Audience profile

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Page 2: Audience profile

Primary AudienceThe audience for my magazine would primarily be men aged between 18-30. This is because indie is generally a modern genre that has only become popular recently. They would be in the ABC1 class bracket as this has the most disposable income, thus they could afford a monthly issue of my magazine.

These men would also be considered individualists as indie isn’t as popular as some. We can see, stereotypically, that this age range would generally prefer rap or pop, causing them to be seen as individualists. It is also a male dominated genre with many bands within in being all male. They would want to be different, this is probably why they would read my magazine as it would come across alternative and unique. We could also see how they would be considered aspirers, indie is a very particular style and they would possibly read my magazine due to the statement it would give.My primary audience would read my magazine due to the information it gives. For instance

within my magazine I will include articles about specific bands as well as Q&As. Within the magazine there will be a chance for these individualists to gain information about up and coming gigs, festivals and new albums/records. The magazine primarily will be seen for entertainment, as it will feature popular bands many people would read it to pass the time in a fun and easy way. We can see how the use of my magazine could help personal relationships especially between the individualists, they could gain a sense of community from the genre and the magazine. Regular readers could also shape their own identity as the magazine could become a part of it. What you spend your time doing shapes your personality, and as they would spend their time reading my magazine it would shape theirs.

Page 3: Audience profile

Secondary AudienceMy secondary audience would be females aged between 17-28. They would be in the ABC1 class bracket as this has the most disposable income in order to buy my magazine. The young ages portrays how indie is a relatively new genre, meaning the older generation may not like it as much.

These women would be see as individualists, as primarily women are more likely to enjoy pop music also. This causes the women within the demographic to be classed as individualists as it doesn’t necessarily fit the norm for them to like the genre. They could also be seen as explorers as they could be discovering the indie genre through my magazine. They would possibly value difference and adventure, hence why it can fit the lower demographic as it can be seen as applying to students.

These women would read my magazine as it could provide them with information about up and coming gigs as well as the chance to find out more about their favourite band/artist. The articles and Q&As would provide the exact amount of information they would be seeking. My magazine will also provide entertainment for the secondary audience, they would enjoy reading the articles featured as it could be on their favourite artists. Personal relationships would be improved as well by reading my magazine, they could have conversations with other readers and develop friendships that way. It would also shape their own identity, as they can be seen as individualists my magazine would be the perfect thing to use as part of their personality. The explorers would have a chance as well to use this a part of their identity, as it seeks something different.

Page 4: Audience profile

Profile #1This is Simon, he is 24 and he recently graduated with a masters degree in Product Design at Brighton University. He views himself as very creative with a passion for Indie music. He works part-time at a record store café in Brighton and recently gained an internship at Wild Dog design, a product design company in Brighton. This places him in the demographics of my magazine. He is also in the ABC1 class bracket meaning he has enough disposable income to afford a monthly issue of my magazine.Simon loves reading my magazine and is subscribed to a hard copy of my magazine as well as an online copy. This allows him to download and read it whenever he wants to. On the weekends he likes to go to gigs whenever possible, he is a YouTuber and likes to vlog the gigs he goes to. He first discovered his love of indie music when he discovered the band Arctic Monkeys, they opened up the genre for him which meant he fully discovered his passion for music. When at uni he discovered the Music Society which allowed him to share his passion with other people, here he found the community of people who enjoyed music. He often travels across the country to see new bands as well as ones he has always liked. He spends a lot of time on social media, particularly Twitter and YouTube which allows him to connect with people who enjoy indie music too.

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Profile #2

This is Sara, she is 19 in her second year of University. She studies English Literature and Film Studies at Exeter and is hoping to get a first in this degree. She has a part time job at her Uni’s radio station and is very active in the music department, often organising gigs for the student union. Because she is a student she does not have a subscription to my magazine yet buys it whenever she can.

She loves reading my magazine as it gives her information about gigs that are about to come up, she also likes to read the feature articles about her favourite bands. As her family live in London she often comes home to see gigs at the o2, Wembley Arena and o2 Kentish Town. She first discovered her love for indie music when she heard the band the 1975 on BBC Radio 1, since then her passion for indie music has grown. Many of her friends like the same music she does so she travels across the country with them to see bands. She spends a lot of time on social media, especially Twitter and Instagram, here she can gain information about my magazine as well as being able to document the gigs she goes to.