Building the Foundation of an Information Literacy Program Kristy Padron ([email protected]) Alyse Ergood ([email protected]) Florida Atlantic University Libraries

Building an information literacy program

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Page 1: Building an information literacy program

Building the Foundation of an Information Literacy Program

Kristy Padron ([email protected])

Alyse Ergood ([email protected])

Florida Atlantic University Libraries

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Building the Foundation of an Information Literacy Program

1. Resources

2. Collaboration

3. Needs & Expectations

4. Training

5. Assessment

6. Class-Level Planning & Instruction

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Foundations: A Schematic


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What is available to your IL program?

People: librarians, support staffTime: consider other duties and priorities

for department and peopleInformation & materials: worksheets,

online resources, class space, technologyMoney: support continuing education,

conference attendance and similar activities.

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Who can or will work with an IL program?

Within a library:Library Administration (dean, director)Department headsLibrarians and Library Staff

Outside the library:University Administration (dean, provost)Academic Departments (Subject areas as well as

Center for Teaching & Learning)Faculty

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Needs & Expectations

What does the institution need (or expect) from an IL program?

Accreditation (SACs)University Strategic PlanCurriculum requirementsTechnical considerations (Blackboard and

other course management programs)Special populations: distance ed., ESOL,

older students…

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Needs & Expectations

What does the library need for its IL program?

Library Strategic Plan or Mission: an IL program should support these.

Exploratory studies to establish needs (FAU is doing this for its students and faculty).

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Instructors need to be knowledgeable about the goals, objectives and criterion for instruction.

Provides a foundation for development of teaching strategies and approaches to teaching

Instructors need to be informed of information literacy standards and educational theory and practical information; so that everyone is on the same page.

Why is it important to train librarians about information literacy and instruction?

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Training leads to effective instructionInformation literacy workshops in house and

other face to face trainings- available at the county, regional, state and national levels

Online sessions- Webinars and TeleconferencesContinuing education in the areas of education,

instruction and library and information science

Establish, schedule and support formal training for instructors

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Blogs, Wikis, Listservs and Discussion GroupsObservations- Instructors have the opportunity to

observe their colleagues and to be observed by their supervisors for feedback

Team teaching- Provide opportunities for new instructors to teach with seasoned instructors

Mentoring- New instructors can be assigned mentors who are seasoned instructors

Encourage participation in informal training experiences

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Provides credibility and validity for your programEnsures that program is designed to meet needs

of those you are servicing (while meeting ALA stds)

Reveals areas needing development and attention and those areas operating at a satisfactory level

Ongoing assessment for instructional sessions and information literacy program

Helps instructors gain feedback on their teaching and to improve

Why is assessment important?

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Faculty and adjunct facultyGraduate teaching assistants Students- receiving ILIS instructionInformation literacy instructors

Who plays a role in assessing your information literacy programs?

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Survey Faculty about their needs and their students needs (how they want students to receive information)

Focus Groups to discuss faculty’s perceptions of your program design and needs for change

Develop program to meet faculty’s needs and survey faculty again to gauge that program meets their requirements.

Assess your faculty to obtain information about their and their students’ information literacy needs

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Possible ways of assessment include: Online or face to face surveys and focus groups Student research or bibliographic assignment to

determine that they have gained knowledge and learned from their instructional session

Evaluation form immediately after instructional session

Focus groups to gauge student needs

Assess your students to find out what they know and if your program is effective

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Observe instructional sessions and provide feedback

Survey faculty immediately after IL sessionAssess students immediately after IL session

(even if only via the one minute paper)Design instructional wiki’s providing standards

for information literacy instructional sessions

How to assess library instructors?

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Build in assessments for individual, specific classes

Utilize survey data and focus group findingsDetermine if IL goals are being met by revisiting

IL and strategic plan

How to assess Information literacy program?

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Class Level Planning and Instruction

Program-Level PlanningIndividual Class PlanningPlanning procedures for library sessions

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Class Level Planning and Instruction

Use strategic plan and library mission statement as guiding forces

Instructional librarians decide on objectives, outcomes and goals for the program

Determine level of faculty involvement; then, work with faculty to determine objectives for courses (individually or by program/dept.)

Develop measurable and observable objectives and goals

Program-Level Planning

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Class Level Planning and Instruction

Establish standard elements to be taught in information literacy classes

Prepare lesson plans for individual classes based upon faculty input and requests by faculty

Prepare objectives and goals for individual classesDevelop supplemental webpages and materialsMentor new information literacy instructors through

teaching experience, observation and discussion

Individual Class Planning

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Class Level Planning and Instruction

Calendars & scheduling Communication (between faculty &

librarian) Facilities (security, scheduling,

technology)Other “Freebies”: handouts, web pages,


Planning procedures for library sessions

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Recommended Readings

Curzon, Susan Carol & Lampert, Lynn D. (Eds.) (2007). Proven strategies for building an information literacy program. New York: Neal-Schuman.

Anything on assessment by Deb Gilchrist (Pierce College, Lakewood, WA).

Grassian, Esther S. & Kaplowitz, Joan R. (2001). Information literacy instruction: theory and practice. New York: Neal-Schuman.

_____. (2005). Learning to lead and manage information literacy instruction. New York: Neal-Schuman.

Maki, Peggy L. (2002). Developing an assessment plan to learn about student learning. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 28(1): 8-13.

Ratcliff, Carolyn J. (et. al). (2007). A practical guide to information literacy assessment for academic librarians. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.