Evaluation 2 - How effective is the main combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

A2 Media - Evaluation 2

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Evaluation 2 -

How effective is the main combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


Front Cover

Behind DiskCover

Inside Cover

Back Cover

The Album Cover

The album cover I have made straight away shows the combination of my main product and ancillary task. I have based my digipak front cover (and the other covers) on the music video (my main product) which is based on the single featured on the front cover ‘Latch’.We named our album ‘Irrevocable’ based on being ‘irrevocably in love’ . We thought this was a very suitable name for the album genre and also how it matches the ideas we have aimed to pursue in our music video. After researching style models I noticed many album covers barely include much writing other than the album title and the main song feature. I thought this was very simplistic but effective which personally I liked as it was not too much to take in. I decided to take this approach with mine but I wanted to include the album name somewhere so added it in bottom right, after having some audience feedback to remove the production logo which was originally placed there.

Inside Cover and Behind CD Cover.

This was one of my favorite pictures I had taken for my Digipak. This is also based on the main single featured on the Album. Standing back to back this is representing how in the video they are always passing each other and not realising. This is also representing ‘New Yesterday’ the band who are the actors in the video.

I wanted my CD behind cover to be quite plain as the other covers where quite full. So, in order to keep it it consistent with the theme I used an image I had taken of the wall featured behind the other images on the digipak. At first the band logo wasn’t inserted but I couldn't’t help but think it was too plain so thought it would be best if I added it on.

Back Cover

As a group we made individual digipak’s but when creating the back cover of the album we all got together and came up with 10 other song titles to use. We wanted to make sure all of these song titles matched the idea of the album name ‘irrevocable’ as apposed to being ‘irrevocably in love’. We feel as a group we achieved this well and that all of the song titles associate with the album title.When coming up with ideas for my digipak, I

wanted the front and back cover to relate especially with the narrative that the music video is based on. As in the video the male and female see each other and afterwards go about their every day lives and keep missing each other, I thought it was a good idea to have them in the same position looking at each other but one being on the front and one being on the back to emphasis them never meeting until the end.

See full digipak on page 2.

After looking at style models I was aware that a main convention was to include text about the production company and a barcode.

Does your Digipak fulfil its purpose?

I think my Digipak fulfills it’s purpose really well as I believes it follows all the codes and conventions required within a digipak. I like how it is linked to my music video allowing it to catch the eye of anyone who will have seen the music video. I also feel like I have thought outside the box especially when linking the front and back cover as I have never seen this done before and think it is really effective. From the beginning I’ve wanted everything to be relatable to my target audience and I think I have achieved this by representing my actors in a certain style and age etc.

Would it be appropriate for your target

audience?I believe that my digipak will be entirely appropriate for my target audience as straight away they’ll relate to the costume and age of the actors used. I also feel that my audience will be intrigued as to what it is all about especially if they relate to it as well as I believe they would. Also as my age range is around 15-20, and with me being within that age range, I am aware that this age range are more than likely to be interested in buying or downloading music so I feel like I have reached out to the audience and given them what I think they would want.

How does it combine with your music video?

My digipak combines with my music video really well. From the beginning I have wanted it to relate to my music video and have shown this through the position, layout and location of the images. The locations I have taken my images in is one of the locations we have used in our music video (Central Park) so this combines my digipak with my music video instantly. The positions that I have had my actors stand in also combine my digipak to my music video as it meets the theme of our narrative. With the narrative being about two people who have seen each other and keep passing without ever meeting, the images really emphasis this idea as I have an image where their feet are both in opposite directions as they are standing back to back, and also how my front and back cover link and show they are both looking at each other without the other actually being there because their on the other side of the digipak, emphasising that barrier of them never meeting. Until the end.

How does it combine with with the album

Advert?Straight away my digipak links with my advert as I use one of the images from the digipak as my advert image. Not only that, when creating my album advert I wanted to still keep the consistent colour scheme that I have maintained in my digipak. I used all the same fonts and colours also.

I think it is very important to combine the album advert and carry on the consistency of the theme within the digipak because if it doesn’t link to your digipak the audience will not recognise that the advert is related to the same album making it harder for them to find it in store if they want to buy it.

Album Advert

For the album advert I used the same image that I used for the inside cover of my digipak. After having audience feedback on my digipak and learning that a lot of the audience liked this image, I realised it was a very likable and relatable image. I also understood that with the image containing fashionable and popular footwear about today that my audience would instantly be attracted to my advert. I inserted;• The band name so the audience are familiar

with who’s being advertised• The album name as that is what is being

advertised• The production company logo After researching style models I also inserted;• The text below which includes the release date • The single featured on the album • The different versions of the album (CD, digital,

special edition etc.)• Where to buy it (HMV, iTunes) After researching album adverts I was confident that I had included all the conventions required to make it look professional.

How does it combine with your digipak?

Straight away my advert links with my digipak as I use one of the images from the digipak as my advert image. Not only that, when creating my album advert I wanted to still keep the consistent colour scheme that I have maintained in my digipak. I used all the same fonts and colours also.

I think it is very important to combine the album advert and carry on the consistency of the theme within the digipak because if it doesn’t link to your digipak the audience will not recognise that the advert is related to the same album making it harder for them to find it in store if they want to buy it.

Would it be appropriate for your target

audience? After receiving audience feedback I have learnt that the image I have used for my album advert shows very popular. I think it appropriate as it is a very relatable for my target audience as the actors are wearing popular shoes that will attract my audience. It is also very obvious, (especially with the fashion choice) that it is targeted to a certain age range which I am also able to understand as I fall into the age range of my target audience. Also with the unusual font I have used for the logo and the album name will also attract my audience as it is different and initiates a certain genre.

Does the Album Advert fulfil it’s purpose?

I feel that my album advert fulfills its purpose really well. I have researched many style models in order to make sure I have included required conventions in order to make it look professional and include everything that is needed to advertise my album. After including clear bold text stating the band name, album name, release date, featured single, the different versions available, where you can buy the album etc. makes me confident that it fulfills its purpose in order to sell my album and really catches the eye as well as using popular relatable fashion accessories. I am also confident that it doesn’t include too much text in order for my audience not to bother reading it.

Music video


How does it combine with your album advert and


The music video combines with my ancillary tasks in many different ways. The images in both the digipak and album advert are features within the music video, as well as the locations used. Also the themes and ideas of the images enhance the narrative, for example on my digipak, one of the actors on the front and one is on the back and they are both looking in the direction of each other, emphasising the idea that they never meet (until the end). Also for the inside cover of my digipak and my album advert I use a picture of their shoes whilst they are facing back to back. This compliments the idea of them constantly walking in opposite directions during the video and never meeting. There are also shots of just their feet at the end of the video which is again, shows that the digipak, album advert and music video are combined.

Does it fulfil it’s purpose?

I believe that my music video fulfils it’s purpose to it’s fullest potential. I feel that we have shown the narrative well as it is clear and relatable. I also feel that we have taken a lot of aspects into consideration, for example; Location, Costume/Props, Narrative Structure etc. to fulfil our desired themes and ideas for our music video. Also, making the questionnaire for the audience feedback process has enabled us to find out whether we have actually achieved this. After collecting the questionnaires back in, overall we are now more confident that our music video narrative is clear and relatable which is our aim.

Music Video Reflection

Is it appropriate for your target audience?

Before creating our music video, we knew we wanted our target audience age to range between 15-20. This gave us a starting point on what to research in order to make sure we were approaching the right ideas for our music video. Also as all of our group fit into the age range of the aimed target audience this helped to know that we were attracting our audience in the right ways. Overall I believe our music video is appropriate for our target audience as we know what will appeal to them and after gaining some audience feedback, this has also proven that we have. I also believe that with the narrative we have based our video on being relatable as we have again found out with our audience feedback, that it is entirely appropriate for our target audience

What would you change?

If we could redo our music video I think we would all agree that we would do a few things different. For example;• Making sure that when filming,

my hand was more steady to avoid any shakiness.

• Use a better camera as sometimes our shots come across slightly distorted

• Maybe use a few more locations

Overall Reflection

Overall I am really pleased with the music video we have produced and the ancillary tasks that I have produced. I believe that I have produced professional work showing what I am capable of. I have learnt a lot and enjoyed creating my products and especially filming with my group and feel we have shown our potential throughout.