AVID The basics for loading Standard Definition Video Footage from Your Camera to the Avid Editing System

Ann hartsock non-technical

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This is a PowerPoint presentation for my Technical writing class. The assignment was to design a Powerpoint presentation demonstrating how to perform a task to a non-technical audience.

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  • 1. Avid Editing Software is the industry standard

2. Choice of Equipment for Capture 3. Equipment IEEE 1394 Cable Can be purchased online orat local store in the electronicsdepartment such as Best Buyor Wal-mart. 4. Open Avid Software 5. Bins and the Capture Tool 6. Setting Up Capture Tool 7. Capturing Your Video 8. References291629599_8b79fe597d.jpg (JPEG Image, 412 427 pixels). (n.d.).291629599_8b79fe597d.jpg (JPEG Image, 412 427 Pixels).Retrieved fromhttp://farm1.static.flickr.com/108/291629599_8b79fe597d.jpgAvid-200x200.jpg (JPEG Image, 200 200 pixels). (n.d.). Avid-200x200.jpg (JPEG Image, 200 200 Pixels). Retrieved fromhttp://www.productionapprentice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/avid-200x200.jpgAVID - HD AVID DV offline - College of Communication - UT AustinWikis. (n.d.). AVID - HD AVID DV Offline - College ofCommunication - UT Austin Wikis. Retrieved fromhttps://wikis.utexas.edu/display/comm/AVID+-+HD+AVID+DV+offlineAvid media composer: Basics guide. (2006). Tewksbury, MA: Avid. 9. Blg_tl_4.jpg (JPEG Image, 420 220 pixels). (n.d.). Blg_tl_4.jpg (JPEG Image,420 220 Pixels). Retrieved fromhttp://digitalfilms.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/blg_tl_4.jpg?w=640CR-New02e.jpg (JPEG Image, 640 480 pixels). (n.d.). CR-New02e.jpg (JPEGImage, 640 480 Pixels). Retrieved fromhttp://www.reevesaudio.com/reevesimagesnds/CR-New02e.jpgFlickr: Editing avid Timeline. (n.d.). Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed InteractiveTimelines. Retrieved from http://www.dipity.com/tickr/Flickr-editing-avid/Http://www.productionapprentice.com/articles/on-location/my-journey-back-to-avid-media-composer/. (n.d.).Http://www.productionapprentice.com/articles/on-location/my-journey-back-to-avid-media-composer/. Retrieved fromhttp://www.productionapprentice.com/articles/on-location/my-journey-back-to-avid-media-composer/Kost, D. (2007, September 15). Avid Media Composer Manual.MC.jpg (JPEG Image, 1366 768 pixels) - Scaled (65%). (n.d.). MC.jpg (JPEGImage, 1366 768 Pixels) - Scaled (65%). Retrieved fromhttp://community.avid.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/ 10. MediaComposer6_5F00_Avid_5F00_Marketplace_5F00_UI_5F00_HiRes_5F00_25 ACD2A5.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 640 pixels) - Scaled (87%). (n.d.). MediaComposer6_5F00_Avid_5F00_Marketplace_5F00_UI_5F00_HiRes_ 5F00_25ACD2A5.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 640 Pixels) - Scaled (87%). Retrieved from http://community.avid.com/cfs- filesystemfile.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Blogs.Components.WeblogFile s/buzz/MediaComposer6_5F00_Avid_5F00_Marketplace_5F00_UI_5F00_ HiRes_5F00_25ACD2A5.jpgScreen-Shot-2012_2D00_01_2D00_18-at-18.24.41.png (PNG Image, 1920 1080 pixels) - Scaled (46%). (n.d.). Screen-Shot-2012_2D00_01_2D00_18-at- 18.24.41.png (PNG Image, 1920 1080 Pixels) - Scaled (46%). Retrieved from http://community.avid.com/cfs- filesystemfile.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.PostAttachments/ Editing With VideoFactory -- Education IT Workshop. (n.d.). College of Education | Purdue University. Retrieved from http://www.education.purdue.edu/edit/misc/workshops/videofactory/Will CS5 and MC5 toast FCP? digitalfilms. (n.d.). Will CS5 and MC5 Toast FCP? Digitalfilms. Retrieved from http://digitalfilms.wordpress.com/2010/06/12/will-cs5-and-mc5-toast-fcp/