Role Playing Prepared by: Ms. Angeline C. Capendit BSEd II- A


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Role Playing

Prepared by:

Ms. Angeline C. Capendit BSEd II- A

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Role- Playing

- is unrehearsed, unprepared and spontaneous dramatization of a “let’s pretend” situation where assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles in the situation described by the teachers.

Role- playing is highly effective for lessons in the affective domain.

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PlaysThe combination of depict life,

character, or culture.

They offer excellent opportunities to portray important ideas about life.

It requires much time for preparation and so cannot be part of everyday classroom program.

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Aims To help the students/people apply gospel principles to real- life situations as they find solutions to problems.

To stimulate discussion about a principle in the lesson.

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How is role- playing done?

It can be done by describing a situation which would create different viewpoints on an issue.

Ask the students to play the roles of the individuals involved.

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Any kind of conflict situation

Real or potential

Any situation in which real feelings are concealed.

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General guidelines for role- playing

Participation in role- playing should be voluntary. Do not force anyone to participate.

Role- play real- life situations that relate to the lesson and that are important to those you teach.

People relate better to role plays of situations they have experienced personally.

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As the teacher be sensitive to the learner’s feelings and attitudes. Accept mistakes, and teach them to appreciate each other’s points of view. Do not permit criticism of the participants.

simple props such as hats or name tags may add interest to role playing, especially if you teach children.

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Teacher has to define problem situation and roles clearly

Teacher must give very clear instructions

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AdvantagesProvides opportunity for students to assume roles of others and thus appreciate another point of view.

Provides opportunity to practice skills.

Introduces problem situation dramatically and allows for exploration of solutions.

Gives life and immediacy to academic descriptive material.

Gives practice in various types of behavior.

Closes gap between training and real life situation and to the outside world.

Gives students simple, direct and rapid feedback on the effects of their actions.

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Some students may be too self-conscious.

Not appropriate for large groups.

Some students may feel threatened.

Uses a large amount of time.

May be seen as too entertaining or frivolous.

May depend on what students already know.

Uses other resources – people, space, special items

Simplifications can mislead.


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How to use role- playing?

1. Prepare for those you teach for role- playing by briefly explaining the problem or situation. Give them enough information so they will be able to act out their roles thoughtfully. Emphasize that they are to play a role and not act as themselves.

2. Select the participants or ask for volunteers. Indicate who will play each specific part. Arrange of as many participants as possible, since allowing several people to role- play a situation often tends to be more successful than having just one person act out what might happen.

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3. Give the participants a few minutes to plan what they are going to do.

4. To involve all those present, invite those not participating to watch carefully.

5. After role- playing, discuss and evaluate what happened by asking questions such as “How did you feel about the problem?” or “Could this happen in real life?” or “how does this exercise help you know what to do if this really happen?” Allow those you teach to determine ways to solve similar problems in their own lives. Discuss various solutions.

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The role- playing has to be followed by a discussion ( among the questions that may be asked are: )

How did you, as an actors, feel? Would you act/ think that way in real life?

As observers, would you agree with what the actors said or did?

Any lessons learned?

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The Danish king Hrothgar was enjoying a great reign when he begins having trouble in his kingdom with a monster Grendel that has invaded his mead hall. The mead hall is the gathering place of the Danes where they sing and feast, yet Grendel occupies it nightly devouring any Dane who enters. For twelve years Grendel prevents anybody from entering the mead hall causing Hrothgar to be miserable.

From across the sea the Geats hear of the Danes terrible problem with Grendel and rush Beowulf and a group of his men to aid the Danes. The men arrive and immediately prepare to take on Grendel at night. They camp out in the mead hall and wait for Grendel. When he comes they are all asleep but Beowulf who is only pretending. Grendel snatches up one soldier and eats him. Next he reaches to eat Beowulf, who grabs Grendel's arm and rips it off. Grendel fleas leaving a long trace of blood, and Beowulf and his men rejoice knowing Grendel is dead. Beowulf hangs the arm from the rafters of the mead hall.

Later that night Grendel's mother comes to the mead hall to avenge her son's death and snatches up one soldier quickly while also picking up her son's arm. She fleas quickly however because she does not have the strength to battle like her son.

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Beowulf and his men are enraged so they follow her to her home under a lake. Beowulf dives into the lake and finds her lair. He struggles with her and eventually finds a sword that is shining from the light of God, he takes and uses it to behead her. He later chops the head off of the dead Grendel and takes it to the surface. He comes out of the water and his men are all joyful as they go to give the great news to Hrothgar. Hroghgar is ecstatic and gives gifts to the men.

50 years later Beowulf is the king of the Danes, a Dragon is terrorizing the people. Beowulf by then is old and yet he still goes to fight the Dragon and takes a group of men with him. When they arrive all but one of them flea, Wiglaf, he helps kill the Dragon, who slashed at Beowulf's throat causing him to die. Beowulf did make a speech before dying saying that Wiglaf was the last true warrior. Wiglaf later yelled at the other men for running away. And when all was said and done the Danes built Beowulf a funeral pyre to honor him.

In the end it is obvious that Beowulf was a legend to the Danes and his legacy lived on for thousands of years. Wiglaf's bravery at the end to help Beowulf defeat the dragon makes Beowulf proud and is in the tradition of great warriors like Beowulf. This story has a great plot that develops because of the three problems that Beowulf encounters. It is very easy to follow and very good reading once the summary and general idea is given off to the reader.

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Thank you so much for lending

your ears!!!!God Bless You!!!!

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In role- playing, participants act out a situation or problem that occurs in everyday life