Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) Why Boccaccio? 2013 marks 700° anniversary; He was among the leading humanist figures of the early Renaissance; He expressed the democratic value of tolerance. Boccaccio’s home

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Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)

Why Boccaccio?• 2013 marks 700° anniversary;• He was among the leading humanist figures of

the early Renaissance;• He expressed the democratic value of


Boccaccio’s home

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• He was probably born in Certaldo, between June and July;



• He went to Naples to study and practice the mercant banking;



• He return to Florence;



• He wrote the Decameron in Tuscan vernacular;


• He was hosted by Petrarca in Padua;


• He spent a long time in Venice;



• He pronouncedreadings which then constitute the ‘’Exposures on the Comedìa’’;


• He died in Certaldo on December 21°



• Venice•Padua


Time map

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Decameron – the Jew Milchizedek (Melchisedech) and Saladin

Strenghts of the novel

The author addresses the issue of religious tolerance.

Boccaccio suggests replacing the falls assumptions of human superiority of those who claim to posses universal explainations.

The intelligence Milchizedek • The Jew offers to saladin a methaphor for the condition of the three great monotheistic religions;• He proves to the sultan to be a man of values, able to use intelligence and luck; • The ‘’greatest gift’’ earned by the usurer after the loan to Saladin is the economic counterpart.

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The Jew Milchizedek and Saladin (1°day, 3° novel)

SummaryThe novel tells the story of Saladin who asked the rich Jew a tricky question in order to take money he needed. The Sultan asked him which of the three great religions (Christianity, Islam and Judism) was the real one. The jew, realizing the deception, replied cunningly telling him a story about a ring and three heirs.

The wise father secretly produced two rings identical to the original, not to argue the children. After his death each of three sons received a ring, not knowing which was the true one.

In this way Milchizedek compared the religions, as everyone is convinced of his own feith, without knowing which one is the right one. The sultan was surprised by his intelligence and cunning. Finally revealing his true intentions, it receives support from part of the Jew, remaining even good friends.

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Take a look to tolerance…Tolerance

Toleration is the practice of deliberately allowing or permitting a thing of which one disapproves

It has also been definied as ‘’to bear or endure’’ or ‘’to nourish, sustain or preserve’’

Tolerance is an attitude of mind that implies non-judgmental acceptance of different lifestyles or