www.fellowbuddy.com Simplifying Students Life CAT Paper Directions for questions 1 to 45: Choose the correct alternative 1. Given the distance as S = 3t + t3 in‘t’ seconds. Calculate the velocity after 2 seconds. a. 15 b. 20 c. 25 d. 10 2. My income for 30days averaged Rs.14 the average for the 1st 10 days was Rs.12 and the average for the last 18 days was Rs.16. What was the income on the 12th day? a. Rs.6 b. Rs. 2 c. Rs.5 d. Rs.10 3. 6 men P,Q,R,S,T,U agree with a seventh man V to provide a sum of money among them P,Q,R,S,T,U are to subscribe Rs.20 each and V is to pay Rs.6 more than the average of the seven. What is the whole sum to be provided? a. Rs.147 b. Rs.73 c. Rs.125 d. Rs.142 4. 6, 12, 36,144 a. 720 b. 760 c. 520 d. 288 5. X has Rs.2 and B has twenty paise. How much must X gives to Y in order that he may & have just 4 times as much as Y. a. 24 paise b. 60 paise c. 12 paise d. None of these 6. Walking 4/5 of his usual speed, a man is 15 minutes late. His usual time to cover that distance is a. 50 min

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Simplifying Students Life

CAT Paper

Directions for questions 1 to 45: Choose the correct alternative

1. Given the distance as S = 3t + t3 in‘t’ seconds. Calculate the velocity after 2 seconds.

a. 15

b. 20

c. 25

d. 10

2. My income for 30days averaged Rs.14 the average for the 1st 10 days was Rs.12 and the average for

the last 18 days was Rs.16. What was the income on the 12th day?

a. Rs.6

b. Rs. 2

c. Rs.5

d. Rs.10

3. 6 men P,Q,R,S,T,U agree with a seventh man V to provide a sum of money among them P,Q,R,S,T,U

are to subscribe Rs.20 each and V is to pay Rs.6 more than the average of the seven. What is the whole

sum to be provided?

a. Rs.147

b. Rs.73

c. Rs.125

d. Rs.142

4. 6, 12, 36,144

a. 720

b. 760

c. 520

d. 288

5. X has Rs.2 and B has twenty paise. How much must X gives to Y in order that he may & have just 4

times as much as Y.

a. 24 paise

b. 60 paise

c. 12 paise

d. None of these

6. Walking 4/5 of his usual speed, a man is 15 minutes late. His usual time to cover that distance is

a. 50 min

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b. 1 hour

c. 5 min

d. 55 min

7. How many meters. Does an ant travel in 40sec. @ 90 km/hr?

a. 500 m

b. 1000m

c. 1500 m

d. 1200 m

8. A pressure cooker is sold for Rs. 2400. Sales tax amounts for 1/5th of this and profit ½ of the

remainder. Find C.P.

a. Rs. 960

b. Rs.620

c. Rs.1440

d. Rs.480

9. Find the length of the longest rod that can be placed in the room 24 ft long, 18 ft broad & 16ft high.

a. 34 ft.

b. 32 ft

c. 17 ft

d. 30 ft.

10. The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular coin are 7: 4:3 and its whole surface area is 2196

sq.cm find its breadth

a. 12 √2 cm

b. 14 cm

c. 3√ 2

d. None of these

11. There are 6 men and 3 women who are eligible for being included in a team of 4 men and 2 women.

In how many ways can the team be formed if one woman Rakhi refuses to be in if another woman

Sheetal be included?

a. 30 ways

b. 15 ways

c. 20 ways

d. 25 ways.

12. In how many different ways can 5 questions of true false type be answered

a. 15 ways

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b. 3 ways

c. 10 ways

d. 32 ways

13. In a class 50% of the students are boys and 70% of the girls sing. If 60% of the class sings, what % of

boys sing.

a. 50 %

b. 25%

c. 35%

d. 75%

14. Cost of painting a circle of radius 3 feet is Rs.200. Find the cost of painting an angular ring with inner

radius of 3 yards and outer radius 5 yards.

a. Rs. 1800

b. Rs. 1500

c. Rs.1600

d. Rs.1200

15. A regular solid with 6 vertices has 2 faces. Find the number of edges

a. 10

b. 4

c. 6

d. 8

16. Increasing the speed by 30% will reduce the travelling time by

a. 23.07%

b. 25%

c. 22.06%

d. 28%

17. An FMCG company has 2 stocks of a shampoo of different cost prices. Due to a demand lag, he sells

both the stock in equal quantity at RS.10. one at a gain of 10% and the other at a loss of 10% this overall

profit/loss is

a. Gain 2%

b. Loss 1%

c. Gain 1%

d. Loss 1.96%

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18. In a 200 m race x gives y a start of 10m. IF x’s speed is 5 m per sec. In what time does y finish the


a. 42 sec

b. 30 sec

c. 40 sec

d. 50 sec.

19. If 33 = 18, 46 = 52, 52 = 29, then 63 = ?

a. 45

b. 56

c. 32

d. 48

20. X: Y: Z : 3:4:5. Find the ratio of the square of their average and the average of their squares .

a. 24 /25

b. 27/29

c. 25/24

d. 29/27

21. If a and b are non-zero rational unequal number then (a + b )2 - ( a – b) 2 / a2b – ab2 is equal to

a. 1/ab

b. 2 / (a-b)

c. 1/ (a-b)

d. 4/ (a-b)

22. [ .625 x . 625 - . 483 x . 483 ] 1- .858 ] is :

a. 1.502

b. 1.10

c. 1.108

d. 2.04

23. The course of enemy helicopter as plotted on a set of rectangular are given by the equation 4x + 6 y

= 10. On the same area, the course of destroyer is indicated by 2x – 27 = 20. The point (x,y) at which the

helicopter can be destroyed is :

a. (7, - 3)

b. (-3, 7)

c. (4, -6)

d. (-6, 4)

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24. The value of K for which the system of equations 2x + 4y-1 = 0 and 10x + ky -5 = 0 has no solution is.

a. 10

b. 20

c. 14

d. 6

25. There are two examination halls, A and B. If 20 student are sent from A to B then the number of

student in each room is the same. If 40 student are sent from B to A then the number of students in A is

double that of B. The number of student in A and M respectively are.

a. 200, 160

b. 160, 200

c. 250, 190

d. 190, 250

26. For what value of K will the equations 4x + 24 y +6 = 0 and 6x + 18y + k = 0 represent coincident lines

a. 7/2

b. 4/7

c. 9/2

d. 8/7

27. Varuna and Aruna solved a quadratic equation. In solving it, Varuna made a mistake in the constant

term and got the roots as 3 and 4, while Aruna made a mistake in the co-efficient of x only and obtained

roots as –6 and –1. The correct roots of the equation are

a. -6 , -1

b. 6,1

c. 7, 1

d. 5,2

28. 28 rose plants, 56 marigold plant and 108 Shoeflower planted in rows such that each row contain

the same numbers of trees of one variety only. Minimum number of rows in which the above trees may

be planted is

a. 24

b. 48

c. 21

d. 56

29. Ashok was asked to multiply a certain number by 26. He multiplied it with 62 and got his answer

more than the correct one by 468.

a. 1

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b. 14

c. 12

d. 13

30. The number of natural numbers divisible by 7 between 1 and 1000, is :

a. 156

b. 143

c. 142

d. 150

31. Three pieces of timber 21 m, 28 m and 49 m long have to be divided into planks of the same length.

What is the greatest possible length of each plank?

a. 7 m

b. 10 m

c. 14 m

d. 8 m

32. The greatest number that will divide 30, 40& 42 leaving remainder 2, 4, 6 respectively is

a. 1

b. 6

c. 8

d. 4

33. If √ 42 = 6.48, then the value of √ 7 /6 is

a. 1.08

b. 2.06

c. 3.5

d. 1

34. The price of butter has increased by 50% . The percentage of reduction that a family should affect in

the use of butter so as not to increase the expenditure on this account is :

a. 30%

b. 50%

c. 33.33%

d. 25%

35. The length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and the breadth decrease by 20%. The area of the new

rectangle is:

a. Decrease by 4%

b. Increase by 1%

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c. Remains same

d. None of these

36. In measuring the side of a square, an error of 10% in excess is made. The error percent in the

calculated area is:

a. 10 %

b. 20%

c. 21%

d. 16

37. One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is

either a black card or a king?

a. 8/7

b. 7/13

c. 1/7

d. 7/8

38. Ticket numbered from 1 to 30 are mixed up and a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability

that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 9.

a. 2 /10

b. 2 /5

c. 1/5

d. 1/10

39. A bag contains 6 black and 4 blue balls. Two balls are drawn at random what is the probability that

both the balls drawn are blue.

a. 3/20

b. 2 /15

c. 3/4

d. 4/5

40. In a lottery there are 15 prizes and 35 blanks what is the probability of getting a prize

a. 3/10

b. 2/5

c. 3/7

d. 4/5

41. The angles of a pentagon are in the ratio 4: 6:10 : 9. The smallest angles is

a. 18√

b. 36√

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c. 20√

d. 14√

42. If each interior angle of a regular polygon is 10 times its exterior angle. The number of sides of the

polygon is:

a. 23

b. 24

c. 22

d. 21

43. In √PQR PQ= 6 CM, PR = 8 CM AND PX is the bisector of angle p. the QX:Xr is.

a. 3: 4

b. 4 : 3

c. 9 : 16

d. 16 : 9

44. If in the triangle PQR and XYZ angle P is equal to angle Y, both are equal to 50√, PQ :YX = PR : YZ and

angle z is 75√ then angle q is

a. 85√

b. 75√

c. 55√

d. 65√

45. The areas of two similar triangles are 10 cm 2 and 40 cm 2. If the height of the smaller on is 2 cm, the

corresponding height of the bigger one is:

a. 4 cm

b. 8 cm

c. 6 cm

d. 10 cm

Directions for questions 46 to 75:

Each question is followed by 2 statements

Mark (1) if statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficient

Mark (2) if statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficient

Mark (3) if both statements I & II together are sufficient but neither statements alone is sufficient

Mark (4) if each statement alone is sufficient

Mark (5) if statement I &II together are not sufficient.

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46. Which is more expensive – on Orange or an Apple

I. Oranges cost Rs. 15 per kg and Apples cost Rs. 5 per kg

II. Each Orange weights thrice as much as an Apple.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

47. In how many years will Rs. 400 double..

I. Rs 100 earns an interest of Rs10 in six months

II. An investment of Rs 100 for a year and Rs 60 for six months earns a total interest of Rs 18.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

48. Is a > b

I. a2 ³ b2 + 5

II. |a| - |b| ³ | a – b |

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

49. What is the length of the train?

I. The train crosses a bridge twice its length in 15 Seconds

II. If the speed of the train in increased by 30 km per hour it takes 10 seconds to cross a bridge twice its


a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

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e. 5

50. If a sequence of numbers is given by xn = x n-1 + 3. Is x12 an odd number?

I. x1 is an odd integer

II. x11 is an odd integer

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

51. Who stood first in the class?

I. Ravi scored more marks than Veeru who has not scored more than Rakesh, who has scored 5 more

than Alok.

II. Had Akash scored 10 marks more, he would have scored 4 marks more than Veeru.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

52. Is p3 + q3 + r3 = 3pqr

I. P + q + r = 0

II. P2 + q2 + r2 = pq + qr + rp

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

53. Two trains 150m and 120m are travelling between Delhi and Agra. If the speed of the longer train is

50 kmph, what is the speed of the other train?

I. The trains cross each other in 12 seconds

II. Agra is 180 km from Delhi

a. 1

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b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

54. Are cone x and cone y similar?

I. The volumes of the cones is similar

II. The ratio of the curved surface are of cone x to that of cone y is Ö 10

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

55. Arvind mixes two types of coffee x and y. The coffee of type x costs Rs 5 / kg and that of Type y costs

Rs 8 / kg. At what price should the merchant sell the mixture, if he wants to gain 20% on the


I. The mixture weights 100 kgs

II. Arvind mixes the coffee of type x and y in the ratio 3 : 2.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

56. A circus tent is in the form of a cylinder with a cone placed exactly on the top. The ratio of the

diameter of the base and the height of the tent is 4:5. What is the area of the canvas required to erect

the tent?

I. The radius of the base of the tent is 10 feet

II. The volume of the conical past of the tent is 1/4th the volume of the cylindrical path

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

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57. Two inlets x and y and an outlet z are connected to cistern. The pipes x, y and z are opened

alternately in that order. In how much time will the cistern be filled?

I. Z can empty the cistern is 10 hours.

II. X and y together can fill the cistern in 6 hours

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

58. If ‘A’ is an integer, is A/2 are even integer?

I, A is multiple of 2

II. A is multiple of 4

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

59. Is xy a prime number?

I. X is a prime number

II. Y is a fraction

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

60. X, Y, Zare in geometric progression. Is the common ratio negative?

I. y is less than x

II. xyz is greater than xz

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

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e. 5

61. If 10 is added to the numerator and denominator each of the fraction p/q, will the new fraction be

Less than the original one?

I. p = 100, q = 150

II. p> q, p and q are real numbers

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

62. What is the area of right angled triangle PQR

I. The hypotenuse yz = 10

II. xz = 5

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

63. When a body falls from rest its distance from the starting point varies as the square of the time it has

fallen. How far does it fall in the 15th second?

I. If falls through 122m is seconds

II. It falls through 450m is 10 seconds

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

64. How many revolutions does cycle wheel make while travelling 2km?

I. It is pedaled at the speed of A km/hr.

II. The height of the topmost point of the wheel from the ground is 2 meters.

a. 1

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b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

65. Is q negative?

I. p q 3 is negative

II. p3 q is negative

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

66. How long would it take James to complete the work?

I. James and Jack complete the work in 12 days

II. James takes 6 days more than Jack to complete the work.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

67. If x, y, z are integers, is yz even

I. x and y are consecutive integers

II. y and z differ by 1

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

68. If p and q are not equal to zero, is 3/p greater than 3/q?

I. p is larger than q

II. p is negative.

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a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

69. Which is the smallest angle of triangle PQR?

I. Angle p is 15 degrees

II. Side PR is greater than PQ

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

70. What are the sides of a right angled triangle PQR?

I. Perimeter of the triangle is 120 cms

II. Sum of squares of sides is 5250 sqcms

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

71.If p is a negative number, is pqr less than 0 ?

I. At least one of q and r is negative

II. The sum of q and r is positive

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

72. Is the number x divisible by 10

I. 2x is divisible by 50

II. x2 is divisible by 100

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a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

73. What is the decrease in the revenue?

I. The tax on a commodity is reduced by 30% and the sales increase by 12%

II. The tax on a commodity is increased in the ratio 4 : 5 and the sales decrease in the ratio 29 : 25

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

74. What is the slope of the line xy

I. xy is perpendicular to the line 4A+5B=20

II. Parallel lines have the same slope

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

75. p, k, q, and rare distinct real numbers. Is pq>pr

I. KQ > KR

II. Q > R

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

Directions for questions 76 and 77: In each of the following arguments one premises is missing. Pick

out from the answer-choices the premises which will complete the argument without imparting any

fallacy to it.

76. She will win because she is a good player.

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a. All who win are good player.

b. All good players win.

c. Some good players win.

d. Some who win are good players.

77. Villagers breathe fresh so they are healthy.

a. All who breathe fresh air are healthy.

b. All healthy breathe fresh air.

c. Only those who breathe fresh air are healthy.

d. Some who breathe fresh air are healthy.

Directions for questions 78 to 82: Each question contains six statements followed by four sets of

combinations of three. Choose the set in which the statements are logically related.

78. 1. Some snakes are poisonous.

2. All snakes are nocturnal.

3. All poisonous creatures are snakes.

4. All poisonous creatures are nocturnal.

5. Some snakes are nocturnal creatures.

6.Some nocturnal creatures are poisonous.

a. 165

b. 236

c. 241

d. 235

79.1.Some excessive drinkers are managers.

2. All excessive drinkers are debtors.

3. No debtor is a manager.

4. All debtors are excessive drinkers.

5. No manager is an excessive drinker.

6. Some managers are debtors.

a. 162

b. 352

c. 235

d. 146

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80.1.No minister is honest.

2.All judges are honest.

3. Some judges are honest.

4. Some honest persons are ministers.

5. Some judges are not ministers.

6. No honest person is a judge.

a. 165

b. 345

c. 135

d. 251

81. 1. Some smokers are doctors.

2.No smoker is a doctor.

3.All doctors are non-smokers

4.No non-smoker is a smoker.

5. Some doctors are non-smokers.

6. All doctors are smokers.

a. 154

b. 245

c. 364

d. 342

82.1. Some animals are not trained.

2. Elephants are trained animals.

3.All trained animals are in circus.

4.Some trained animals are elephants.

5. Some elephants are in circus.

6. All animals in the circus are trained.

7. Elephants are in circus.

a. 327

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b. 674

c. 253

d. 456

Directions for questions 83 to 87: Given below is a capitalized pair of words which bear a certain

relationship to each other. From the alternatives, choose the pair that bear the same relationship as the

capitalized pair.


a. apple : pear

b. rain : drizzle

c. drink : mango

d. swirling : nebulous


a. visage : person

b. screen : television

c. hands : watch

d. personage : importance


a. annoyed : furious

b. simmer : boil

c. cold : ice

d. freeze : thaw


a. retroactive : aberration

b. physiognomy : psychometry

c. flagellate : wave

d. firmament : sky


a. painter : sculptor

b. pugnacious : attitude

c. emu : eland

d. Clairvoyant : oracular

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Directions for questions 88 to 91: Read the information and answer the questions given below.

John adores classical music. He always prefers Beethoven to Bartok and Mahler to Mozart. He always

prefers Haydn to Hindemith and Hindemith to Mozart. He always prefers Mahler to any composer

whose name begins with B, except Beethoven, and he always chooses to listen to a composer he


88. Which of the following cannot be true?

a. John prefers Mahler to Bartok

b. John prefers Beethoven to Mozart

c. John prefers Bartok to Mozart

d. John prefers Mozart to Beethoven.

89. John's brother gives him ones recording by each of the composers mentioned. Which of the

following correctly states the order in which John must play some of the records?

a. Beethoven, Bartok, Mozart

b. Haydn, Hindemith, Mozart

c. Beethoven, Mahler, Bartok

d. Hindemith, Mahler, Mozart.

90. John's mother also gives him one recording by each composer mentioned. Which of the following

cannot occur?

a. John plays the Beethoven first third

b. John plays the Haydn first

c. John plays Mahler

d. John plays the Beethoven fifth.

91. John's father gives him several records. If the first record he plays is by Berlioz, which of the

following must be true?

a. There is no record by Hindemith

b. There is no record by Bartok

c. One of the records may be by Haydn

d. There is no record by Beethoven.

Directions for questions 92 to 95:In each of the following questions one interrogative statements

followed by two argument, one beginning with 'yes' and the other with 'no'. Mark:

(a)if only argument 1 is forceful

(b) if only argument 2 is forceful

(c)if both 1 and 2 are forceful

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(d)if neither 1 nor 2 is forceful.

92. Should widow remarriages be made obligatory?

1. Yes, because a widow suffers in various ways.

2. No, because a widow suffering will remain maladjusted.

a. a

b. b

c. c

d. d

93. Should the people in China be legally forced to adopt family planning program?

1. Yes, because population explosion is perhaps the greatest threat to China's economic


2. No, because nothing is a democratic country like China should be implemented by force.

a. a

b. b

c. c

d. d

94. Should there be 1/3rd reservation for women in cabinet?

1. Yes, because women have been living under social constraints.

2. No, because such a step would make them helpless dependents.

a. a

b. b

c. c

d. d

95. Is it beneficial for the national unity of India to separate religion from politics?

1. Yes, because India is a secular state and it is in the interest of national unity to remain secular.

2. No, because religion imparts a moral touch to our politics.

a. a

b. b

c. c

d. d

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Directions for questions 96 to 99: Two sentences below are joined in three different ways and the

beginnings of each composite sentence are given. Choose the ones which are syntactically, idiomatically

and semantically correct.

96. The moon rose. Their voyage was not ended.

I. The moon rose before the end of their voyage.

II. Their voyage carried on after sunset.

III. Their voyage carried on well into the night.

a. I only

b. II and III

c. II and III

d. I and III

97. She is free from disease. At least she appears to be so.

I. She appears to be free from disease.

II. She has a disease free appearance.

III. She appears to be free from the least diseases.

a. I only

b. II only

c. I and II

d. III only

98. There was a tender in the newspaper. His interest was much aroused.

I. He read an interest arousing tender in the newspaper.

II. His interest was aroused by a print tender.

III. A tender in the newspaper aroused his interest.

a. I and III

b. I and II

c. II and III

d. III only

99. His wife encouraged him. He preserved.

I. Since his wife encouraged him.......

II. He preserved because.........

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III. His encouraging wife persevered him.

a. I only

b. II only

c. I and II

d. III only

Directions for question 100 to 106: From the following sentences, choose one underlined word or

phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English. If the sentence has no errors,


100. Someone in the Accounts Department had left the documents upon the table.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

101. In 1970 I lived in Chennai in Shahu Nagar.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

102. I had ordered for ten units but the producer could supply only two.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

103. Unless you do not read and reread the books, you will never be educated.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

104. As far as grouping was concerned my views were different than her.

a. 1

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b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

105. The rich generally are not sensitive of the sufferings of the poor

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

106.Inspite of the massive rescue operation the ship with all her cargo drowned in the shark infested


a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

Directions for questions 107 to 120: Choose the pair of words which have a relationship between

themselves similar to the relationship between the given pair of words.

107. Magnet: iron

a. tank : fluid

b. hook : net

c. sunlight : plant

d. spray : tree

108. Hyperbole: language

a. prodigality : spending

b. whimsicality : poetry

c. idiom : slang

d. repetition : behavior

109. Ardent: interested

a. depressed : cheerful

b. bored : curious

c. shy : listless

d. incensed : annoyed

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110. Greeting: Farewell

a. arrival : salutation

b. introduction : conclusion

c. birth : marriage

d. announcement : news

111. Razor: barber

a. scalpel : surgeon

b. weed : gardener

c. recipe : chef

d. medicine : patient

112. Formidable: fear

a. grateful : regret

b. dismal : cheer

c. sickening : disgust

d. generous : pity

113. Condolence: sorrow

a. diligence : wealth

b. responsibility : burden

c. congratulation : success

d. envy : fame

114. Stubborn: vacillation

a. poised : embarrassment

b. hopeful : decisiveness

c. subtle : maneuverability

d. doubtful : concern

115. Juggler: hands

a. surgeon : heart

b. dancer : feet

c. drummer : drums

d. conductor : voice

116. Referee: contest

a. Judge: trial

b. defendant : lawsuit

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c. member : union

d. spectator : game

117.Playwright: actor

a. producer : director

b. sculptor : model

c. biographer : character

d. choreographer : dancer

118.Royalties: authors

a. investment : corporations

b. purchase : customers

c. dividends : stockholders

d. taxes : workers

119.Ophthalmologist: eyes

a. researcher : disease

b. neurologist : body

c. cardiologist : heart

d. organist : hands

120.Sapling: tree

a. bud : plant

b. employee : manager

c. petal : flower

d. child : person

Directions for questions 121 and 122: Each of the following sentences has been split into four parts. You

have to mark that part which contains a mistake.

121. Civil defense aims at saving lives,

minimizing damage of property

and maintaining continuity of industrial production

in case of an attack

122. Both plants and animals of many sorts

show remarkable changes in form structure, growth habits.

and even mode of reproduction in adapting to

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different climatic environment, types of food supply or mode of living.

Directions for questions 123 to 127: In these questions some part of a sentence has been left blank.

From the given choices, select the one which completes the sentence properly in terms of syntax and


123. He is extremely voluble while commenting on other women, but when it comes to his own sister,

he is remarkably __________.

a. circumventing

b. circumspect

c. circumcised

d. circumlocutive

124.A syllogism is a collection of premisses and a conclusion. Logically, the conclusion ____

a. precedes the premises

b. need not be syllogistic in nature

c. has to follow the premises

d. needs two premises to fulfill it.

125.She has been in the field less than a year and in spite of her half-baked knowledge,she has already

started commenting critically on the works of veterans. It is a case of _________.

a. the pot calling the kettle black

b. much ado about nothing

c. a rolling stone gathering too much moss

d. an empty vessel making more noise.

126. In spite of the huge _______ taken by science and scientists in this century, most scientific

discoveries are still largely _______ and not planned.

a. steps, hidden

b. strides, serendipitous

c. advancements, propitious

d. progress, accidental

127. My father has now become an excellent and caring teacher for my children. His past difficulties

have been transformed into _________.

a. present ones for them

b. a very good thing for my kids

c. indispensable lessons for them

d. child care lessons for her

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Directions for questions 128 to 130: read the sentences given below and mark as the answer the pair of

words that best fills the pair of blanks in each.

128. She knew that her thinness was a ______ of her disease but knowing it did not make her more

willing to ______ it.

a. part, fight

b. symptom, submit

c. result, improve

d. consequence, accept

129.The fact that her husband had left her, coupled with the fact that the people had started to

penetrate the veil of romantic secrecy with which Leela had surrounded herself only _________, turned

the tide of public opinion against her.

a. in the last few years

b. to protect the interests of the public

c. to find a clay idol underneath

d. exposing herself more.

130.Part of the problem in combating dehydration is that thirst is a poor indicator of bodily needs. Even

though people might drink till they are satisfied, __________.

a. their bodies might still crave more

b. they might not be sated

c. it is not enough to hydrate them

d. they might still need intravenous re-hydration

Directions for questions 131 to 135: You have to replace each of these sentences with the most

appropriate word from among the four options given.

131.Lacking in seriousness

a. frivolous

b. callous

c. joker

d. causal

132. Subject to whim

a. arbitrary

b. capricious

c. frivolous

d. fanciful

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133.A coil of false hair worn as an adornment

a. Postiche

b. Coiffure

c. Wreath

d. Braid

134.A person who writes from dictation or copies manuscripts.

a. Stenographer

b. Secretary

c. Amanuensis

d. Archaeologist

135.Intellectually unsatisfying

a. Morose

b. Jejune

c. Dreary

d. Tedious

Directions for questions 136 to 140: For each question, select the word among the given choices which

is closest in meaning to the given word.


a. square

b. just

c. calm

d. profitable

137. JINX

a. bad luck

b. trash

c. praise

d. irritation


a. residue

b. imitation

c. vulgarity

d. strength

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a. noisy

b. silent

c. transparent

d. expansive


a. contest

b. casualty

c. agreement

d. goal

Directions for questions 141 to 144: Each question has a phrase or statement followed by four choices

of words. Select the word which is closest in meaning to the given phrase or statement.

141. Functioning by means of air

a. aerobic

b. pneumatic

c. inflationary

d. vulcanizing

142. Science which claims to turn baser metals to gold

a. chemistry

b. chemotherapy

c. criminology

d. alchemy

143. Of a speech made without preparation

a. impromptu

b. oration

c. elocution

d. declamation

144. Of a metal capable of being beaten to any shape

a. brittle

b. ductile

c. malleable

d. dirigible

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Passage -1

If life exists on Jupiter, it is most likely to be in the form of bacteria buried deep in the planet’s frozen

water or Lichen growing within rocks, say scientists from NASA. There might even be fossilized Jupiter

algae locked up in ancient lake, waiting to be found.

Christopher McKay of NASA’s Ames Research center in California told the AAAS that exobiologists, who

look for life on other planets, should look for clues among the life forms of the Earth’s ultra-cold regions,

where conditions are similar to those on Jupiter.

Lichen, for example, are found within some Antarctic rocks, just beneath the surface where sunlight can

still reach them. The rock protects the Lichen water from cold and absorbs water, providing enough for

the lichen’s needs, said McKay.

Bacteria have also been found in 3 –million-year-old frozen water dug up from Siberia. If there are any

bacteria alive on Jupiter today, they would have had to have survived from the time before the planet

cooled more than 3 billion years ago. Nevertheless, McKay is optimistic: "It may be possible that bacteria

frozen into the frozen water at the Jupiter South Pole may be viable."

McKay said algae are found in Antarctic lakes with permanently frozen surfaces. Although no lakes are

thought to exist on Jupiter today, they might have existed long ago. If so, the dried-out Jupiter lake beds

may contain the fossilized remains of algae. On Earth, masses of microscopic algae form large, layered

structures known as stromatolites, which survive as fossils on lake beds, and the putative Jupiter algae

might have done the same thing, said Jack Farmer, one of McKay colleagues.

The researchers are compiling a list of promising Jupiter lake beds to be photographed from spacecraft,

said farmer. Those photographs could help to select sites for landers that would search for signs of life,

past or present. "If we find algae on Jupiter, I would say the Universe is lousy with algae," McKay said.

"Intelligence would be another question.

145. Bacteria survive in the extreme cold conditions of Antarctica on earth for all the following reasons


a. Some Antarctic rocks protect lichen beneath their surface.

b. Bacteria in the Antarctic frost protect lichen from the residual cold after the rock absorbs


c. The Antarctic rocks protect the lichen from cold by absorbing water and leaving enough for

the lichens needs.

d. Sunlight penetrates the surface of the Antarctic rock where the lichen grows.

146. Exobiologists might find on Jupiter algae similar to stromatolites on earth because:

a. on our planet stromatolitesare formed by microscopic algae.

b. Jupiter lake beds may contain fossilized remains of algae similar to stromatolites on Earth.

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c. There is evidence that photosynthesis which takes place in earth’s’ algae can be found in

Jupiter algae too.

d. All of the above.

147. All of the following are true, except:

a. If any bacteria are alive today on Jupiter, they must have survived from the time before the

planet cooled.

b. Space photographs of Martian craters should reveal to explorers sings of life there.

c. 3- million year-old Siberian permafrost has revealed, on digging up, bacteria.

d. Bacteria frozen into permafrost at the Jupiter South pole may be viable.

148.The most primitive forms of life likely to exist on the planet Jupiter are all the following except:

a. Villus and spore.

b. Bacteria in the permafrost.

c. Fossilized algae in the dried – up lake beds.

d. Lichen.

149. According to Christopher McKay, for finding life on other planets explorers should look for clues

Among the earth’s ultra-cold regions for all the following reasons except:

a. Ammonia and methane, necessary for early formation of life on earth, are found on the

Jupiter surface.

b. Earths’ ultra-cold regions are similar to those on Jupiter.

c. Lichens are found within the Antarctic rocks in extreme conditions.

d. Bacteria have been found in the permafrost dug up in Siberia.


At this year’s Parliament Conference on small business, to be held in June, one of the topics on the

agenda will be how small firms find finance. In counting small firms economists stick to two vague

measures. The first is India’s real GDP per company; the lower the figure, the tinier the typical company.

This indicator (measured in 1987 Rupees ) fell throughout the 1980s to Rs.237, 000 in 1991. It is

increasing again – it is estimated at Rs.248, 000 for last year. The second measure is the share of self-

employed workers in the non-farm work force. This reached 8.2% in 1991, up from a low of less than 7%

in the mid 1970s, but has since slipped. What is going on? Part of the answer is that small firms are

being driven out by large firms which are starting to behave more like their smaller brethren. Big

companies, as diverse as Reliance, Richardson and crudas and Tata are pushing decision-making down

through the management ranks, restructuring themselves around teams and product-based units and

becoming more entrepreneurial. Such firms are also getting leaner. Since the start of the decade,

"downsizing" has cut the head count of corporate India by 2.6 million, calculates, Challenger, Grey and

Christmas, a consultancy firm in Delhi. Smaller firms try to fight back against these newly competitive

giants by growing more swiftly, or by making a wider range of products. Unfortunately, this is often

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where they stumble. According to research by Robert Nooteboom of chicago’s Groningen University,

small firms tend to be good innovators and spend relatively large sums on research and development,

but they lag far behind bigger rivals in both market knowledge and the ability to use existing technology

to turn inventions into sellable products. In effect, they lack the internal "knowledge network".

150. In beating back competition from small firms, big Indian companies are adopting all of the

following measures, except

a. Restructuring themselves around teams and product lines.

b. Pushing decision –making down through the management ranks.

c. Sub-contractinglabor-intensive jobs.

d. Getting leaner by removing excess staff.

151. How are small firms reacting to the challenge from big companies to drive them out?

a. By growing more quickly

b. By making a wider range of products.

c. By investing more in product innovation.

d. All of the above.

152. The measures for counting small firms in India are:

a. Contribution to Rupees earning by small firms.

b. India’s real GDP per company.

c. Share of self-employed workers in the non-farm workforce.

d. [2] and [3] only.

153. Despite being good innovators and spending large sums on Research and Development, small

Firms in India lag behind their bigger rivals in all the following ways except that

a. They lack financial support for their inventions.

b. They lack the ability to use existing technology to turn inventions into sellable products.

c. They lack the internal "knowledge network" that big companies in India exploit for success.

d. They lack market knowledge.

154. All of the following are true, except:

a. The share of the self-employed persons in the non-farm workforce in mid- 1970s in India was

less than 7%.

b. India’s real GDP per company fell to Rs.237, 000 in 1991 alone.

c. The Parliament conference on small business in June will focus on how small firms find


d. In terms of India’s real GDP per company, the lower the figure the tinier the typical company.