The Agricultural Revolution leads to the Industrial Revolution in Britain

AP World Industrial Revolution (BASIC!!!!)

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The Agricultural Revolution leads to the Industrial Revolution

in Britain

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The Agricultural Revolutionperiod of time when farming techniques improved resulting in higher quality and quantities of food.The Enclosure Movement was the process of taking over & consolidating land formerly shared by peasant farmers.

Larger fields could be cultivated more efficientlyFarm output rose, more food was available to feed the growing population

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The Industrial Revolution

long process during the mid 1700s of switching from simple hand tools to complex machines for production

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Why did it start in Britain?

A large supply of coal & iron helped Britain to lead the way in the Industrial Revolution (power & building)

large population that was no longer working on farms (enclosure movement), and could work in cities increased the demand for goods middle and upper class in Britain had a lot of capital

that they were eager to invest into new industry Britain had a stable government that

supported the new industry

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Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution

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People Move to Cities

Urbanization is…The movement of people to cities

Cities grew around factories

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New Social Classes

Middle Class: entrepreneurs Owned factories, mines, RR, etc

Lower Class: Farmers in rural areas Factory/Mine workers in urban areas Lived in tenements in the cities

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Tenement life:Tenements are multi-story

buildings divided into crowded apartmentsNo running waterNo sewage or sanitationDisease spread rapidly

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SlumsOvercrowded tenementsA family has one roomUnemployment or illness could ruin

a familyHigh crime ratesAlcoholism

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Population1800->1900 the population

doubled!Smaller families (don’t need

masses of children to work farms)

Death rate fell (better at fighting disease)

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Life in a factory:Strict- everything moved by bellsWomen & children made less than

menShifts from 12-16 hoursNo safety devices on machinesUnions are illegal

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Life in Mines

Increased demand for iron & coal during the Industrial Revolution

Miners are paid more than factory workers Miners worked in the dark Dust from the mines led to “black lung” Danger from explosions & cave-ins Women & children were smaller & could fit in the shafts


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New Ways of Thinking

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Laissez-Faire Economics

Physiocrats of the Enlightenment applied natural laws to the economy

Adam Smith Wrote: “Wealth of Nations” Argued that the free market, without government

regulation, would help everyone – rich & poor PROOF! The Industrial Age!

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Thomas Malthus

Economist Predicted that the population would grow faster than the food

supply This would cause widespread famine

Urged people to have less children Discouraged charity of helping the needy Discouraged vaccinations HE WAS WRONG.

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David Ricardo

Economist Believed that the working class would never escape poverty Wage increases never helped he believed

They would only cover the increased cost of food People thought they could have more children when they made more

money Wrote: “The Iron Law of Wages” Opposed government help to the poor

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Jeremy Bentham: “The goal of society should be the greatest

happiness for the greatest number of people” Things should provide more happiness than

pain Individual freedom guarantees happiness Limited government involvement is needed

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Workers Find Comfort in Religion

Methodists Founded by John Wesley

Religion influenced by Industrial Revolution People are moving to their city and losing connection

with their home churches Stresses the need to find faith on your own A meetings, sermons that stressed hymns & sermons

promising forgiveness of sin if you act in moral & sober ways

Sunday schools: teach to read & write along with Bible study

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Condemned the evils of capitalistic society People as a whole own & operate the means of

production Believed that human nature is basically good

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Robert Owen established a Utopia in Scotland A community where all society owned the

property together All work was shared equally in the society Refused to use child labor

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Founded by Karl Marx – “scientific socialism” “The Communist Manifesto” – Written by Karl Marx

& Friedrich Engles (1848) Advocated the establishment of a classless society All means of production are owned by the community Economics is the driving force of history

All of History is a struggle between the “haves” and the “have not's”

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1860s- Germany forms a social democracy Gradual transition from capitalism to socialism

Late 1800s- Russians embraced Marxism 1917 Russian Revolution sets up a communist

inspired government

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