Analysis of two record company websites

Analysis of two record companys

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Analysis of two record company websites

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Record Comany Website oneVery clear logo which makes the viewer know the website is there, this is also a universal logo as it is seen on CD cover etc and automatically if you know what EMI are you will know that the CD has been produced by them and the band belongs to that record label

Navigation bar which when the user clicks on the link will take them to a different part of the website, this allows user’s to find what they are looking for. The areas are very clear cut and easy to understand. The white background make the writing stand out and easy to read

Very clear button that takes the user to a page showing all the artist that are signed up to EMI and are producing music under there label. The bigger the artist that are signed up the bigger the company is seen to be.

Shows pictures of albums that they have produced for example now that what I call music 73, this shows viewer what artist they have got under there label and promotes the band but overall promotes the label.

Search box allows users to type in certain words that will then bring up Items that link to that word on the website, this allows the user to look for things that want to see without have to look through out the whole site it gives the user a sense of freedom

Using Twitter is a great way of advertising the record label an d the artist as it allows people to see what bands are up to and allows them to see recent activity such as tours and concert date etc. It also allows the record label to update user about such things as signing new artist and almost allows them to boast there company and artists.

Buttons allows users to navigate easily to recent posts so they can keep up to date and allows them to see tags in posts for example to see who is touring with who.

The rest of the website is like a blog that has information about the artist and what they Are up to , for example it shows that you can watch Coldplay unstaged in Madrid tonight, it show a picture of the band so people can look at what they are wearing and if they have changed for example haircuts etc, it also give a little paragraph about the item and gives links to websites such as YouTube where you can watch the live show, it gives the time and date when the post was posted. And gives the viewer all the information they need