Analysis of artist website(Trevor Jackson) Zakariya sahid

Analysis of artist website(trevor jackson)

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Page 1: Analysis of artist website(trevor jackson)

Analysis of artist website(Trevor Jackson)Zakariya sahid

Page 2: Analysis of artist website(trevor jackson)


The name of the artist is in bold font to signify who the website belongs to and is about.

The image of the artist is shown to show the ownership of the website. Furthermore it is a big large image to make it eye catching.

The background of the website and the artist clothing is similar, because Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Black is a mysterious colour associated with fear and the unknown (black holes). It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humour, 'black death').

The website allows people to be involved with the artist by having accounts and being informed of the latest information such as concerts etc.

The website also allows you to subscribe which means you can receive email updates from the website rather than the old traditional version of receiving post.

Page 3: Analysis of artist website(trevor jackson)

Main pages

The website allows viewers to view the music videos of the artist as seen above this then makes the viewers see it and then judge it or if they love it they will keep watching his videos, as this form Is a benefit to the website.

The website shows where the video is being viewed on so their fans can go and watch it , and not have to go to the website to just watch a video.

The website has also use social media to increase their social activity and bring in more followers and fans

The website uses one word, ‘Follow’ to make their viewers immediately follow them on social media. Just using the word follow Is very persuading and commanding as well and does the job.

Page 4: Analysis of artist website(trevor jackson)

Other pages on the website

To increase his popularity and fame, the artist has also created merchandise for himself to sell to his fans and create himself more money and fame.

The webpage’s title is in bold and informs the audience clearly of what is website is about.

The product contains the price and what the product is to inform the audience.

This webpage shows the events of what the artist's concert activity etc. it gives information of the date and place which is hugely beneficial to the fans.

It also gives the option of notifying the fans when the next dates for events is which is a bonus.

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Website blog

The website is also interacting with its audience by advertising when the artist will be making TV appearance so his audience can come and watch the show.

Again the website is showing the different ways they can communicate with the audience and the rest of the world.

Social media feed

The website is showing its appearance on twitter with comments to show off their popularity on one of the biggest social media platforms in the world.

Page 6: Analysis of artist website(trevor jackson)


Overall the conventions of music artist websites that I have looked at I have analysed and broke it down bit by bit in order to give my self a good knowledge of what I can include in my very own website. This included the big image of the artist himself, the dark colours to signify a message and the big bold text and videos to show his music video and inform what the webpage is about.