https://flic.kr/p/5ZaKRq Slide 1: Hook/attention grabber Hard facts that show many college graduates are either underpaid, unemployed, or both.

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• Slide 1: Hook/attention grabber!• Hard facts that show many college graduates are either underpaid, unemployed, or both. !!!•

https://flic.kr/p/6WBcEM https://flic.kr/p/cnpisE https://flic.kr/p/9AoG8k


Leaving Foot Prints in the Community.

• Slide 2: Hook/attention grabber!• Successful financial stories of entrepreneurs that my target audience can relate to:!• •! Dr. Dre, Rapper, Producer, Actor:sells Beats by Dre to Apple for 3.2 B!• •! Tina Wells, CEO and founder of Buzz Marketing Group: has worked with clients including: Maidenform, SonyBMG, PBS,P+G, Sesame Workshop, and American Eagle Outfitters!• •! Imari Havard, Founder of PlayDate: Event Planner!• •! Jeff Friday, Founder & CEO, Film Life Inc:American Black Film Festival!!•





• Slide 3: The Big Idea (pages 78-79)

• Planting the seedsP of success will give at risk teens the mind set to entertain entrepreneurial goals versus the lack of motivation that often contributes to the problematic issues that exist in poverty communities such as high school dropouts, teen pregnancy, and illegal crime. Entrepreneurship will also give college students the sense of ability to want to establish a more secured career. !


• Slide 4: What’s in it for your audience? Explain why your topic is important or worth discussing.!!• Entrepreneurship plants a positive seed for determination, which is an element for making dreams a reality. Positive elements make positive communities, which is a start for eliminating problematic issues that often occur due to lack of financial revenue. !!•



College Student


Photo taken by Tamara Bell

• Slide 5: Why should your audience listen to you? Explain your ethos (personal experience, expertise, and credibility).!• My audience should listen to me because I am an entrepreneur. I can speak of personal accomplishments. I am apart of a few credible professional networks that encourages as well as support entrepreneurs. I also have credible sources of other successful entrepreneurs. !!•


• Slide 6: Call to Adventure (pages 38-39)!• Encouraging teens and young adults to pursue entrepreneurship will motivate them to change mentally. Small changes such as social behavior will make a difference in the community, and will set a tone in the community that change is needed to reduce problematic issues such as crime, high school drop

out, and high unemployment rates. !!•


Social Media CampaignMentor ProgramEvent Marketing

• Slide 7: Preview the three main points that will support your big idea!• •! Create a social media campaign entitled “Lets Move” to reach the target audience of high school teens, and college undergraduates. The campaign will consist of the universal language of music, which will rely messages to the selected audience. !• •! Partner with local community centers to establish a HUB Center. Engage in Mentorship programs with teens giving them alternative solutions for career paths. Sharing testimonies from teens, and colleagues from which I know personally will allow me to gain credibility for this platform.!• •! Host community and campus events with successful local and global entrepreneurs so that high school teens and college kids can witness that becoming a successful entrepreneur can be a reality. !!•

Change Starts When You Draw the Line


• Slide 8: Introduce and set up Supporting Point One!• Create a social media campaign entitled “Lets Move” to reach the target audience of high school teens, and college undergraduates. The campaign will consist of the universal language of music, which will rely messages that you have to draw your own starting line when taking charge of life. !!•

https://flic.kr/p/dKFm9F https://flic.kr/p/5uzR8D https://flic.kr/p/7uxRKJ

• Slide 9: Factual or emotional evidence!• Collaborate with artists and filmmakers to produce an inviting campaign. High school teens, and traditional college students are receptive to receiving information through entertainment. Many are users on social sites such as FaceBook and Twitter. (FaceBook and Twitter statistics can be tracked and

measured daily.) !!•

https://flic.kr/p/gk3oWB https://flic.kr/p/hjK4xU

• Slide 10: Factual or emotional evidence

• Post testimonies from entrepreneurs to campaign page. Celebrities are today’s generation mentors, and motivators. To successful reach out to my audience, I must be able to relate to them.


Together!We Can Make a !DIFFERENCE

• Slide 11: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Two

• Partner with local community centers to establish a HUB Center to provide alternative outlets for at risk teens steering them back on the path of success by focusing on their interests and special talents. This target audience must be attracted outside the school system. They must be lured in through their interests such as sports and entertainment. Performing Arts programs, and Inner City Sports Programs are examples of such programs to get the teens engaged. !


Underemployment Rates for College Graduates

• Slide 12: Factual or emotional evidence

• Factual Data on underemployment rates for college graduates.



• Slide 13: Factual or emotional evidence!• Twenty-three percent of high school dropouts surveyed cited lack of support and encouragement from their parents as the reason they quit school. (Factual evidence from US News, Harris Interactive, and Everest College) !!•


Word of Mouth!Effective Communication

• Slide 14: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Three!• : Host community and campus events with successful local and global entrepreneurs so that high school teens and college kids can witness that becoming a successful entrepreneur can be a reality. Guest speakers inform teens that there will be obstacles that will occur; however with hard work and

determination dreams can become realities. !•


You Hold the Vision

• Slide 15: Factual or emotional evidence!• Informing the teens in both high school and college will raise awareness, which will help, start the wheel of success moving in the community. !•

Life is What You Make of it


• Slide 16: Factual or emotional evidence!• Story about an entrepreneur who changed his perception of life and decided to get on track: ICE CUBE!•


• Slide 17: Call to Action (pages 42-43)!• Have informative session with high school teens to provide mentorship and motivation towards their skills and talents. Discuss with a small group of upcoming high school seniors of Class of 2014 the endless opportunities of becoming an entrepreneur. Compare future longevity of an average employee

versus an entrepreneur.!!•

Social Campaign: Let’s Move!Mentorship Program!

Event Marketing


• Slide 18: Summarize the main points!• •! Create a social media campaign entitled “Lets Move” to reach the target audience of high school teens, and college undergraduates. The campaign will consist of the universal language of music, which will rely messages to the selected audience. !• •! Partner with local community centers to establish a HUB Center. Engage in Mentorship programs with teens giving them alternative solutions for career paths. Sharing testimonies from teens, and colleagues from which I know personally will allow me to gain credibility for this platform.!• •! Host community and campus events with successful local and global entrepreneurs so that high school teens and college kids can witness that becoming a successful entrepreneur can be a reality. !!•

Happiness, Freedom, Security!ENTREPRENEUR


• Slide 19: Restate big idea!•Planting the seed of positivity will give at risk teens the mind set to entertain entrepreneurial goals versus the lack of motivation that often contributes to the problematic issues that exist in poverty communities such as high school dropouts, teen pregnancy, and illegal crime. Entrepreneurship will also give

college students the sense of ability to want to establish a more secured career. !•


• Slide 20: Clincher/new bliss (page 44)!!• Hosting campus events, and launching social media campaigns will quickly raise awareness among high school teens, and college undergraduates enlightening them of the opportunities of becoming an entrepreneur. This ethical solution will eventually decrease the number of unemployed qualified college

graduates that can not find employment after going into debt while receiving a degree to which they thought would land them a dream job.!!•