Alcoholic Liver Disease

Alcoholic liver disease

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Undergraduate summary of LFTs and Liver disease

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Page 1: Alcoholic liver disease

Alcoholic Liver Disease

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Functions of the liver Alcohol metabolism ALD Signs and symptoms Liver Function tests Complications Prognosis

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Storage – glycogen, vitamins, iron, copper

Metabolism – Drugs (incl alcohol), carbohydrate, lipid, protein

Production – Bile, albumin, clotting factors, hormones

Functions of the liver

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Acetate then oxidised in peripheral tissues via citric acid cycle to CO2, fatty acids and water, producing energy

Alcohol metabolism

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Three stages:

Alcoholic fatty liver (Steatosis)

Alcoholic hepatitis



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Over 90% of chronic heavy drinkers will develop steatosis

10-20% will develop alcoholic hepatitis ALD cause of death of 1 in 50 people in

Scotland. 4 fold increase in deaths from ALD in past

30 years. Risks: alcohol quantity/pattern, gender (F),

Hep C infection, haemochromatosis, genetic factors, malnutrition, deprivation.


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Not just end result of alcoholism

Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Chronic Hepatitis B ± D or C PSC/PBC AI hepatitis Haemochromatosis Wilson’s disease

Cirrhosis - causes

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Steatosis: usually asymptomatic, hepatomegaly

Alcoholic hepatitis: malaise, jaundice, tender hepatomegaly, fever, weight loss, abdominal discomfort

Cirrhosis: Similar to other causes of cirrhosis. Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, malaise, jaundice, weight loss, ascites, signs of CLD

Signs and symptoms

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Chronic liver Disease

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History and Examination – Alcohol

Bloods including FBC, U&Es LFTs, coagulation, cholesterol, glucose, liver screen

Liver imaging – Ultrasound, CT/MRI


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LFTS Synthetic function

◦ Albumin, INR Hepatic enzymes

◦ AST, ALT Cholestatic enzymes

◦ Alk Phos, Gamma GT Inducible enzymes

◦ Gamma GT Bilirubin

◦ if isolated consider Gilberts or Haemolysis

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LFTS Hepatitis

◦ Increased ALT/AST, mild GGT mild Alk phos◦ Serology

Alcohol◦ Increased ALT/AST, large GGT, moderate Alk phos◦ Ethanol and MCV◦ High AST:ALT (2:1)

Gallstones/primary Biliary cirrhosis◦ Large Alk Phos, Large GGT, mild ALT/AST

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Autoantibodies + Ig PBC

◦ IgM + Antimitochondrial antibodies Autoimmune Hepatitis

◦ Anti ds-DNA, SMA, IgG and IgA Sclerosing cholangitis


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AST 4-50 ALT 4-50 ALK P 30-120 Bili <32 Albumin 36-46





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Differntial of large transaminitis◦ Ischaemic Injury◦ Acute Viral Hepatitis◦ Paracetamol overdose

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Portal hypertensive bleeding

Hepatic encephalopathy

Complications of cirrhosis

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Peritoneal fluid accumulation – transudate Portal hypertension - ↑ pressure on portal

vein Sodium and water retention due to

vasodilatation (RAAS) Hypoalbuminaemia due to ↓ synthetic

function of liver – low plasma oncotic pressure


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Engorged veins due to portal hypertension Develop in areas with collateral circulation Treatment: treat hypovolaemia, endoscopy,


Variceal bleeding

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Neuropsychiatric abnormalities in those with liver disease and no attributable brain disease

Neurotoxic substances bypass liver metabolism (eg ammonia)

Hepatic encephalopathy

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Child Pugh score – assesses the prognosis of chronic liver disease


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Points Class One year survival

Two year survival

5-6 A 100% 85%7-9 B 81% 57%10-15 C 45% 35%

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Functions of the liver Alcohol metabolism ALD Signs and symptoms Liver Function tests Complications Prognosis
