Introduction Hello I am Harry and I am the brains behind the imitative app “every sport for everyone”. I am 13 years old and like to play football with my mates at the weekend. Hello I am Kiaran I an 13 and I like to play Rugby and I also like to socialise with my friends. Hello I am Kieron I am 14 and I like to go running with my mates

Apps 4 Good Presentation

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This is a presentation explaining how our app works and how our app works. It also includes a video explaing our research and problem.

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  • 1. Introduction Hello I am Harry and I am the brains behind the imitative app every sport for everyone. I am 13 years old and like to play football with my mates at the weekend. Hello I am Kiaran I an 13 and I like to play Rugby and I also like to socialise with my friends. Hello I am Kieron I am 14 and I like to go running with my mates

2. The Problem We have found out that obesity has risen 30% among 6-19 years. We also asked the question to parents Do you think your child is obese, 12% responded by saying that their child might be obese. Are app deals with this problem by showing young children or any one from any age group how to play a particular sport that they are interested in or enjoy. Obesity causes a massive strain on the NHS, the leading medical issues are diabetes, high blood pressure. Also are app can help benefit local businesses because if a child is interested in a sport are app therefore tells them where the shop is and what the best deals are. 3. Situation The predicament we are in is that how to get obese people or anyone else to use are app. Well we propose that within are app the individual get set goals depending on their ability or progress rate. Also if they are struggling to achieve there goals then we set the new realistic goals. We also give them motivational messages and give them tips on how to eat healthy food. Prizes include a free phone/tablet and the satisfaction of knowing that you have lost weight. You only get the free prize if you reach your targets. 4. Primary Research We have asked 100 parents if they think their child is obese. 12% of parents replied saying they think that their child is obese. We found that in the last 10 years England has become more obese than the USA. The culprits of obesity are the young generation, because 6-19 year olds are more likely to be obese when they reach the age of 25. We also found out that globally 2.8 million people die from obesity every year. Obesity is prolonged in the middle and low income countries. We found out that if your BMI is between 20 and 40 you are considered to be obese. 5. Secondary Research We discovered that obesity in the UK costs the tax payers pay 29 million in sickness benefits to people who are obese. Officials have predicted that the cost of obesity will cost the tax payer 6.3 billion by the year 2015. Without action obesity could rise to 9 out of 10 adults. We discovered that the incapacity benefits bill topped 22 billion pounds last year. The number of claims made by people who are too fat to work has doubled in the last 3 years. 6. Life problem? The life problem our app relates to is weight reduction and fitness. The way our app combats this life problem is getting coach potatos off there fat backsides and getting them to engage in sporting activities but ordinary people who are not obese can also engage in sporting activities through the use of are app to stay healthy and keep their fitness up. 7. User Profile Name: Billy white Age: 16 School: Mount Grace Enjoys: playing COD/GTA/FIFA Loves: eating fast-food Likes: watching TV Hates: doing jobs and exercising Appearance: old fashioned Dreams: to become an accountant Social life: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Lives: at home with his parents Friends: has 12 friends Confidence levels: has no self esteem because of his weight 8. Question The most frequently asked question about childhood obesity is general exercise. Nowadays apart from general exercise the main concern about children exercising is safety. Our app comes into a league of its own in this category because we have thought of a specific route to ensure people who are using are app get the maximum usage and be safe at the same time. Also we have GPS tracking signals that allows us to see where your child is at all times. 9. Answer The answer to the question is to apply safe routes that challenge the obese person to lose weight but also allows the to be safe at the same times, if there is any recorded incident of someone getting hurt then we give them their money back. To track our users and track their progress we give them their progress we give them heart monitors free of charge which allows them to see how well they are doing but at the same time keeps them safe because we will put a tracker within the heart monitor. 10. Video