AlPhonics By Renay, Josie, Shauna, Cassina

Apps for Good: SCRJ's pitch presentation - Alphonics App

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Renay, Josie, Shauna, Cassina

Page 2: Apps for Good: SCRJ's pitch presentation - Alphonics App

Background situation

• What is the background situation you are addressing? Describe the context users are experiencing.

- AlPhonics

- Who will this app help? Children

- What is the situation behind the problem? Children are finding it hard to learn how to sound out letters and numbers

- When does his problem occur? Always

- Where does this problem occur? Anywhere but mainly at home and at school

- Why does the problem occur? Schools are starting on children at a younger age than they used to and these children are finding it hard to process all the sound and letters of the number line and the alphabet.

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• What specific problem do people encounter in that situation? Use the results from your user research

• AlPhonics

• Children are fallig behind in school because they do not have enough help that they need.

• Children are not able to sound out their letters and numbers when reading or writing.

• Children struggle with their numbers and letters and often tend to become rebellious when it comes to their learning because they think that it is too difficult.

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Key Question

How can we teach children

who are struggling with their

phonics ?

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Key insight statement(s)

There are many different types of Phonics apps out

there on the market but non of them will be able to

help your child to be more confident in their learning

and want to enjoy school more than AlPhonics.

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Mini Elevator Pitch

Our team Surge, is developing a mobile app to help

children aged 4+ who are having trouble being able to

sound out there phonics ( Numbers and Letters) to make

them feel more comfortable in school and open up a

variety of amazing opportunities for their bright futures.

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User profiles

We have learnt from our surveys and dozens of questions that people (mainly parents and teachers) really want their children and the future generation to have a bright future and think that if a type of app like this is able to boost children's confidence and improve their work at school than they would defiantly be up for it. But statistics show that from our last survey 47.6% of people would actually want to pay for an app like this but 52.4% would not.

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After doing some research we have found different apps from the

app store, we found some other apps on the market which are out

main competitors;

ABC Alphabet Phonics

Abc PocketPhonics Lite

However these apps do not fully solve the problem. Even though they are

helping children how to read and sound out letters, they are not motivating the child to

want to learn and they are not giving them that extra confidence that they need to learn.

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MVP user stories and feature


Parent : “As a parent I want to make sure that my child is getting the best out of their learning and they are not

falling behind in their work in school.”

Child: “Sometimes sounding out the words in my reading book can be really hard and sometime I need a bit more help when I get to harder words. I don‟t like not knowing how to sound out the word sometimes

and it is really annoying.”

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Flow of app

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Key wireframes

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[Data, content, technical]

Data Feasibility

• This app will require sound/audio, gaming files which will be stored.

• These files will occur when the person is watching a help tutorial, listening to the phonics or is playing a game.

• We will not need any authorisation as we will be recording our own media files and making our own games.

Technical Feasibility

• Our solution is technical possible because we are not using any data files which have not been authorised for mobile use.

• A professional developer could build this in less than 3 months.

• We can simplify our app by just using sound/audio to help the buyer sound out their phonics.

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Business Case

Business case Hypothesis

“We think that the app should be free and teachers and parents should pay for some features of the app for their children and


My team app, „AlPhonics‟ is going to open up a business model where the app s free but some features will cost money.

My teams, „Surge‟ have identified that parents and teachers are wiling to 69p to cater for their children's needs if the are struggling in school.

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Marketing Strategy

1) Social Networking sites. Millions of people log into a loads of

different types of social media sites e.g. Facebook, Twitter,

Insagram. This would be a quick and easy way to advertise our

product in a way that millions of people all around the world

would be able to see.

2) Telling friends and family about it and spreading the


3) Making advertisements in newspapers and magazines

so people are able to rad about this amazing app.