aligned

Need for Pre-SchoolSkill Demonstrations

Universal Measures

46 State Consortia (Math, LA, Science)

PARCC for All

Ranking Every District, School and Teacher

Certifications and Test Based Accountability

Multi-State Unified Standards

Digital With Performance Tasks

Integrated & Scrutinized (N=20)

Common Core AlignedAnd Digitally Supported

Pre-K and Full-K StandardsDemonstrations & Tests

Areas of Before 1986 NCLB 2001 Race to the Top 2016 – ESSA


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Imbalance between…

All the things

you have

to do..

…and all the things

you want to do.

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What do students need to be prepared to succeed in a world that……is digital, flat, open and pluralistic.…is unpredictable and volatile.…is increasingly unforgiving to those who are unskilled.

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These Trends are Already Underway

Less paperLess about factsLess just in caseLess about volumeLess about single sourcesLess about certificationsLess about compliance

More pixelsMore about skillsMore just in timeMore about rigorMore about synthesisMore about experiencesMore about creating value

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The Pareto 85/15 Leverage



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How Well?How?



Things That Matter

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What do you consider

the most important

foundational skills

and attributes that will be/are

required for students

to be successful in


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The What: High Leverage Goals for Student Learning

Critical & Creative Problem SolvingNew York

State Standards

21st CenturyDigital


Common Core Venn Diagram – 21st Century Skills Crosswalk - Four Highest Leverage Student Skills

Analyze & Construct

Arguments Based on Evidence

Meaningful & Purposeful

Communication &


Digital Literacy

& InformationFluency

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MissionWe are committed to challenging all students, community inclusion, and fostering respect. We will develop skills that enable students to become effective communicators, problem solvers, and researchers


MetacognitionMetacognition is the act of listening to the voice in your mind as you wonder, question, and do. Respond to that voice by considering your

emotions, making adjustments and connections, and evaluating where you are in your journey toward a goal.

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Coherence Is Supported by Assessment

Measure what you value,

value what you measure.



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Quick…What standardized and/or non-standardized data do you have to describe how the students in your district are doing in their quest to master any of the skills you identified?

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Data For Growth – Not Inspection

Standardized and Non-Standardized Measures

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What 3 words come tomind when you see this?How does your perspective

change when you have access to the bigger picture?

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Boston Massacre: An Important Event in American History

1.Read Chapter 6 – focus on the pages that describe what happened in the Boston Massacre and the events that followed it.

2.Answer the end of chapter review questions related to the massacre.

3.Bring your answers to class and be prepared to discuss them with your classmates.

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Boston Massacre: Murder or Justifiable Homicide?

1. Team One find 5 historical narratives by different authors

2. Team Two find 5 primary source documents from the trial

3. Team Three find 5 British history references and opinions

4. Team Four find 5 contemporaneous editorials.- Present your work to the other teams.- Create a narrative outline of the event that includes

data from all four teams.- Create a work that defends your summary/conclusion

with your facts and evidence.- Be prepared to share your product with others if

called upon.

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The More You DO,The More You Learn



Active Involvement

Engaged & Empowered

Time Required

Predicted Retention

*Adapted from National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine

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Align Your Systems With Your Goals for Learning

Type of


Subject Area Responsibilities

Everyone’s Responsibil



Content Skills



4 High Leverage Goals(Contextual)

CCSS/Digital Learning

Type of Knowledge


Type of InstructionRequired

Lecture, video, films, assigned readings and

memory activities.

Classroom or textbook problems,

experiments, discussions, practice and repetition.

Complex projects,real time

explorations,authentic and relevant skill applications.

Amount of


Discrete units,

spiraled and predictable.

Ongoing, systemic and without a

finite or predictable end.

Discrete units,

spiraled and predictable.

Recall & recognition

based quizzes, tests, and activities. Multiple

choice, matching, etc.


Checklists, analytic rubrics,or other agreed

upon skill standards(AP/SB/CAPT/


Holistic and, analytic rubrics,

or other agreed upon standards of rigor

(Portfolios, Exhibitions, SB)



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Explicitly Connect Foundational Systems




How Well?How?



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Coherence Pathways

Easy to understand, hard to do.

G = Goals P = Practices M= Measures Jonathan P. Costa S= Students A = Adults O = District/Building


Student Measures

Instructional Practices


Adult Measures

Professional Learning Practices



Organizational Practices




1. Student

2. Professional

3. Systems


Engagement Ownership

Rigor Alignment

MissionTo prepare

every student for learning,

life, and work in the 21st century.

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Student ImprovementProfessional Improvement



Student Goals

- Most criticalskills for students

Professional Goals

Adult goals for data/performance aligned

with student goals

Organizational Goals

Improvement targets related to schools &

districts tied to student goals

Instructional Strategies

- Most effective teaching

strategies for rigorous


Assessing LearningPARCC &

other valued summative, formative,

standardized and non-

standardized measures

Professional Growth

Aligned withhigh leverage student goals

andPL Standards

Professional Measurement

Student and related


Organizational Plans

District or building

level plans or strategies

aligned with PL Standards

Organizational Measures

District andbuilding leveldata other…

Building/District ImprovementWhat Goes Where?




What are your improvement “Leverage Points?”

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Organizational Coherence for Goals, Measures and Practices

Student Level

Professional Level

Building Level

District LevelPrimary C-H District FocusSkills for Student Success

School 1G, M, P

TeachersG, M, P

Student Learning

School 2G, M, P

TeachersG, M, P

Student Learning

School 3G, M, P

TeachersG, M, P

Student Learning

School 4G, M, P

TeachersG, M, P

Student Learning

Informed by…

Not driven top-down…… just from organized


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Essential Questions for Ensuring Alignment within the Coherence Framework

Goals Measures of Success Practices/Strategies

As a district, what do we believe are the most important high leverage

skills students need to achieve success in life learning and work

beyond school?

What are our most important critical student success indicators and how do we report them at the building

and district level to all our stakeholders?

What district level professional learning plans and strategies will create the best opportunity for

building the capacity we need to help our students meet our district goals

for learning?

What are the most important high leverage skills students need to

achieve success in life learning and work beyond school and which of

them will our school focus on (Learning Targets)?

How will we measure the growth of student progress

toward mastery of these skills /learning targets (Success Criteria and

performance scales) in our school?

What are the most critical teaching behaviors and practices that we need

to apply to support the growth of these skills/learning targets for our


What are the growth targets for my students for our high leverage skills (Learning Targets) and what is my professional practice focus/goal

related to mastering high leverage teaching behaviors?

What are the growth target measurements for my students and what are the professional practice target measurements I will use to gauge my success in reaching my


What professional learning strategies would be most helpful to build my own capacity to meet my students goals and my professional practice


1. District Level(focus on student learning

outcomes for the long-term)

2. School Level(focus on student learning

outcomes at the school level)

3. Professional Level(focus on student learning

outcomes at the classroom level)

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Goals for




Policy andRegulation




Resource Deployment


Supporting Systems

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This is not traditionalstrategic planning…

Analog historyDefense of the pastImproving everythingUncoupled autonomyMeasure what you have toCompliance accountableJust work harder

Digital foundationsPreparation for the futureMake high leverage choicesConnected systemsMeasure what is valuedMission accountableAligned coherent action

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Strategic Coherence Planning Process


Philosophy Practice

Commit to Principles

of Coherence Planning

- Focus- Connect- Mission/Beliefs- Identify High

Leverage Skills

Data ScanInternal and


Performance and alignment of

foundational and supporting systems of

student learning.

Aligning Actions With

Strategic Focus

- Actions- Outcomes- Timelines- Responsibiliti

es- Innovation

Configuration Mapping

IVResults AnalysisIdentifying

patterns and priorities

Defining the gap between desired and

current state.

Focus Setting

Priority Strategic Actions

Indicators of Success

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Three Pathways to Coherence• Key elements are all present• All existing improvement elements can be identified and

or categorized so connections are evident to all• Only minor adjustments required to improve connections

Re-align• Some key elements are present but connections between

them are weak, missing or lack focus.• Adjustments and reframing of key goals, measures and

domain connections are required for coherence.Re-frame• Key elements are missing or lack focus• Comprehensive analysis and re-design of goals, measures

and practices are required or desired across domains to create coherence.Re-design

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1.The district has identified, defined and committed to supporting a focused set of appropriate student learning goals that will ensure student success in life, learning and work beyond school.

2.The district has committed to supporting instructional and adult learning strategies that ensure rigorous, digitally supported pedagogical experiences aligned with the district’s student goals.

3.The district uses and reports on appropriate and balanced measures of student and adult success that are aligned with its student learning goals.

4.The district aligns its supporting organizational systems to support the acquisition of its student learning goals.


Philosophical Foundations For Planning

Costa - Strategic Coherence Planning Focus - Connect

Four Outcomes for Strategic Coherence:

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What is Next:1. Work with BOCES

partner and district staff to design a process to involve and engage key constituents.

2. Conduct the Strategic Coherence Plan self-assessment.

3. Plan for gap closing strategies.

4. Implement, review, re-adjust.