Conventions of Double Page Magazine Spread

Conventions of Double Page Magazine Spread

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Page 1: Conventions of Double Page Magazine Spread

Conventions of Double Page

Magazine Spread

Page 2: Conventions of Double Page Magazine Spread

A Large Image - often containing a celebrity who is looking directly at the reader. This is used to directly address the audience, often seen in music magazines with Band/Artist photos.

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A Quote - Perhaps from the interview, sometimes even presented as the headline, or by the picture. They are sometimes even used to break up the text. The specific quotes used are chosen to purposely attract or grip the reader.

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Introduction - There is usually and introductory paragraph or sentence, know as a stand first, which often stands out and is made clearer than the rest of the text. This acts as a summary of what the article is about, this is, yet again, used to draw in the audience. If they read this sentence and want to know more then they will read on.

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Text - On all double page spreads is the text, could be and article, or and interview or just news. Either way every double page is similar in the way they chose to display there text. Usually the main body of text on a double page spread is size 11pt. Often ariel font, however this is not always the case, sometimes changes are made to the conventional font or layout to connote the texts subject matter.The body of text is commonly opened with a drop cap which shows the reader where to start reading but also draws their eye to the text. The body text of any magazine article is normally separated into columns much like in newspaper

publishing. A double page spread is no different and the amount of columns can cary from 2-4. This gives the page order and a set layout, making the page look tidy and pleasing to the eye. The font is usually kept consistent throughout the magazine.

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Images - The main focus image in any double page spread is usually found on the left hand page, however this isn’t always the case. Sometimes the image bleeds across the whole double page, although this isn’t always the case, it is a frequent convention. The picture always relates directly to the article and is often aesthetically pleasing, with attractive men or women.

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Headline - The headline used for any double page spread must be short, sweet and eye-catching. This is most likely one of the first things and reader will see it must be bold, clear and intriguing. It must pull in the reader enticing them to find out more.

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Colour Scheme - A double page spread often follows some sort of colour scheme , often conforming to a colour scheme that runs throughout the magazine but still unique in some way to this article. Often the more important pieces of information are highlighted in different colours. The colour themes often conform and connote the genre or subject matter of the text, for example, for a spread on mother’s day perhaps Pink will be a main colour.

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Celebrities Names in Bold - Especially in music magazines the celebrity or artist’s name will appear some where on the double page spread in bold. This is to again draw the reader’s eye and help the celebrity stand out from the rest of the text.