When you can't or won't run an experiment (and still want to study atypical language development) David Saldaña

Case Studies: When you can't or won't run an experiment (and still want to study atypical language development)

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Page 1: Case Studies: When you can't or  won't run an  experiment (and still  want to study atypical language development)

When you can't or

won't run an experiment (and still

want to study atypical language development)

David Saldaña

Page 2: Case Studies: When you can't or  won't run an  experiment (and still  want to study atypical language development)

Case studies: why do them

• A case study is not just the study of a case

• What makes a case:

– Critical cases for a theory

– Unique or rare cases

– Representative cases

– Longitudinal case – time series

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Page 4: Case Studies: When you can't or  won't run an  experiment (and still  want to study atypical language development)

Construct validity

• Your measures should reflect what you say you are measuring

– Multiple sources of evidence

– Others review draft report

– Chain of evidence

Yin (2009)

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Chain of evidence

Paper Database Protocol Questions

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External validity

• Where can your findings be generalized?

– Use theory

– Use replication logic across cases

Yin (2009)

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• Would someone else find the same results with the same operations

– Detail a protocol

– Make sure you test interrater reliability

Yin (2009) © Nevit Dilmen via Wikimedia Commons

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Internal validity

• Establish causal relationships, distinguished from spurious relationships

– Pattern matching

– Explanation building

– Addressing rival explanations

– Using logic models

Yin (2009)

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Pattern Matching

• Put the info into different arrays

• Make a matrix of categories

• Graphically analyze the data

• Count!

• Do stats

• Use time

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Pattern matching (more)

• Test predictions against your data – looking at the DV: – Predicted should happen

– NOT predicted should NOT happen

• Test independent variables against your data – looking at potential ID: – Predictor should be there

– NON predictor should NOT be there

• Find the simplest

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Single-case studies:

• single-case studies typically employ a large number of measures,

• more often than not these measures are expressed on different metrics,

• there is an emphasis on examining the profile (i.e., the relative strengths and weaknesses)

• it is not uncommon for single-case studies to employ more than one control sample

Crawford et al., 2010

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Effect sizes

Crawford et al., 2010

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What should you report? At least

• the mean and standard deviation for controls on the task

• the raw score of the single case

• the effect size for the difference between the case and controls

Careful with inflation of type 1 error!

Crawford et al., 2010

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Some software


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Thank you

