COMMONWEALTH DAY COMMEMORATION A READING AND ANALYSES OF THE QUEEN’S MESSAGE OF 13 MARCH 2017 BY DR. AFUTENDEM LUCAS NKWETA THEME: A PEACE-BUILDING COMMONWEALTH Her Majesty The QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth said baton will move out from London to all countries and villages in member states of the commonwealth. It will visit peoples living in the nations and territories of the commonwealth. A Batonbearer will share the dream and carry with pride the spirit of the Games embracing the diversity and values of the Commonwealth. They will inspire others with their passion and commitment to sport and community and be excited to represent and promote the Commonwealth Games and goals.Of importance is the fact that the baton will connect millions of people of all ages and background and above all it will contain a message to be opened at the next Commonwealth Games in Australia. It will be the peace building message. She reiterates that peace building lies respect and understanding for one another. Working together in the collective and dynamic spirit we build peace by defending the dignity of every one in the community. Thirdly she recommends and upholds that justice and rule of law we work for a society that is fair and offer opportunities for all. We can overcome division and conflicts by seeking reconciliation. In this way the benefits of progress, development and prosperity will be multiplied and shared to all. Her Majesty moves on to the fourth element which is the history and heritage of the people. We have to be thankful and proud of our inheritance that we have received from people who came before us. Where there are conflicts we have to proceed through consensus and cooperation so that great and greater things can be achieved. Lastly, she invites all to continue to collaborate with each other in a spirit of good will to build a peaceful and abundant future for all citizens. In this way we shall find reward and fulfilment. Considering the present state of the affaires in Cameroon, we rightly say that Her Majesty was addressing Cameroon. The current crisis situation between Anglophone Cameroon and the government is constructed and reconstructed on inheritance. We

Commonwealth day commemoration Afutendem

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Her Majesty The QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth said baton will move out from London to all countries and villages in member states of the commonwealth. It will visit peoples living in the nations and territories of the commonwealth. A Batonbearer will share the dream and carry with pride the spirit of the Games embracing the diversity and values of the Commonwealth. They will inspire others with their passion and commitment to sport and community and be excited to represent and promote the Commonwealth Games and goals.Of importance is the fact that the baton will connect millions of people of all ages and background and above all it will contain a message to be opened at the next Commonwealth Games in Australia. It will be the peace building message. She reiterates that peace building lies respect and understanding for one another. Working together in the collective and dynamic spirit we build peace by defending the dignity of every one in the community.

Thirdly she recommends and upholds that justice and rule of law we work for a society that is fair and offer opportunities for all. We can overcome division and conflicts by seeking reconciliation. In this way the benefits of progress, development and prosperity will be multiplied and shared to all.

Her Majesty moves on to the fourth element which is the history and heritage of the people. We have to be thankful and proud of our inheritance that we have received from people who came before us. Where there are conflicts we have to proceed through consensus and cooperation so that great and greater things can be achieved. Lastly, she invites all to continue to collaborate with each other in a spirit of good will to build a peaceful and abundant future for all citizens. In this way we shall find reward and fulfilment.

Considering the present state of the affaires in Cameroon, we rightly say that Her Majesty was addressing Cameroon. The current crisis situation between Anglophone Cameroon and the government is constructed and reconstructed on inheritance. We will gain much on both sides if we remain united and work within the principles of free This is in line with the Commonwealth Charter principle which states: “International peace and security, sustainable economic growth and development and the rule of law are essential to the progress and prosperity of all.” The charter also acknowledges the role of civil society in supporting the goals and values of the commonwealth.

The commonwealth affirms and reaffirms our core commonwealth principles of consensus and common action, mutual respect, inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, legitimacy, responsiveness and we all, with our Vice Chancellor add Collective dynamism.The core value sand principles of the Commonwealth as declared by the charter are:1. Democracy2. Human rights3. International peace4. Tolerance, Respect and understanding5. Freedom of Expression6. Separation of Powers7. Rule of law8. Good governance9. Sustainable development

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10. Protecting the environment11. Access to Health Education12. Gender Equality13 Importance of young people in the commonwealth14. Recognition of the needs of small states15. Recognition of the needs of vulnerable people16. The role of civil society

We have to remain committed to ensuring that the commonwealth is an effective association, responsive to members’ needs and capable of addressing the significant global challenge of the future. We aspire to a commonwealth that is a strong ad respected voice in the world, speaking out on major issues; that strengthens and enlarges its networks; that has a global relevance and profile and that is devoted to improving the lives of the all peoples of the commonwealth.

The Commonwealth Heads of Governments and Ministerial meetings operate through consensus building on difficult issues. They try to be impartial to the extent of being responsible to the collectivity of member states and must not favour the interests of one group against another. The officers work on the general will of the people.

What is Peacebuilding?We understand peacebuilding as a process of strengthening a society’s capacity to

manage conflict in non-violent ways. It is a process that facilitates the establishment of durable peace and tries to prevent the recurrence of violence by addressing root causes and effects of conflict through reconciliation, institution building, and political as well as economic transformation.

Conflict is natural in society and can lead to positive change. However, it can also descend into violence of appropriate Peacebuilding initiatives are not engaged. We have to work to enhance trust between individuals and between groups in a Cameroon, beginning with out families, colleagues and staff, classmates and university. We also have to restore the legitimacy of state institutions and work towards a conduicive atmosphere to enable all children in all parts of he country to go to school and with internet facilities. Peacebuilding is about bringing together the different actors that are engaged in the rebuilding of a country that happened to be in a crisis.

People from inside and outside a conflict-affected country need to work together to understand their different views, define priorities. This will enable a better alignment of national policy-making, external assistance, and local priorities. We strongly believe that peacebuilding is about deep, long-term transformations. This requires an integrated approach engaging a diverse range of actors.

Principles of PeacebuildingWe put people at the centre of building lasting peace. While every situation is different, the following principles guide our approach. Exclusion or marginalization of key groups of society making up the country sows the seeds for renewed violence, deepening resentment and giving them the opportunity to undermine the process. Our peacebuilding programmes should be designed to include participants from across society – even those who are typically overlooked or seen as difficult to engage with. This inclusive approach ensures that a broad base of social groups share a sense of ownership and responsibility for reconciliation and the rebuilding of their society.

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Inclusion engages all parties in a process of change and begins to build bridges of understanding. This, in time, enables the society collectively to move towards moderation and compromise.

Trust and confidence are the glue that hold relationships, societies, and economies together. Violent conflict results in the breakdown of trust and that is why rebuilding it is a core element of our approach. By working with all sectors and levels of society to develop a common vision for the future, we contribute to increased mutual understanding and the rebuilding of trust.Conflict tears apart the fabric of societies. Mistrust colours all relationships, including between people and their leaders. In such contexts, even small problems can escalate into wide-scale violence. Trust gives institutions lasting legitimacy and helps individuals and groups remain engaged in the long and arduous process of building lasting peace.

Long-term commitmentBuilding lasting peace is a long-term commitment. Transforming the way a society

deals with conflict is a complicated process that cannot be achieved instantly and the parties should understand. Our peacebuilding efforts take this into account and are designed as long-term initiatives. Building lasting peace takes time. The road to peace is bumpy, long, unpredictable and anything but straight. Support of local efforts must be patient and consistent.

Inclusive PeacebuildingThe root of many conflicts across the world can be traced to exclusion. We believe

that by working to lessen the distance that can exist between the state and wider society a durable peace can be built. Interpeace believes that it is important to ensure that all individuals and groups – particularly those who are frequently or feel marginalized, such as youth and women – are brought in to the peacebuilding process.

Peacebuilding is a complex process which cannot be monopolized by one single group – there must be inclusivity at all stages, from the top to the very bottom. Otherwise the peace that is constructed will not last, nor will it be just.

We believe that standing against the trend of exclusion in society requires a concerted effort to ensure inclusivity at all levels of the peacebuilding process, with particular attention to marginalized groups, so that all opinions, interests and needs can be considered. In short, a just and sustainable peace cannot be built without the inclusion of all.

Wherever we live in the Commonwealth, we can always benefit from being open to the ideas

and encouragement of those around us. Each of us can also make a positive difference in the

lives of others by being willing to contribute and offer support.This is an essential ingredient of belonging to the Commonwealth: the willingness to

share, to exchange and to act for the common good. By including others, drawing on collective insights, knowledge and resources, and thinking and working together, we lay the foundations of a harmonious and progressive society. The greater the diversity of those included in such a shared enterprise, the greater the gains. Each of us has cause to celebrate the sense of belonging expressed in our 2017 theme.In a country that is facing social unrest resulting to conflict, the role that most of the private and public universities have play in peacebuilding is still reticent, because in most of the cases for these actors, and in general for the Cameroonian society and state, it is not clear which should be their role in this kind of context. The University of Dschang should take a leading and a more active and visible role inpeacebuilding and reconciliation processes, through activities not only limited to conferences

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but the institution moving ahead to reconstruct the social foundations of communities. Besides, the preoccupation for the country’s political and social situation, which at the same time is determined by the dynamics of conflict, should provide us with opportunities to create and lead efforts and actions for building peace that goes beyond the academic level. Through these actions, the university also becomes a decisive actor on the mentioned processes.

Part of the peacebuilding and reconciliation processes effectiveness incountries that have faced or are facing conflict situations, depends from the role that localactors can take on them. In this way, from the universities have emerged questionsabout the role that private sector, local businessman and civil actors should lead inpeacebuilding.

On our part, the English and Commonwealth Unit in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages has in the past six years been carrying out excursions to the two Anglophone regions of Cameroon. The students of level and three in collaboration with their parents and the department each year select towns to visit. Families volunteer to receive the delegation. Apart from sightseeing, cultural immersion and shared lifestyles we enjoy common meals and return to Dschang fresher than ever before.

At this moment of misunderstandings it is time hierarchy should step and empower the commonwealth students to pursue the initiative and this time around with peace building messages and actions. I plead on the Vice Chancellor to support the students with University of Dschang track suits that can identify the 250 students and showcase our institution as a focal point for peacebuilding.

The university of Dschang from its privileged position is currently hosting about 1000 displaced youths from the south West and North West Regions. These students here are their hosts and they in living in deplorable conditions. Something has to be done.

Furthermore a NANFOSSO COLLECTIVE DYNAMISM AND PEACE BUILDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE should be organized in the near future to bring stake holder together to try to bring stability in the country. I propose 17 and 18 May 2017.

The Commonwealth believes in starting small. We can begin the long walk for peace here and in this hall. Thanks for your kind attention.