As media studies evaluation music magazine

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  • 1. AS Media Studies Evaluation Music MagazineByOchukoIdeh

2. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? RapUp - Rap MagazineIndie Alternative Magazine Masthead- These are used by print media to assert the ownership and characterize the themes of a magazine, leaflet or news paper. Similar to the Rapup masthead I had made sure my masthead was bold and in contrast to other text on the page to draw the readers attention to it Strapline- Theses are usually underneath the Masthead and they, help give readers an insight to what is covered in the issue, I had place my strap line in mirror to my Left Third, this makes the readers aware that both the Strapline and Left Third give mutually important insights Left Third- these are normally placed to the left of the cover and contain insight to the issues main exclusive stories. Unlike normal magazine I had split my Left Third into three parts and had placed them in the far from each other, this allows the reader to further explore the cover instead of just steering in one area. Cover image- The cover image is the main attraction of the whole entire magazine, so they usually insist of an image of an exclusive photoshoot done my their cover star to draw their audience in to purchase the magazine. 3. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? RapUp - Rap MagazineIndie Alternative Magazine Coverline- These are similar to strap lines and left thirds they all the essential articles or features are featured in the coverlines, this is crucial when making a sell to the audience, I decided to feature all the stars that will be appearing in my magazine, similar to the Rapup magazine to the left. I believe that this will be more effective because it allows the audience to see if their favourite artist has been featured in the issue even before they begin reading the Puffs- Puffs are shapes that issue. appear on a magazine front cover, which usually consist of words or short sentences that reinforce the price of the issue or informs readers of prices or competitions available through the magazine. I had included on small puff in my magazine, in contrast to normal puffs my puff is small and it is not coloured in contrast to other colours on the page, this was because I wanted to make my magazine look sophisticated and I did not want a puff to 4. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? RapUp - French MagazineIndie Alternative Magazine Barcode Barcodes are important because they represent the retailers, and in my case they also add a professional use, I had placed my barcode in an unconventional place because I wanted to use it as a way to represent the alternative tone of my magazine. Pricing /date- these are used to show what time period that the information inside the magazine has come from, it is also useful for setting the tone of the magazine especially fashion magazine ( so in winter they feature cloths from a winter collection and in summer they feature cloths from a summer collection). 5. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Dazed & Confused - Alternative MagazineIndie Alternative Magazine Coverstars- The coverstars of Alternative rap magazine are usually seen and photographed carry out risqu and inappropriate actions, for example Azealia Banks ( my star image) is photographed to me blowing up a condom like a balloon for the cover page of dazed and confused magazine, I had planned to do this for my cover page, I had photographed my female model to be carry a packet of cigarettes but could not feature this in my magazine because of copy right issues, I had also photographed my male model to be throwing up his middle camera to the camera. 6. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? NME- Alternative MagazineIndie Alternative Magazine Font- The font used in the title of the content page and the masthead are the same, this shows a continuity in the magazine and also gives insight that this that the repetition of fonts will me key within the magazine. I had used the same font for my masthead but a different font for my content tittle because I wanted to set it apart from the masthead. Columns- each column in the content page holds information on the different sections of the magazine.e,g Features or New, is allows the reader to quickly navigate through the magazine when looking for the article they will mostly be interested in. Subscription Box- subscriptions boxes are boxes usually based at the bottom of a magazine that holds information on how to can monthly or weekly subscribe to the magazine, theses allow the readers to make a decision on whether it will be more worth it to purchase the magazine every time 7. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Mojo- Alternative MagazineIndie Alternative Magazine Main Image- Some magazines such as Mojo submerge an image into their content page, this image usually acts as a background but sometimes some interaction is shown between the image and the text around it. I had done this with one of my models, this draws pulls attention to the artist portrayed in the submerged image instead of the artist in the other image(s), I had done this because in my research I wanted my magazine to be a uni-sex magazine and since the coverstar of my magazine was a female I had decided to make the main star of my contents page a male to even out the gender field. Pull out quotes- Pull out quotes are usually featured in content pages with the main image submerged to the background, theses are used to show the relevance of the image and also acts as a caption for the image by giving extra details and information about what is featured in the main image. In my content page I had featured two pull out quotes, each of the images have one, theses pull outs give my readers insight onto what the artist might say in their featured articles. 8. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Font- The use of different fonts, different font sizes and font spacing are very common in article title, this is because it makes it makes the reader more engaged to the text due to the juxtaposition of the words, it also draws the readers attention in and makes the reader want to read the article. I had done this to my double page spread because I wanted to explore with which fonts not only worked good together but also worked good when put into comparison with my coverstar and her style. Pull out quotes- Much like in the content page, pull out quotes are used to give the reader insight in the article through quotes given my the artist that is featured perhaps from an interview, I had feature two different types of pull out quotes. Drop Caps Drop caps are very common in magazine articles and newspapers, drops not only look fancy on pages but they are also used as a way to indicate to readers that a paragraph has ended and a new paragraph has began, I had featured tow drop caps in my double page spread because of this same reason. 9. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Photograph and Article credits Most double page spreads feature photographs and article credits, in the corners of the pages, theses credits are used to give credit to photographers and writers, so that if readers are interested in the photography or written style of the article they can look up the editor and photographers works. 10. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Overall I do not think my product at all challenges the forms and conventions of real media products but rather mirrors it whilst having minor difference to media convention that are linked in with the music genre it self. I was able to follow conventions such as coverlines and page numbers which I had picked up whilst researching before I created my magazines, the only time where I challenge theses conventions and do not follow them during the course of creating my product was when it came to implementing my barcode into the coverpage, I wanted my coverpage to follow regular conventions but still have some spunk in it that will set it apart from other magazine thereby highlighting its alternativeness. I believe that my product appeals to my demographic because I had used the terminology of my demographic in my product, for example in my double spread I had written the word radical in capital letters, I believe that this will draw my target audience into wanting to read more issues of this magazine because they believe that it can relate to them such as it had used their slang. I had also followed the conventions of adult aimed and sophisticated magazines such as Vogue and Jalouse, I did this by using simple and neutral colours like white and grey instead of using colours such as pink or bright red which could connote that the magazine is made for matured teen instead of preteens which would be the demographics of magazines which pink or bright red as the main body colour. I had also followed the conventions set by magazines such as Vogue by my use of typography, by using the fonts that look perfect together whether sans serif or serif I was able to add class into the look of my magazine which an interesting dynamic into the tone of my magazine because although my magazine is of an alternative scene so it would be expected for the conventions of my magazine to be very alternative and disorganized but that was in contrast to the sophisticated tone I had planned for my magazine.