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A year to remember

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“A Year to Remember”

By Richanela G. Flores

It was an ordinary day in the town of Caloocan City. Summer was ending and kids were getting

ready for the new school year. Most children felt unhappy in returning to school but some thinks it’s cool

and nice to meet new classmates and have new friends. However, there is a girl named Callie Anne

Rivera that was very nervous this day and very tensed. Today was her first day of high school and her

nerves were really wracking.

Callie is a new student in a famous university in the Philippines. She belongs to the first section

where students who got the highest scores in the entrance exam belonged to. She was very pressured and

conscious about her future grades and rank in class because of the expectations of her family. She’s as

poor as a mouse and lives in a squatter area and expected as the bread winner in the family. The only

thing that makes her entry to the university that has a high tuition fee is the full scholarship offered to her

as she graduated elementary as the valedictorian. And she promised to herself that he will take care and

maintain that opportunity by being the Top 1.

It was six o’clock in the morning when she walked up and step out of their small bedroom. She

went to the kitchen and ate her breakfast. She took a bath then dressed herself and prepare for school.

“I’m leaving mom” Callie said to her mother. “Okay, take care and God bless!” her mother replied. She

grabbed her backpack and ran out the door quickly. She rode a bus and ten minutes before her class starts,

she reached the university. “Argggh. This is it” she said to herself.

She entered the gate and gave a little smile at the security guard and hurriedly went in her

assigned room. There, she saw a bunch of people, new faces and she doesn’t have any idea on which one

can be her friend. She was afraid of rejection if she’ll greet or approach someone. She’s waiting for

someone to approach her, but nothing tries to. Some are shy, and some are afraid in Callie’s thick and

crossed eyebrows. After a few minutes, their teacher came. “Good morning class” the teacher addressed

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enthusiastically. “Good morning Ma’am” the students replied. “Okay, you may take your seat” said the

teacher. Callie’s heart is beating too fast and she’s very nervous. She was feeling alone. She’s sad and she

doesn’t have any friend for now but then she thinks maybe later she’ll have. The teacher introduced

herself in the whole class and then wrote the class schedule in the board. She also reminded some

important things like rules and regulations inside the campus.

“Okay, class, you’re going to introduce yourself one by one. Let’s start with you Carl” the teacher

said. The boy that has a nametag and was sitting in front stood up and introduce himself. After that, the

teacher called another student to introduce himself and the routine was done repeatedly. Callie is losing

her confidence because her classmates were so cool and great achievers also! Now, its Callie’s turn, she

introduced herself to the class finding her heart beating so fast. Afterwards, she took a deep breath and

feel so relief. She started in interacting with her new classmates. The day was over and she went home.

She prepared the things and requirements needed as their teacher told them to bring. The next

day, when she went to school, in her mind she thinks that the battle for the honors is going to start. She’s

very grade-conscious in the sake that she has no time to have a bonding with her friends. She’s very

independent and selfish in going to the top 1. Everyday of her school life is so miserable, she doesn’t even

have close friends to share unforgettable experiences and have a shoulder to lean on. But Callie doesn’t

mind it. Some of her classmate teased her as a geek and nerd. Callie is very intelligent and hardworking.

Most of the time, she got perfect scores in their exams. But now she’s depressed and losing self-

confidence gradually because of the rumors thrown to her by her fellow students. She feels alone and

nothing that she has no friends. And she admits that in the very start, she prioritized her grades first. She

can’t tell this burden to her mother because she’s scared that she might get angry and mad at her. Her

mother is hoping that Callie will do her best to be the first honor. Callie’s father died two years ago

because of a car accident. She’s the eldest child and has five little siblings.

Callie didn’t know what to do. After a month, still, she’s independent and carrying the burden of

loneliness. She admits it is her fault. She’s too selfish and desperate in her dreams. She’s insane. At

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school, she tries to approach her classmates but she’s always rejected. Some jerks tripped at her, throw

crumpled papers whenever she walks the corridor and laugh loud. Because of this, her studies were being

neglected. “Aissshh. I don’t know what to do! Damn!” Callie said in her mind. She kept on focusing in

her studies but then she’s always destructed by her loneliness. While visiting their school garden, a great

and nice idea came in her mind, she remembered that she’s not alone, she has a God. She went to church

after school. There, she kneeled down and pray. “Lord God, thank you for everything, for taking care of

me and my family and for all the blessings you gave. Please forgive me for all the wrong I have done to

you and my fellowmen. I am so selfish and desperate. I’m hardworking enough to study but I admit that

one time, I cheated, I have a code in my pocket and I use it to have perfect scores. I’m greedy. I don’t

deserve to be trusted. Now I’m carrying the burden of loneliness. They see me as a geek and nerd. I just

want to achieve my goals and my dreams. But I’m wrong in my way, and now I will do my best to be

good and to be a friend they will trust to. I will try not be selfish anymore. Amen.”

From now on, Callie started approaching her classmates. She’s not that selfish as before. And

gradually, she gained trust and friends. She studies and reviews at the library with her new friends. And

sometimes, when they have Math assignments, and some of her classmates don’t know how to solve it,

Callie taught them some ways to be able to get the answer. Callie was very happy that she has now her

best friends. No one in the campus now calls her as a geek and she’s running as the first honor of the

class. She now then realized that school is not only based on the competition for the honors. School is like

a treasure box which many assets can be found. And those assets are your classmates and friends that will

treat you as their true sibling. Those teachers that serve as your second parents. Grades were just only

numbers, the real intelligence can be only found in your determination and eagerness to succeed in life in

a good way without harming others.

Months had passed and this day was a hot, sunny and ordinary day in Caloocan City. Summer is

coming soon. Most students are very happy because for them, suffering for the school year was ended.

However, there is this girl that is very nervous today. And this is Callie. Today is the recognition day in

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her school. She’s invited and her teacher said she belongs to the Top 10. She’s very happy yet nervous

because she doesn’t have any idea on what her rank is. In spite of being nervous, she tries to smile and be

thankful for this another blessing from God. Her best friends Sydney, Vernice and Andrea are also invited

in the event. They keep on thanking Callie for this. For them, Callie is one of the instruments why they

make it to the top. Callie is a very great student teacher! She’s very great and smart. When they don’t

understand the lesson, Callie tries her best to explain it to her classmates. After an hour of preparing,

Callie gets the event invitation and the ribbons. She and her mom were ready. They leave the house then

rode on a bus. Her mom is very excited and proud. For her, Callie is number one. Her daughter did her

best. They reached the university and they went to the auditorium where the event is being held. The

program is started with a prayer. During the awarding, Callie was in a cold sweat. She’s rooted to the

spot. But when the emcee announced that she is the top 1, she’s very surprised and thrilled to bits. She

hugged her mother really tight catching her eyes teary. “Thank you Lord! This is for you!” Callie prayed

silently with her hands together. She and her mother go up the stage and get the certificate and medal.