Ax 1 compon. 1- part 2

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BAKING !!!!!

In order to define my occupational identity, the first thing that I would choose, is one of my life roles, which is being a wife. My partner and I got married in 2010. We have been together for the past six years and have build a life together in New Zealand. In this relationship I strive to be a friend, companion and care taker to my life partner.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

The other life role that I identify myself with, is the role of being a big sister. I am four years older than Alex and we have been best friends since we were teenagers. We have travelled the world together and make sure to live in the same country as the other. Being a sister has made me realize, that I have a deep kinship with another person, in whom I can confide, as well as give and receive an unconditional love.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

The other life role I would identify myself with currently, is being a student with the OtagoPolytechnic, School of Occupational Therapy (OT). I had worked in the spa industry for ten years and had slowly lost my passion for it, which made me decide to retrain in another profession. This decision has led me into the amazing world of OT and hopefully one day I can become a qualified occupational therapist.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

Travelling the world would be the occupation that is most important to me. I started travelling when I was 5 years old. At the time it was mainly to Europe to visit my relatives, but when I turned 19, I started to visit countries all over the world. I have fallen in love with different cultures and I am intrigued in exploring the world for as long as I can.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

New Zealand has evoked a love for the outdoors in me. My family and I enjoy exploring the Wanganui River with our canoes. It is an adventure and a great way to spend time with the family.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

CYCLINGCycling is another great way to explore the outdoors. My husband and I live in Rotoruaand regularly go cycling in the Redwoods. It gives me a sense of peace as well as a good workout.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

I enjoy camel riding very much. I have included this as my occupational identity as I have ridden camels in many different countries including at home in Namibia.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

Quad biking is an occupation that my husband and I do frequently on the coast of the Northland. We pack the bike with our gear and then head down the coast for an adventurous day-trip.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

Snowboarding is something I do for fun now and again. It is a great way to explore the mountains, which are features I admire all around the world.

Nathalie’s Photo Collection

I enjoy baking in my leisure time as it brings out the creativity in me. I mainly make cakes for someone’s birthday and biscuits for Christmas. It is a very relaxing activity and keeps me grounded, as well as gives me a feeling of satisfaction, creating something for someone special.
