The ocean is important to me because mostly everything I do on the weekends is at the ocean. When I am at the beach I am mostly surfing, body boarding, bodysurfing or I am looking for shells. I think that ocean is the most fun place to go to. I also take barrel pictures with my Go Pro® at the beaches I go to too. The beaches I mostly go to are Kewalos, Makapu`u, or the Wall. I am lucky to live in Hawaii I have all these good beaches and I have good waves to surf. Education is important to me because if you don't have a good education you won't necessarily get a good job. Even in sports you need to have good grades to play on the team. I am thankful to go to a school that has good education and I am grateful for my parents for paying for my school. If I have a good education, I have to try my best in every subject. If the college people saw that you did had bad grades at a good school you won't get into a good college. That is why education is so important and that is why I value it. Education Ocean

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Family'Rectangle' Awesome




My family is important to me because they show that they care about me by adopting me. They support me by showing up and just being there for me. Some examples are my dad supported me at the 5th Grade Beginning Band Concert to watch me perform. He also supports my sisters and I by staying at the Ice Palace and watching us skate, instead of dropping us off and going somewhere else. My family has been with me since I was 1 year old and from then on, they have showed affection to me. A few examples are when they help me with my homework and buy me clothes, books, etc. They also have helped me through hard times. One example was when I get a mediocre grade on a project. My mom made me healthy by growing a garden full of non-GMO fruits and veggies. Even though we fight sometimes, my sisters hang out with me when I am bored. They are fun to hang out with, most of the time. I love my family because of the traits that make them who they are.


I am a rectangle because like rectangle's sides, I can share knowledge that could go on for a long time. The knowledge I share is things that I learn everyday. I like to be perfect when doing homework assignments and getting perfect grades, like the rectangle's perfect 90° angles. Just like rectangles can be different without changing its shape, I can adjust to different ideas. This means, I can adjust to a new task without having feelings about it. I adapt my ideas in a different way, instead of changing them entirely and can still do a good job. Like a rectangle tessellation, I like to repeat myself until I feel that my point got across to others. Lastly, I think I am a rectangle because I have many friends, like squares are rectangles' friends. They can fit inside the rectangles and I can fit in with my friends well. Rectangles and my personality are similar!


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1050 #EC942

Friends' Books'




Adoption My friends are important to me because they stick up for me, they understand me, cooperate with me, and we help each other go through tough times. We have tons of fun, and at the same time, work together on homework assignments and projects. I learned that when you work with your friends, you get a lot done because as they say, two heads are better than one. Without my friends, I could not live as well because they do favors, lend/provide me supplies, etc. You give and get love, friendship, happiness, sadness, and many more emotions with friends. It is hard to get these emotions by yourself. Friends have and know things you do not have or know. They are like back up family members. These reasons are why our friendship has lasted and survived throughout our life for 8 years!

Books are important to me because they teach me new knowledge. They lull me to sleep and keep me company. The books share their ideas and stories for me to enjoy. When I am bored or lonely and absorb me into their life. It feels like I am apart of them. I can pour my emotions into them, like when they are sad, and I like the feel of the pages when I turn them. Without books, I could not live as well because I learn so much from them. For an example, I learned how to knit, bake, draw, and learn to enjoy different types of genres. We make great companions and they take me along their journeys with them. I love books because of these reasons!

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Acrostic Poem

Creative Academic



Acrostic Poem

Calculators Animals Dictionary Young

My Family

Helping me to enjoy my extraordinary life is what makes my family is really important to me. Cheering me on at soccer games and teaching me to try my best, they are always supporting me. Consistently making my life easier by helping me all the time, I am very thankful for them. They are always doing whatever they can to make me happy like taking me out to places I enjoy. I love them and am so grateful that I have them.

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I am a star

There are many sides to my life and that makes me feel like I am a star. Dancing, academics, sports, playing the piano and viola are what I like to do. Being onstage makes me feel like I am a star because I am performing. Because I love participating in class, I feel like a star. I am a star because I love being in drama clubs and dance productions. Showing what I can do makes me like a star. Just like how a star shines, I try to glow bright and shine above others.

The Three Important Things

My Friends

My friends mean a lot to me because they help me make decisions by telling me their feedback. They also constantly make me feel welcome by saying hi to me when they see me. They are always nice to me and make me laugh. Helping me to solve my problems and make me feel more cheerful are how they are always there for me. I am very happy that I have them and they are very important to me.

Punahou School

Punahou School means a lot to me because it provides a learning environment of nice teachers, friends and campus for me that I love. I am really thankful for this school because it helps me to learn and also have fun. It gives me an opportunity to try my best. Punahou School helps me to grow by teaching me to make good decisions like paying attention in class and what is right and wrong. I am very grateful for Punahou School.

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Hello books!

Loves Disney Everything

Christine Mau

! "

! "

Cooking Having Reading Imagination Singing To Have fun Igloos Niceness Energy

I think Family (mostly

parents) is important because they

are sometimes the only people you

can trust to tell about your feelings

and they can help you get through

it. They also pay for your shelter

when you are a kid and most send

their kids to college so they can be

successful in life, have a home, get

married and have kids of their

own. My parents also always (I

really mean always) want you to

never grow up, get taller and leave

them when they go to college.

They never want me to grow up

because they always want me to be

their little baby. My parents will

almost always support my choices

but they sometimes disagree with

my decision and they will also let

you learn the hard way when you

do something wrong. These are the

reasons why Family is so

important to me.

I love books because they can move you, give you joy, suspense, sadness, and anger. They let you see from a different point of view.

Disney movies are really great because they get children to believe in the unbelievable. They make sure its like a picture book come to life. The Disney movies especially make happily ever after stories so children won`t sad. These are the reasons why I love Disney.

Dedicated to My family (including all the pets)

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America is important to me because I

live and go to school in the United

States of America. It is important

because without it being here people

like George Washington, Ben Franklin,

and the other Americans would not able

have been able to get their freedom.

Then, after that the African Americans

and women were treated as equal

people. I receive a good education here

at Punahou School, which costs a

fortune. I get to learn new things every

day about history, math, and science in

school. I have a good home in America,

which supports the roof above me,

helps my family cook our food, and

gives us a place to sleep. I love the

attractions all over America from Wet

n' wild in Oahu to Disney world in

Orlando, Florida because they are so

fun and thrilling! These are the reasons

I think Family (mostly

parents) is important because they are

sometimes the only people you can trust

to tell about your feelings and they can

help you get through it. They also pay

for your shelter when you are a kid and

most send their kids to college so they

can be successful in life, have a home,

get married and have kids of their own.

My parents also always (I really mean

always) want you to never grow up, get

taller and leave them when they go to

college. They never want me to grow up

because they always want me to be their

little baby. My parents will almost

always support my choices but they

sometimes disagree with my decision

and they will also let you learn the hard

way when you do something wrong.

These are the reasons why Family is so

important to me.

I think that friends are important

because they give opinions to

your ideas. They are also

important because they take you

on play dates and sleepovers.

Another reason why friends are

important is because they cheer

you on when you try something

new. My friends correct me when

I am wrong and they do not

complain when I correct them. A

significant reason why I think

friends are important is because

they build up your courage, not

tear you down. The final and

most important reason is because

they love to see their other

friends smile, laugh, and be

happy! These are the reasons

why I think friends are important.

Important to me

I am a crescent moon because I work best in

the late afternoon like when the sun starts to

set and the moon takes over. I also chose the

moon because when I have projects I

usually try to get them done as fast as

possible, so I stay up later working on my

project. Another reason why I picked the

moon is because you can get so many ideas

from the moon, and I want to learn how to

come up with millions of ideas for projects.

The moon is so detailed and cool while the

sun plain and hot, I prefer detailed sentences

and I am trying to make them as detailed as

I can. I enjoy taking in suggestions and

adding them to my ideas just like the moon

takes in the darkness and changes it into

light. These are the reasons why I chose the

crescent moon shape.

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E xcellent

L oving

S milie

A wesome

I am like a dodecahedron because I have so many points and edges. Instead of being all round and boring like a sphere, so I am detailed and unique. I do not like to do the same things as everyone else. I like to think deeper and do things in a different way. Not always I am the same as everyone else because I think differently. My shape is a special and complicated shape. I can be as cool and as unique as a dodecahedron.

My Acrostic Poem

Elsa Kronen

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My family is very important to me because they make my life perfect. My mom and dad always help me and always make me happy no matter what. My parents buy me food and pay for my education. Apart from them paying for the things I need and keeping me alive, my parents love me very much. My parents do everything to make sure that I am happy. They play with me, spend time with me, and love me very much. They make me feel better by comforting me when I am mad or sad and always tell me that I did a good job when I actually did not do so well. They are always supporting me. My brother is nice too, even though he is always bothering me and annoying me, I still love him. He is so funny and fun to play with. Whenever I play with him he makes me laugh so hard. Without him I think that I would be very bored. My brother makes me laugh when I am sad and talks to me when I am mad. My brother can seem like the worse pest in the world, but he can also be the nicest little brother. Without my family I would be miserable and sad, my life would not

be as good as it is now, that is why my family is so important to me.

My Family

My teachers and coaches mean a lot to me because education and fun is the only way to have a successful life. I am so thankful for my education and my teachers. It takes a lot of money to go to a good school like Punahou School. My teachers are always helping me and are always so supportive. They support me when they help me with my work. My 5th grade teachers from last year (who were Mrs. Mclaren and Mr. Link) were so supportive because they would help me with my work and help me become a better student. Because of my teachers, I will be able to become the person that I want to be. Swimming means a lot to me and my coaches were the ones that got me interested and swimming. My coaches are the ones that got me to the level of swimming that I'm at now. All my coaches were very helpful because each one tried to get me to be a better swimmer. My coaches push me to work really hard. My coach, Coach Yen, is always pushing my teammates and I really hard. To make us faster, she makes the sets really hard and when we are not making the interval on time, or going slower than we usually do, we get in trouble. Even though our coach is tough on us, she only means to do well. I know that she wants us to get faster and she always tells us, "no pain, no gain" Coach Yen always helps you and works with you so that you can reach your goal. Every one of my coaches helped me and inspired me to try hard and become a better swimmer. My teachers and coaches are so important to me because they all helped me learn and grow.

Nature is very important to me because my family and I love to play in nature. Nature is so wonderful because there are so many things you can do in it. One thing that I love doing is going surfing with my family or hanging out on the beach. Something that my whole family can do together is surfing. I love to hike because it is outside where there are no cars or big buildings, there is just the sound of birds and the smell of plants and flowers. Going on trips is so fun because my family and I get to go and see nature in different parts of the world. Whenever we go on trips, we walk around and look at the beauty. If I did not have nature l would be very sad because there would not be anywhere for my family and I to go have fun.

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I am a kite because I am always flying. What I mean by that is I am always working. For example, when our class wrote expectations about us and our classmates I wrote," I will work my hardest". Working my hardest is me focusing and listening. It is hard to stay focused and listen, but I am trying my best. Working my hardest also includes commitment. Commitment is me committed to my work. That looks like me doing my work consistently not in short runs. It also looks like me coming to school everyday focused. That is

School is another important thing because it teaches me how to be a good student. School also gives me a good education. School teaches me how to be a good student by teaching me school rules. For example, if you talk out of turn you have to stay in for recess and you have o be polite. School is very important because it gives me an education. A good education looks like good teachers teaching an

understandable lesson to interested students. School also helps you get a good jog when you get older. That is why school is important to me!

Another thing that is important to me is friends. Friends are the second most important thing to me besides family. The reason why they are so important to me is because just like family, they comfort me. For example, when someone teases someone else they and felt a little down, but a friend would come over and comfort them. Friends also do nice things for you, that looks like a friend helping you study, making you laugh and being a good or great friend. That is why friends are important to me. You should be thankful you have friends.

Family is important to me because my family is always there for me. They also take care of me and they keep me company. They are there for me when I am feeling down or afraid in bad situations. For example, when I had

a lot of homework and I had baseball practice everyday, I felt like I would never finish, but my mom helped me make a plan. My family take care of me when I am sick or not feeling well. For example, when I am sick they make me soup and sacrifice everything to be there. They keep me company when my mom and dad are gone. That is why I love them.

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Family Double Bacon Cheeseburgers Kade's

writing brochure

My fami ly i s important to me because

they support as much as they can no

matte r what . I n my fami ly I have my dad,

my mom, my l i tt l e s iste r , and me. They

are mostl y there for me when I need

them l i ke when I hu rt my arm in baseba l l

they g ive me ice. Sometimes they can be

rea l ly annoy ing and get on my nerves but

they a lways get bet ter afte r they calm

down . My dad real ly supports me in

basebal l and he does whatever he can for

me to do my absolu te best in eve ryth ing.

Sometimes I get rea l ly annoyed because

he ta lk s a l ot but I know that he onl y

wants me to be great. My mom is always

dr iv i ng us to school and a lways mak ing

sure that we are ready to go. My l it t le

s iste r al so p lays sports l i ke me except

she p lays socce r instead of baseba l l . My

dad and I always try to convi nce her to

p lay , but she does not want to . My s iste r

is rea l ly fun and I rea l ly enjo y he r and

she is rea l l y fun because when I want to

p lay someth ing out si de she comes with

me. My fami ly is rea l l y support ive and

they are awesome.

Double Bacon cheeseburge rs are important

to me because they are ve ry tasty. I

have a lways l oved cheeseburge rs and

bacon. Be fore I t r ied a bacon

cheeseburge r , I never thought of put t ing

them together . I thought that noth ing

could eve r t aste bette r i n the wor ld than

cheeseburge rs. When I t r ied the doubl e

cheeseburge r my mind exp loded! ! That

k icked the cheeseburger down to number

two. When I tr ied the doub le bacon

cheeseburge r , I a lmost fa in ted. It tasted

so del ic ious that i t was beyond awesome.

When I went to San Franci sco, my dad

to l d me about a great burge r p l ace ca l led

5 Guys . I wanted to try so bad ly . When I

got the re I saw a double bacon

cheeseburge r , and I orde red it . When I

took one bit e of the burge r , i t instant ly

became my favor ite food. Today, my

favor it e food is st i l l t he doubl e bacon

cheeseburge r , and 5 Guys is st i l l my

favor it e p lace to eat and every t ime we

see a 5 Guys we eat there .

By Kade Morhara

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Acrostic Poems

Baseball Shape


Baseba l l is rea l l y important to me because it is my favor it e sport.

I have been p layi ng baseba l l s i nce I was a l i tt l e boy . I have a lot

of my fr iends on my baseba l l team, and they are a l l fun to hang

around wi th. I have met so many people from baseba l l that I lost

count. I have improved a lot i n baseba l l s ince I have started, and

most of it was because of my wonderful dad. My dad he lps me a

lot , but nor on ly i n baseba l l but in l i fe too. I have learned so much

from my dad. Somet imes we wi l l go outs ide and I f i e ld g round ba l ls

and then I have to th row it back to him. We a lso got a bat t ing

cage so a lmost every day we go out to h it fo r about 15 min. on a

good day and sometimes we h it f or 1 hour and 30 min. on a day

that I am not hi tt i ng good. My dad help ing me and support ing me

is a big part o f why I l ove baseba l l . I rea l l y en joy baseba l l and my

dad work ing wit h me, and baseba l l wi l l a lways be apart of me .


I choose the pentagon because it is the shape o f home p l ate, wh ich

is impo rt ant i n my favor i te sport that I p layed si nce I was l it t le ,

baseba l l . Home p late is very s i gni f icant i n the wonde rful game of

basebal l because in order for a base runner to score and help their

team to win , they need to cro ss home p late and touch i t . The other

bases are impo rtant too but they are i n the shape of a square, not a

pentagon. Home p l ate i s d i f ferent; it stands out as the onl y

pentagon on the baseba l l f ie ld . Home p l ate is a lso ve ry important in

basebal l because the batters hi t there, and it a lso helps the umpires

too . I t is eas i er for the umpi res and the bat ters to get a good idea

of the str i ke zone because the str i ke zone i s a lways c lose to the

borde rs of home p l ate, but st i l l the umpires make some mistakes

that you can 't help because that is how the game goes . The reason

that I am a pentagon is because without i t the game that I rea l ly

en joy wi l l no t be the same and I wi l l not be the same .

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Acrostic poem



There had to be a reason that pizza was

made. I value pizza because sometimes when

there is a special occasion my family and I go

out for pizza, so naturally pizza is special to me.

There is also the fact that pizza is delicious. I love

how the cheese and tomato sauce and

toppings come together so perfectly. I think that

those Italians were geniuses and masters of

food. Pizza is amazing, and it will always be my

favorite food cause of those reasons.

Kind Excellent Victorious Interesting Non-null


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I am a circle because I

never stop talking once I start

unless someone stops me and

keeps me in place. It is also

hard to keep me in one place

because of I have no corners.

Like a circle, I am rounded.

My thoughts are unlimited and

I never run out of opinions. I

also do not like to say things to

offend people, like a circle

does not have any corners. I

am also not too complicated

to understand. Circles are

common and an important

part of the world, like me.

I value my family cause they support me and nurture me. My parents get all the electronics I

have, such as computers, I Pads, and a DS. That is only part of the reason that I value family, I can also lean on them for support.

My family also cares for me when I feel angry or sad. My family also teaches me many things, such as math or an important life lesson. Without them I wouldn't be where I am now. That is why I value family.

COMPUTERS Computers are important to me

because they allow you to connect with many other people and learn about many different things. The computer helps me search up a variety of things that range from movies to vocab to sports results. You can catch up on new news or watch the latest movies with convenience.

Many people use the computer, which allows you to connect with them and

share opinions. I also value computers because they are sometimes my only

entertainment. For example, If I am on an airplane and there are no games or

TV, I can watch or play on the computer. Computers are one of the

things I value.


There had to be a

reason that pizza was

made. I value pizza

because sometimes when

there is a special occasion

my family and I go out for

pizza, so naturally pizza is

special to me. There is also

the fact that pizza is

delicious. I love how the

cheese and tomato sauce

and toppings come

together so perfectly. I think

that those Italians were

geniuses and masters of

food. Pizza is amazing, and

it will always be my favorite

food cause of those


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Family Mallory



! " ! "

My family is important to me because they support me in everything my sister and I do. They support me by encouraging me and they provide us the things that we need like school supplies and food. Our family is so fun; we play games and go to the beach on weekends. Something my family can do together is swimming. My sister and me have been swimming since we were little; my parents swam when they were little also. I am so grateful to have

Swimming to me is more than a sport because it clears my mind from everything else in the world. When I swim it is just the water and me and nothing can change that. At swim practice, Coach Yan is usually yelling at us, and then she makes us do hard sets because she is in a bad mood. She is usually in a bad mood because people are cheating. That helps us because it makes us want to work harder and if don’t then she'll be really mad. After practice, she is super nice even though she is still mad at most people because they were cheating or fooling around. I've been swimming since I was in second grade. Even though most people would think that I would have gotten bored with it, but I haven't and it is still the best sport in the world. I wish other people would figure out how awesome swimming is people would figure out how awesome swimming is.




Left handed



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FRIENDS My friends are

important to me because they are always there for me. They are always so fun and supportive. They are so awesome because they never leaving me out and include me in games and conversations. I know that I support them because I always include them and encourage them to do what they love. I am so glad I have the friends that I have.

I am a Square

I am a square because it is so simple but there are so many possibilities. For example, you could add color to a square and make it show emotion. With me, I would wear a certain color to show emotion. I think a square is simple because it only has four sides. With an octagon for example there are eight sides. With a person they can be so basic but you can add things to them and then they have interests and personality. Then they become different then any one other. A square is so simple but can be so interesting, just like me








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Going to sleepovers is important to me because we get to go to sleep super late like 2:00a.m. and wake up at 5:30a.m. It also helps me bond with my friends. Almost every sleepover I go to, we either play video games, nerf gunfight, or go out somewhere. Most of the time at any sleepover we mostly eat pizza and it is for someone's birthday. Most of the time, after a sleepover, I take a nap when I get home. Sleepovers are important because I can bond with my friends


X-Box is important to me because if my parents are not home, I have something to do. Also I play when I have nothing else to do. My favorite game is Call of Duty Black Ops 2 or any Call of duty game. I also play on Domination. There are three flags and you have to control them all. When I first bought the game, my dad had to go in a buy it because it’s a 17+ game. I also have $50 Turtle Beach headphones so I can listen to the chat and hear the game going on. I love my X-Box. That is why X-Box is important to me

Mysterious Incredible Cool Heroic Awesome Excellent Lovable

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Parents My Parents is important to me because they are always there for me and they spend a lot of money for me and send me to this nice school. They also make sure that I am in the right place and they take me everywhere. Almost everyday they take me to my baseball practices even though I know they do not want to be there. Also every game. When I am playing x-box, my dad comes over and plays with me. My mom also gives me food and clothes. These are reasons why family is so important to me

I chose a triangle because I basically do three things every day like how a triangle has three sides. First, I play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on my X-box. I like doing that because if there is nothing to do, I have that. My house gets really boring. The second side of the triangle is eating. It gives me a lot of energy for baseball and school. The third thing is sleeping. Even though I don't get a lot of sleep, I still like it because I feel good when I wake up. That’s the reason why I chose a triangle.

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! A circle represents me because

my ideas are endless. My ideas are

curved because they have a twist and

never end the way you think. I am also

a circle because I have a hard time

starting and getting ideas however, once

I start I never end. That is why I am a















Kit Kats

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Video games are important to me because they

are fun. I am very good at video games. One of

my favorites is Kirby's Return to Dream Land

3. In the game, first a ship crash-lands. You

are Kirby and you have to fix his ship. When

you fix the ship the owner makes you fight the

dragon that destroyed his ship. After that

something cool happens. Play that game to

find out. I like adventurous games like that. It

is a great game and there are lots of other fun

video games like it. That is why video games

are important to me.

Reading is important to me because books are

interesting and I enjoy reading stories. Books

are interesting because the plots have many

twists and turns. A good example is The Red

Pyramid. It has many twists and turns.

Reading will also help me get new ideas,

learn to write better, and improve my

vocabulary. That is why reading is important

to me.

TV is important to me because it is funny.

TV makes me laugh. I only watch funny shows, and

I end up laughing a lot. That is because laughter

makes me happy. It makes me feel good. Mostly, I

watch Nickelodeon but sometimes I watch Cartoon

Network. My favorite show is SpongeBob. It is

funny, and I watch it a lot. It is a great TV show.

There are a lot more shows that are like

SpongeBob. That is why TV is important to me.

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My mom is important to me. One

reason I love her so much is because my mom provides me with food, and she makes me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And every omelet I get for breakfast has a happy face made with ketchup on it. Another reason why my mom is important to me is because my mom gives me shelter and keeps our family safe. Lastly and most importantly, she loves me and she takes care of me. There is not a person more important than my mom. These are the reasons why my mom is important to me.

My second most important thing in my life is my dog. My dog is important to me because my family and I took care of him from when he was little. I tried teaching him tricks with the dog food but he didn’t listen to me and he just tried to take the dog food from me. At first I thought it was a stupid idea to get a dog for a pet if he cant even do tricks but after three years or so I noticed that dogs lessens the amount of stress in my mom and that dogs can be an excellent companion. These reasons explain why dogs are my favorite animal and that my dog is really important to me.

My last important thing is watching TV because from TV you can learn a lot of new things from it. I am lucky to have my mom, my dog and being able to watch TV.


I am a circle. This is because my teacher always says I have no point in my writing. I am also, an irregular polygon because I always make mistakes on my spelling and I don’t make any sense in my writing. I am working on becoming a megagon, which is a shape with 1000000 points and sides. That’s why I am in the Art of Writing class training to become a megagon. I hope at the end of summer, I will at least have some point in my writing. These are the reasons why I feel like a circle and an irregular polygon

Terrific Awesome Kind Uncrazy Terrific Optimistic

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I am a heart because I am loving and caring and also I am loved a cared for by others like my family, friends, and my basketball team. My family cares for me by loving me they way I am and not changing me. I show my loving affection back to my family by doing and being the best I can be and trying hard in everything that I do. Like at school I try my hardest and study as much as I can. My friends care for me by always standing up for me when I get bullied, or they give me their book if I forgot mine in the classroom. I show love back to them by doing the same things that they do to me that help me, like when they get in a fight with another person I might try to help. Last but not least, my Kalakaua basketball team, they really support me



Ruby (my cat)

A good education


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Family means a lot to me because they always have my back at anytime, even if their mad at me, and I always know they still love me no matter what happens. Like when my team is in last place in the tournament my parents always say" you tried your hardest, that's all that matters." I know that they love me a lot because they send me to the best school in the nation, they drive me everywhere, they support me by trying to get me everywhere anywhere, they cheer me on in basketball games, and they provide me with food and shelter. That is why family is important to me.

Basketball Team

My basketball team means a lot to me because they treat me as they would treat the thirteen year olds on the team. What I really like is when I make a mistake and they keep on cheering me on and say, "Right back Tara!" I also like that even though another team might smash us they are still happy this rarely will happen though. I love it when our team has team bondings because we have so much fun. I really cannot wait go to Vegas with my team. I am going there because we go to Vegas to compete yearly. It will be so fun because I get to hang out with my team for eight straight days!! I always know that my team has my back, like my family.


Friends are important to me because the only thing that I look forward to when I go to school is seeing my friends because they are happy and fun to hang out with. I like making new friends because you need to be nice and they need to be nice to you or else you would not want to be their friend. My friends and I always joke around and talk about sports and our music classes. We always try and plan get togethers like sleep overs or a day at the mall. I think my fiends are super cool and important to have in my life

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Talented Extraordinary Rare Rambunctious Elegant Nosy

Tnt Egg Restaurant Room Emergency Nail Camera Electronic

My family is the most important

thing in the world. They care for and

about me by loving me and being

nice and awesome parents. My mom

gave birth to me. I am thankful that

my parents love me. My family is

always there for me no matter what,

by picking me up from school, and

helping me through some hard

times. I love them, and I would be

sad my whole life if one of my

parents got sick or passed away. I

cannot live without them or without

their support. I also care about my

sister. She looks out for me by

helping me through school. She

gives me good advice for when I

grow older. Now you know why

family is so important to me.

Friends are also an important

thing to people because they can

keep you company. You are

never lonely when you have

friends around you. Also, you

can also do things with your

friends that require two or more

people such as kickball or

camping. People in school, or

your sport practice,

or your music practice, or your

neighbor are some places that

you can make friends at. If you

talk to them you could make

friends. Those are the reasons

why my friends are so important

to me.

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School is another important thing because you get to learn different things. School can

also help you by teaching you and testing you to see if you understand the things they

teach. For example, if you learn decimals there will be a test for it to see if you

understand or not. It really helps. You can also make new friends. If you are not shy and

you talk to people you can make lots of new friends. Also, you can become smart and

have a good job and have a good life. You can make good money and have a sufficient

life. Then, you can support your parents and your relatives, and other people like your

sister or your brother if you have one. That is why school is important to people.

I am an octagon because I always

try to stop people from making bad

decisions. Every time I see a person

that I know that is about to do

something bad, I run up to them and

them to stop. Next, I give them

reasons that explain why they

shouldn't do the thing they were

about to do like saying bad things

about themselves. I don't like people

who lie to people because if you lie

to someone you're also lying to

yourself. People who look down on

others are also the type of people

who I don't like. It could affect

people emotionally and physically.

That is why I feel like an octagon.