Libraries: Reference Services in a Virtual Context Jennifer M. Pettigrew Professor Jose Sanchez LIS 17:610:550:02 December 10, 2009 [email protected]

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Libraries: Reference Services in a Virtual ContextJennifer M. PettigrewProfessor Jose SanchezLIS 17:610:550:02December 10, [email protected]

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Generations Online in 2009, Pew Internet & American Life

Project (p. 5)

Population Internet Use

Instant Messaging

Ages 12 to 17 93 percent 68 percent

Ages 18 and older

74 percent 38 percent

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How do these statistics impact


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What is VRS?As defined by the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) (2004), VRS is:

[…] reference service initiated electronically, often in real-time, where patrons employ computers or other Internet technology to communicate with reference staff, without being physically present. (para. 1.1).

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Common Types of VRS

E-mail address referenceWeb form referenceChat referenceInstant Messaging (IM)Text MessagingEmbedded Chat Reference (aka: Chat Widgets)

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What are Chat Widgets?

HTML code that is embedded into a Web pageCreates a chat windowAllows for synchronous communicationSimilar to IM, but does not require the visitor to create IM accounts, buddy names, or passwords in order to initiate communicationRequires JavaScript or Flash installation

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Types of Chat Widgets

AIM Wimzi Widget by AOLGoogle Talk chatback badge by

GoogleMeebo Me by Meebo

Plugoo Widget by PlugooMinichat/Webchat 2 by Userplane

Pingbox by Yahoo! Messenger

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Meebo Me


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Plugoo Widget


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Benefits DrawbacksLive interaction with user (synchronous communication)

Lack of visual and non-verbal cues to aid reference interaction

Basic versions are Free! Only one person can log on to an account at one time

Interact with multiple users in different chat windows (5 to 100 private interactions)

Overwhelming/difficult to manage, esp. for individual librarian new to technology

Customize widget (name, size, color)

Does not automatically archive transcripts for future analysis or track usage patterns

Displays status availability (online/offline)

Cannot store messages if offline

Users do not need to download IM software, create IM accounts, etc. (ease of use & convenience)

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Rutgers, “Ask a Librarian”

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Yale University Libraries, “Asklive”

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California State University, Fullerton

(CSUF)What: implemented Meebo Me in spring of 2008 to supplement QuestionPoint’s chat reference serviceGoal: increase VRS usageTargeted User Population: commuter students familiar with using traditional IMHow:

librarians created individual accounts and embedded widgets into their Web pagesUsed Libstats, an open source reference statistics program, to track statistics Marketing CampaignStaff Training

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CSUF: ResultsMeebo Me QuestionPoi


Number of Questions

833 531

Most Common Question Type

Research Assistance

(40.02 percent)


Transaction Time

10 minutes of less(83.19


20+ minutes(66.63


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Library Staff Feedback:

90 percent positively responded to Meebo MeConcerns:

Difficulty multi-taskingPrefer FtF reference transactionsDifficulty transferring usersLost connectionsInadequate notification of a new user

New Pilot Study: Library31p

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CSUF: Libraryh31p

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ConclusionsVRS are important additions to library’s reference services because many people use Web-based technologies to find information and communicate.IM & Chat Widgets can attract younger generations to use libraries’ services.VRS pose new challenges as well as opportunities for librarians to broaden their reference skills.

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Questions or Comments?

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Arnold, J. & Kaske, N. (2005). Evaluating the Quality of a Chat Service. Libraries and the Academy, 5(2), 177-193. Retrieved from http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/portal_libraries_and_the_academy/v005/5.2arnold.html

Bell, S.J. & DeVoe, K.M. (2008). Chat Widgets: Placing Your Reference Services at Your User’s Point(s) of Need. The Reference Librarian, 49(1), 99-101. doi:10.1080/02763870802103936

Breitbach, W., Mallard, M., & Sage, R. (2009). Using Meembo’s embedded IM for academic reference services. Reference Services Review, 37(1), 83-98. doi: 10.1108/00907320910935011

Cummings, J., Cummings, L., & Frederiksen. (2007). User Preferences in Reference Services: Virtual Reference and Academic Libraries. Libraries and the Academy, 7(1), 81-96. Retrieved from


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References (continued)

Curtis, D. & Greene, A. (2004). A university-wide, library-based chat service. Reference Services Review, 32(3), 220-233. doi: 10.1108/00907320410553632

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Desai, C.M. & Graves, S.J. (2006). Instruction via Instant Messaging reference: what’s happening? The Electronic Library, 24(2), 174-189. doi: 10.1108/02640470610660369

Gmail. (2009). Google. Retrieved December 9, 2009 from, https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Fui%3Dhtml%26zy%3Dl&bsv=zpwhtygjntrz&scc=1&ltmpl=default&ltmplcache=2&hl=en

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Graves, S.J. & Desai, C.M. (2006). Instruction via chat reference: does co-browse help? Reference Services Review, 34(3), 340-356. doi:10.1108/00907320610685300

Hodges, A.R. & Meiman, M. (2009). IM is for Instant Millenials: Developing Staffing Models and Best Practices for Instant Messaging. Technical Services Quarterly, 26(3), 199-206. doi: 10.1080/07317130802520203

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Janes, J. (2003). Introduction to Reference Work in the Digital Age. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.

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References (continued)

Jones, S. & Fox, S. (2009, January 28). Generations Online in 2009. Retrieved from the Pew Internet & American Life Project http://www.pewinternet.org/Experts/~/link.aspx?_id=258EE0426A7A487C9BEDAEF9286AD10E&_z=z

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Leykam, A. & Perkins, C. (2007). Is This the Right Tool for Our Library? A Look at E-mail Virtual Reference Use Patterns. The Reference Librarian, 48(1), 1-17. doi:10.1300?J120v48n99_01

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Pomerantz, J. & Luo, L. (2006). Motivations and uses: Evaluating virtual reference service from the users’ perspective. Library & Information Science Research, 28(3), 350-373. doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2006.06.001

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References (continued)

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Shui, E. & Lenhart, A. (2004, September 1). How Americans Use Instant Messaging. Retrieved from the Pew Internet & American Life Project http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2004/How-Americans-Use-Instant-Messaging.aspx

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References (continued)

Stacy-Bates, K. (2003). E-mail Reference Responses from Academic ARL Libraries: An Unobtrusive Study, Reference & User Services Quarterly, 43(1), 59-70. Retrieved from http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/results/getResults.jhtml?_DARGS=/hww/results/results_common.jhtml.33

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Ward, D. & Kern, M.K. (2006). Combining IM and Vendor-based Chat: A Report from the Frontlines of an Integrated Service. Libraries and the Academy, 6(4), 417-429. Retrieved from http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/jumpstart.jhtml?recid=0bc05f7a67b1790ef1c842b51c5cf5a401e2afcc33f82c0c2665886a58d789f8b18992cd9abfa117&fmt=C

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References (continued)

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