To Mr. Barack Obama Hon. President of U.S.A Dear President This is another letter of a series that I am writing in an attempt to call your attention to endangered state of the world. Since I began writing to you; the world saw a disastrous calamity striking Japan. I write to you because your office rules the world and its thinking. Every action has equal and opposite reaction, nature is reacting increasingly in a violent way because we have not understood her and we by our ignorance are acting against her. You must underline that modern science knows not the truth of interrelationship and oneness of nature. In my earlier letters, I did call your attention to the fact, how earth is governed by two principle forces fire and water or sun and earth. These forces peak and give way to one another forming the day and night cycle, climatic cycle and the Universal Time Cycle. A transformation process takes place when one cycle gives way to other. The present dangerous scenario of the world relates to stress of transformation that should take place in the End of Time such that the system smoothly enters the New Time Cycle. This is very much written in ancient scriptures, like Maya,

An open and Important letter to Barack Obama Hon.President USA

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Page 1: An open and Important letter to Barack Obama Hon.President USA


Mr. Barack Obama

Hon. President of U.S.A

Dear President

This is another letter of a series that I am writing in an attempt to call

your attention to endangered state of the world. Since I began writing

to you; the world saw a disastrous calamity striking Japan. I write to

you because your office rules the world and its thinking. Every action

has equal and opposite reaction, nature is reacting increasingly in a

violent way because we have not understood her and we by our

ignorance are acting against her. You must underline that modern

science knows not the truth of interrelationship and oneness

of nature.

In my earlier letters, I did call your attention to the fact, how earth is

governed by two principle forces fire and water or sun and earth.

These forces peak and give way to one another forming the day and

night cycle, climatic cycle and the Universal Time Cycle. A

transformation process takes place when one cycle gives way to other.

The present dangerous scenario of the world relates to stress of

transformation that should take place in the End of Time such that

the system smoothly enters the New Time Cycle. This is very much

written in ancient scriptures, like Maya, Vedas, and Bible and so on.

This period would be accompanied by huge sudden peaks in heat and

sudden fall in temperature leading to wide spread destruction trough

fire/wind, earth/water bound destruction [quakes, volcanic eruptions,

and flash flood/snow]. We are already witnessing it. Our survival now

exists in Knowing the Truth of Nature and correcting our action


Page 2: An open and Important letter to Barack Obama Hon.President USA

I once again share some simple facts about nature that can awaken

you and bring change in human thinking and help us survive on earth.

Earth is designed to maintain its temperature and thus support life. But

humanity by the ignorance of simple realities of how nature works to

maintain its temperature nature is digging his own grave. Noble

Laureate James Lovelock did speak of inevitable large scale destruction

of humanity due to linear doubling of heat being released into the

environment. But from my research I pointed to hope for human

survival provided human beings awakens to his consciousness and

intelligence to know the Living Reality of Nature or Higher

Consciousness and Intelligence or God. I have substantiated and

defended my stand point by a life time’s work. Here is the crux of it.

Earth is designed into two parts east and west. When west awakes to

sunlight and goes into energizing mode, the east sleeps to darkness

and goes into de-energizing or materializing mode and vice versa. The

system works to maintain critical ratio of energy to matter. When

sunlight peaks in the west it gives way to darkness and simultaneously

east peaks in darkness and gives way to light. A time direction to this

system invariably means it should favor unilateral increase in the

energizing state or unilateral increase in de-energizing state of the

system. Both the possibilities go hand in hand creating dual wave one

dominant other recessive that maximizes before the dominant

collapses in favor of the recessive and vice-versa. This means as the

environment gets heated producing a shearing force on all the

ecological system, the earth system opposes this unwinding of the

environment by winding of the earth system. Thus destruction to

humanity comes from double edged sword of fire and earth forces that

manifests as destruction through fire/wind and earth and water forces.

We are witnessing it. The modern material vision of the universe

extended in time thus speaks of universe shearing down into oblivion

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or collapsing into a point where all the laws of science breaks down

and explodes into to a big bang. It gives no sensible picture of universe

existing in time.

A new dimension to it emerges, when we review the above cycle

including life. The plants absorb light and heat and works against

disorder. When night falls and the material system winds, the plants

transforms the energy into biological mass, which grows against

gravity. The earth and the universal system appear to work on two

forces gravity and anti-gravity that exist in life and works against

gravity and time in material world. This means universe cannot be

understood from material point. It needs to be understood as “Gaia”

where life plays an important role. If plants in the above system is not

controlled it can lead the whole system to anti-gravitational collapse.

The existence of herbivore control plants and carnivore control

herbivore. The system is self-sustaining without any time direction.

The self sustaining picture of nature dissolves, when we include so

called intelligent adult human beings. Adult human beings primarily

live by his mind and propagates his “self”. He becomes slave to matter

and thus ignorantly aligns with material force directed to gravitational

collapse. The world is experiencing the symptoms of this collapse. On

one hand the increased heat in the environment is shearing all the

ecological system. The climate is going aberrant and destructive. The

enclosed systems are increasingly becoming unstable. The force of

earth that opposes this tendency is getting increasingly wound. This is

creating huge earth quakes, the flash floods/snows and so on. This

would end in volcanic eruption of high magnitude. Science and history

tells that volcanic dust helps earth to cool its environment. We are

edging to self destruction because of our ignorance of nature its reality

and our mad material pursuit.

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The only hope to humanity to survive on earth exists in knowing the

Truth of Nature and its oneness and its working. We need to

understand universe as living, conscious and intelligent being that is

capable of self sustaining it self. There is a single Universal

consciousness and Intelligence on which the system is founded and is

working. This consciousness and intelligence actually sustains the

whole system by unfolding and enfolding the information. This line of

thinking can reveal the deep secrets hidden in Bible, Vedas, Maya and

I–Ching and so on and herald a golden period for humanity on earth. It

can reveal the Secret of Calvary Sacrifice as the creation point that

is very much supported by Vedas. It can lead new technologies that

releases less heat and can sustain the modern world causing

expansion that is positive and heralds peace and happiness on earth.

The key is to awaken to our consciousness and intelligence and come

into self realization by Knowing the Truth.