OTL 550 – Final Project 1 Grade 350 out of 350.0 Comments Karen, yours was one of the most original in approach and most comprehensive critically applied analysis of all of the papers submitted. I very much liked your use of applying IMPP and UbD to each category and offering a great compare and contrast vision. All rubric requirements were met or exceeded. Very good references and appropriately cited. Excellent form and style. Excellent work! OTL 550 – Final Project The Interactive Model of Program Planning Karen Mallette 10/23/2009

OTL 550 – Final Project · OTL 550 – Final Project 1 . Grade . 350 out of 350.0 . Comments . Karen, yours was one of the most original in approach and most comprehensive critically

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OTL 550 – Final Project


Grade 350 out of 350.0

Comments Karen, yours was one of the most original in approach and most comprehensive critically applied analysis of all of the papers submitted. I very much liked your use of applying IMPP and UbD to each category and offering a great compare and contrast vision. All rubric requirements were met or exceeded. Very good references and appropriately cited. Excellent form and style. Excellent work!

OTL 550 – Final Project The Interactive Model of Program Planning

Karen Mallette


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OTL 550 – Final Project

2 The Interactive Model of Program Planning

The Interactive Model of Program Planning (IMPP) is a non-sequential 12-step model

developed by Rosemary Caffarella because of her work with graduate students, corporate

trainers, and her own personal experiences. She set out to create a practical model that describes

how program planners actually do their work within the contexts that they find themselves. In

closing out the 2nd edition of Planning Programs for Adult Learners, she says the model is

successful “only if practitioners, myself included, are actually able to use, critique, and mold the

model in a way that is useful to them” (2002, p.375). This focus on practicality is reinforced

three ways:

• setting forward the assumptions the model is based on (2002, p. 26-28) • encouraging planners to understand their own personal belief systems

so they know whether the model is compatible (2002, p. 38 – 40) • acknowledging that not all steps in the model are required for every circumstance

(2002, p.44 – 46)

Understanding by Design

Understanding by Design (UbD) is a ‘backward design’ model that advocates turning

from a content-focused design to a results-focused design (Wiggins and McTighe, 2006, p. 15).

They describe two “sins” of traditional curriculum/instructional design that can be summed up as

“hands-on without minds-on” and “coverage” (Wiggins and McTighe, 2006, p. 16) The first is

that students are engaged in the activity without be held accountable for what the activity means.

The sin of “coverage” is teaching the textbook, working chapter by chapter, without looking for

context or connections. The result of these sins is that a student is not challenging intellectually,

and their learning is shallow.

To address these errors in design, Wiggins and McTighe offer a template to help teachers

turn their instructional planning on its ear in three stages: identifying the desired results,

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3 determining the acceptable evidence of those results, and planning the learning experiences

(2006, p. 24-26)

While this model was not the focus of this course, or even addressed in any detail, I

prefer its approach over Caffarella’s for the instructional steps, such as objectives, and

instructional plans. “…all the methods and materials we use are shaped by a clear conception of

the vision of desired results. That means that we must be able to state with clarity what the

student should understand and be able to do as a result of any plan and irrespective of any

constraints we face” (Wiggins and McTighe, 2006, p. 14). This, and other readings in UbD, says

to me that my instructional planning must dig for the “big ideas” that are conceptual and more

abstract, and actually provide learners a framework upon which they then can hang more

knowledge and skills. As I practiced trying to find big ideas in the subjects that I teach, it occurs

to me that “big ideas” will certainly inform, if not transform, the quality of the objectives I write

using Anderson and Krathwohl’s 2000 update to Bloom’s Taxonomy. In the past, I have used

this bi-dimensional taxonomy (knowledge vs. cognitive) to get at “understanding,” but it occurs

to me now that this is also getting at “big ideas.” I will bet that aligning objectives with activities

and assessments will also flow more smoothly now that I see clearly what Anderson and

Krathwohl’s intent is.

Wiggins and McTighe have intrigued me as well with how they tackle the question of

what exactly it means to understand something, and whether assessments and evaluations can

actually detect and measure understanding. I know that my own understanding of UbD is still

very much in its infancy, and I am not sure that I see yet exactly how I would meld it with the

larger issues that Caffarella puts forward that center more in the “project management” arena. I

am going to take a stab at it here.

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4 This Project

This final project of OLT 550 – Online Curriculum Development and Design will apply

the steps from IMPP that I feel are appropriate to a two-part scenario. The first part is a corporate

training plan for a fictional company, DTC. The plan calls for delivering training for Microsoft

Office (Word only) to 150 employees within the last 60 days of the year, and provides a list of

program ideas from employees. The second part is to evaluate whether the 12-step model is

appropriate for K-12 education within DTC’s “Kid’s School@Work Program”** that offers

reading, writing, and mathematical sessions to 85 children whose parents work for DTC. Parents

have also offered assessment and program ideas. ** I just made up the name

In some cases, the scenario has not provided enough information to make sound

decisions, so I will outline the questions that need answers. In this way, I will demonstrate the

iterative nature of Caffarella’s and Wiggins and McTighe’s models, which I interpret as moving

ahead as far as my current knowledge allows, and then returning when I can carry the step

further. Sometimes this information will come as part of general design and development, or it

may come through summative and formative evaluations.

The project will list each step of Caffarella’s model as a sub-heading in the order that I

feel is appropriate to begin working on (knowing that I will revisit the step as more information

becomes available,) and will cover both the corporate training plan and the K-12 plan.

Discerning the Context

Corporate From the scenario: I am told that DTC is fast growing. They see a short-range business

opportunity that requires all employees to have a minimum level of skill with Microsoft Word.

Employees in a management role need additional skills. Some employees want training in more

advanced options, or in other software packages.

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5 IMPP: Caffarella describes the context as a intersection of people, organizations, and

environmental factors. This intersection creates for power dynamics that shape the actions of the

program planner in both positive and negative manners.

UbD: It seems that identifying the established goals associated with the training as part of

Stage 1 belongs at this point of IMPP. Connecting this question to the broader question of

stakeholders and partnerships provides another crosscheck for alignment.

What I need to find out for IMPP: Are there any other stakeholders? Are there any

partnerships with local universities that could provide customized training? What was the

success or failure of other similar programs at DTC? What are the specific cultural hindrances

that the employees are concerned about, and what are acceptable solutions to those concerns?

Are there any “power players” among the stakeholders? Is anyone operating from ‘behind the

scenes?’ Will everyone pledge to work ethically, and ‘in the light?’

What I need to find out for UbD: I need additional details about why this training is

happening. What is the established goal that is in play here? The scenario states “in order to bid

on contracts in the coming year,” however, it seems a bit odd to me that this basic level of skill

isn’t already part of their employee’s abilities. Essentially, I am not convinced that this is the

correct focus for the training.

K-12 From the scenario: I can infer that DTC exhibits a work-life balance culture by offering

K-12 curriculum to employee’s children on-site. This allows parents greater interaction with

their child’s learning. DTC is willing to offer reading, writing, and basic math.

What I need to find out for IMPP: Does this Kid’s School@Work program augment or

replace their normal public/private education? Is the program accredited? How do children arrive

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6 at DTC to take part in this program? What do the kids think about the program? What topics do

they want help with?

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, as parents, teachers, program

administrators, as well as other partnerships all need to have their concerns addressed.

Identifying Program Ideas

Corporate From the scenario: In order to cash in on the pending business initiative, it seems the

program has a very narrow purpose, namely certain skills in Word. Employees have engaged

themselves as stakeholders by offering suggestions to the “suggestion box.” Their suggestions

focus around delivery format and scheduling.

Ideas I can add:

• minimize impact to the normal business by offering the course online, with specific time given to work on the course;

• look for coursework available from Microsoft since the topic is such a common one, and the timeline for delivery is very short

• use Microsoft Office eLearning courses because DTC paid for it when they purchased the Software Assurance (SA) benefits with their enterprise volume license

• offer special recognition for those employees as “exceeding expectations” who complete an MCAS within 6 months of this initiative

• engage mid-managers in designing transfer of learning plans

IMPP: Caffarella takes the tact that ideas should be mined from our lives in very

systematic ways, such as questionnaires and surveys; observations and interviews; groups

sessions or community forums; job and task analysis; tests; generated materials such as reports,

websites, etc.; performance or product reviews; social indicators, and conversations with friends,

families, etc (2002, p. 120-121). I find her descriptions of these sources interesting in that they

are not only needs based. In other words, education/training may not have a need at its core.

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7 UbD: Continuing in Stage 1, I think that identifying the “big ideas,” essential questions,

and key knowledge and skills are compatible with this point in IMPP, because they shape the

ideas that are generated, and set the stage for their sorting and prioritizing later on. In reviewing

Wiggins and McTighe’s six facets of understanding, application seems to be most appropriate for

a skills-based initiative. They define application as “the ability to use knowledge effectively in

new situations and diverse, realistic contexts” (Wiggins and McTighe, 2006, p. 92). For this

skills-based initiative, I would look at understandings such as

• Mastering new Word skills leads to new contributions to the company’s success, greater personal satisfaction on the job, and new career opportunities.

Wiggins and McTighe argue successfully that essential questions, questions that build

curiosity and motivate learners to dig deep, are very appropriate for skills-based initiative such as

this one. They state “Units and courses that focus on skill development need to explicitly include

desired understandings. In other words, the learner should come to understand the skill’s

underlying concepts, why the skill is important and what it helps accomplish, and what strategies

and techniques maximize its effectiveness, and when to use them” (2006, p. 133). These may be

good essential questions for this unit:

• What are the key concepts in the Word/Office user interface? • What is the value of their skills? How will it help the employee be more efficient

or effective? How will it help them contribute to the success of the initiative? • How will they know when to use their new skills? • How will they know that they are self-sufficient in Word?

Key knowledge and skills are stated in the scenario as Beginning Word and Intermediate

Word. As I review the list of required skills from the scenario, I keep wondering why the

expectations are so low. I would want to seriously evaluate whether this knowledge and these

skills really matches the investment of time and money that this initiative could take. I can

imagine learners being highly dissatisfied, and feeling that they had wasted their time.

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8 What I need to find out for UbD: How does the eLearning training available from

Microsoft match up with these skill requirements? Is there a better breakdown of skills between

beginning and intermediate (spell check seems very misplaced)?

K-12 IMPP: Some parents want dancing, not math; some parents want to either eliminate or

reduce testing, or use test scores, presumably to ‘teach to the test’.

What I need to find out for IMPP: What programs has the public school system had to

eliminate due to funding problems? Can the Kid’s School@Work program focus on these topics

instead of reading, writing, and basic math, which kids are presumably getting in the regular

schooling? Would DTC support this? Can DTC collaborate with the local school district to find

instructors who may have lost jobs due to program cuts?

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, as parents, teachers, program

administrators, as well as other partnerships all need to have their concerns addressed.

Building a Solid Base of Support

Corporate From the scenario: I can infer that DTC executive management and employees are

engaged as stakeholders in the program. Employees have demonstrated their enthusiasm by

contributing to the program ideas.

IMPP: Caffarella outlines 5 major tasks that a program planner addresses when building

a basis of support:

• ensure support from key groups (people) • create a program structure (like a mission statement) that cultivates support from

organizations • promote an organizational structure where learning is valued • use informal structure to foster community support • collaborate with groups who provide other forms of program planning

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9 UbD: Does not address this point, surprisingly, given their reformation stance.

What I need to find out for IMPP: What are the concerns of mid-managers regarding the

schedule, and transfer of learning plans? What are their needs so that they can fully support their

employees? Do they have preferences for schedule or transfer of learning? What transfer of

learning techniques have they used or found successful in the past?

Decisions I can make for IMPP: After meeting with the mid-managers, I know they will

help with transfer of learning, both to build the plans and implementing them. Mid-managers

have asked for bi-weekly meetings with Training during the deployment of the program as well

as during the transfer of learning stages.

K-12 From the scenario: DTC has initiated this plan, which demonstrates that they are engaged

as stakeholders. Some parents are engaged as they have provided feedback on either the planned

or the existing curriculum.

What I need to find out for IMPP: What is the forum for the parents’ feedback? Is it

broad enough to be considered as a viable stakeholder? What is the root cause of the feedback

they have given thus far? Are the cultural needs of the children being addressed, or even

acknowledged? Are there other partnerships that could enhance this program?

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, as parents, teachers, program

administrators, as well as other partnerships all need to have their concerns addressed.

Sorting and Prioritizing Program Ideas

Corporate From the scenario: I have 15 program ideas from the “suggestion box,” and another 10

that I have added as part of UbD. Since the purpose of this initiative is very narrow, all of items

from the suggestion box are relevant.

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10 IMPP: I appreciate Caffarella’s wisdom in stressing that not all ideas should be addressed

by training/education. There are alternative interventions that may be more appropriate. I also

appreciated the very analytical approach to sorting and weighting of the remaining issues. It

reduces the level of emotional, reactionary decision-making.

UbD: At this point in IMPP, I would also apply Wiggins and McTighe’s question, “How

will we distinguish merely interesting learning from effective learning? … thinking a great deal,

first, about the specific learnings sought (emphasis added), and the evidence (emphasis added) of

such learnings, before thinking about what we, as the teacher, will do or provide …” (2006, p.

14). Again, a filter helps me keep the program ideas results-oriented.

What I need to know: Do I have the final decision on selecting the ideas? What is the

likelihood that the program goals will change? What support can I get from the IT group with

employee registration?

Decisions I can make: I am assuming that I have the final decision. First, I have sorted

out the inappropriate ideas. This table lists the suggestion, and I have added the justification for

not using it.

Not Appropriate for this Initiative Why? Make one large class, close down DST, and have everyone learn together

Can’t shut down the business; many learners prefer solitary learning

Hold training off-site, maybe at a restaurant, so everyone can learn and have lunch

Can’t shut down the business; Increases expense; Not conducive to taking learning seriously

Many employees typically take time off during the holiday season

Business requires moving forward with the initiative even though the timing is bad for some

Surveying employees to see if they want to participate or want to express dislike for the idea

Business requires moving forward with the initiative even though some employees may not see the need; experienced users may test out of their courses

Many employees have asked to learn other software products that are specific to their own job

Business requires moving forward with this initiative for now.

Hold the classes in a regular classroom with teaching being offered through a PowerPoint presentation

Timeline doesn’t allow for course development; since this is skills-based training, learners must have computers to demonstrate their mastery

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11 I combined the remaining ideas with the ones I added, and then morphed them around a

bit to improve cohesion and to address the UbD concerns (big ideas, essential questions). I have

given each item a priority category, using letters to avoid any implicit weighting. All categories

are equally weighted.

Appropriate Ideas Priority Category

Set minimum requirements for the skills every employee must demonstrate: • Use tool bars • Cut/Paste • Highlight • Change fonts • Center headings


Set minimum requirements for the skills every manager must demonstrated: • Create tables • Use Spell Checker • Insert diagrams • Use Report templates


Allow every employee to add additional skills that they feel match their job requirements, or career goals. S Create a short video that addresses the overarching and topical understandings and questions. Deliver this as part of a kick-off event, or post to the company blog/intranet. Break into small groups during the kick-off, and using experienced mid-managers, discuss the points brought out in the video

S, N

Require pre-tests for every course. If the employee can demonstrate their skill mastery by passing the exam at 100%, they may continue on to other skills. They may pass out of only S Allow users to be self-paced, setting bi-weekly milestones, and therefore provide some schedule flexibility for cultural holidays and other business activities. N,T Meet the needs of learners who prefer instructor-led training (F2F) with a weekly Q&A/tutoring session. Attendance is voluntary if their online assessments are 95% or greater, mandatory if they are 94% or less. Tutors are available by phone during the transfer of learning stages.


Allow mid-managers to set aside dedicated hours during the day for this initiative, until the minimum skills milestones are met. Additional skill building is on the employee’s own time. S,T,N Use Microsoft Office eLearning courses because DTC paid for them when they purchased the Software Assurance (SA) benefits with their enterprise volume license. S,T,N Hold a mandatory 2-hour F2F session that describes how to use Microsoft Office Help offerings – in the application, and online. Use these sessions to help key in on the essential question of self-sufficiency.


Investigate deploying Microsoft Employee Purchase programs as part DTC’s SA benefits with their enterprise volume license, so that employees can further refine their existing skills or learn new ones at home.


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12 Appropriate Ideas Priority Category

Offer special recognition for those employees who complete either an MCAS within 6 months of this initiative as “exceeding expectations” on their yearly performance review for skills building criteria.


Engage mid-managers in designing transfer of learning plans S

Priority Criteria Category

Select those that have the greatest likelihood of improving the Word skills S Number of people who are affected by the initiative – deploying the training efficiently and effectively N

Timeline for the initiative – Dec. 31 deadline T

To summarize, big ideas and essential questions will be the themes of the kickoff

meetings. This will be an online program using Microsoft eLearning courses. Employees may

test out of the online content (but not other portions that seek to develop

understanding/meaning), and have dedicated self-paced instructional time at their desks between

milestones. Q&A/Tutoring sessions and Online Help are the only topics delivered F2F. Mid-

managers will help design and deploy transfer of learning plans. Incentives to expand their skills

and knowledge beyond the minimum requirements are also present.

K-12 From the scenario: Since the curriculum is already defined, any ideas that have come

forward (as feedback) are probably the result of summative evaluation. The feedback seems to

center around assessment, so I am inferring that this area of the program needs some


What I need to find out for IMPP: Why does only one of the three classes for each grade

group have tests? What types of assessments are used? Is any evaluation data available?

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13 Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, as part either of a new program

development or because of stakeholder feedback. Ideas will likely be more about units or

specific lessons, rather than programs due to state and local standards.

Developing Program Objectives

Corporate From the scenario: The scenario alludes to objectives by stating the specific skills that

the beginning and intermediate levels entail.

Applying Anderson and Krathwohl’s taxonomy for knowledge and cognitive objectives,

I’d use these learning objectives:

The Knowledge Dimension

The Cognitive Process Dimension Remember (Knowledge)

Understand (Comprehension)

Apply (Application)

Analyze (Analysis)

Evaluate (Evaluation)

Create (Synthesis)


List two methods for getting help from Microsoft Word

**Use the features provided by the Ribbon. ** Work with the Quick Access Toolbar, Mini toolbar, and new items on the status bar Use Microsoft Help options to support your self-sufficiency

Combine the new skills with your current skills to be more efficient and effective


Describe the business initiative that this training supports

What will the new skills mean when doing your job?

Decide when you will use your new skills c


** Organize information in a table.

**Change the appearance of text in a document.

** Proofread and finalize a document.

**Create and use Word documents.


What is the value of the new skills to you?

Evaluate your self-sufficiency with Word. Decide your strengths and weaknesses.

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14 Note: ** These objectives are listed in the Microsoft courseware.

IMPP: Program goals are different from program objectives. Caffarella defines program

goals as “broad statements of purpose or intent,” and objectives as “clear statements of the

anticipated results to be achieved through educational and training plans” (2002, p. 156).

UbD: It seems that Wiggins and McTighe’s essential questions and key knowledge and

skills connect here as well, and that this is really a continuation of Stage 1. This would be a good

place to separate out overarching essential questions from the more topical essential questions

(Wiggins and McTighe, 2006, p. 115). Overarching understandings and questions are those that

provide the greatest level of transference, whereas topical questions are more content-focused. I

find this challenging with this initiative.

Overarching Understandings Topical Understandings Life-long learning, along with ethical behavior, and dedication to the business’ goals are critical strategies to advancing a career.

Mastering new Word skills leads to new contributions to the company’s success, greater personal satisfaction on the job, and new career opportunities.

Overarching Essential Questions Topical Essential Questions What is the value of their skills? How will the new skills contribute to the success of

the initiative? How can the individual distinguish himself with his new skills?

How do these skills contribute to their effectiveness or efficiency in their jobs?

How will they know when to use their new skills? How will they know that they are self-sufficient in Word?

What are the key concepts in the Word/Office user interface?

How do these concepts apply to other Office applications?

Know and Be Able to Do Employee Manager

Use the Word Toolbars and Ribbon Same as Employee plus:

Cut/Copy and Paste Create Tables

Change the Appearance of Text – highlight, font, center

Use Spell Check

Write reports, including diagrams

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15 K-12

From the scenario: The program defines reading, writing, and basic math objectives in

terms of student’s abilities.

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, as part either of a new program

development or because of stakeholder feedback.

Designing Instructional Plans

Corporate From the scenario: The scenario does not define any instructional plans.

IMPP: Caffarella collects translating program objectives into learning objectives,

selecting and organizing the content, and selecting techniques into this step, influenced by the

instructor and learner capabilities, and the learning context. She also includes selecting

resources, and preparing assessments.

UbD: Wiggins and McTighe suggest a framework for delivering instruction that matches

the overarching understandings and essential questions with the courses, and the topical

understandings and essential questions with the units (2006, p. 277). Since I am using the pre-

packaged Microsoft eLearning content, I cannot pursue this approach in this case.

It seems that this is the beginning of Stage 2, and is basically two questions: what is the

evidence of my desired result, and how do I decide what is appropriate evidence of their

understanding (2006, p. 147)?

What I need to find out for IMPP: Since I want to use Microsoft’s eLearning courses, I

need to evaluate their objectives vs. my program objectives and essential questions. What are the

courses required for the MCAS certification? What exam do they need to prepare for?

My Plan: Start with the kick-off meeting. The agenda below describe the participants and

the topics for the meeting. Build instructional plans for the F2F Office Help session.

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Agenda for Kick-off Meeting

Welcome by CEO

• Describes the business initiative that the company is undertaking • Describe the basis of support; introduce any stakeholders • Provide the rational for the new skills sets; • Describe how the new skills connect to life-long learning and career advancement • Outline the certification opportunities, and the employee purchase benefit.

o Describe out to get more information (company blog)

Introduction of the Program by the Program Planner

• Show video that presents the overarching and topical understandings and questions o Break into small discussion groups – encourage employees to collect outside of

their normal colleague groups – moderated by mid-managers who have been trained on the transfer of learning activities. Generally get a reading on the group’s by-in on what they’ve heard so far.

Program Details by the Training Specialist

• Describe why the Microsoft eLearning courses were selected • Outline which courses are required by which job roles • Demonstrate how the employees will access the courses

o Describe what do they do if they have problems with the courses • Demonstrate how to navigate through a course

o Play the Course Overview and Navigation Overview from one of the courses • Describe the timelines for completing the courses

o Describe how to test out o Describe what can be tested out, and what cannot o Describe the dedicated hours during the day, and how managers will direct teams

to schedule that time • Describe how employees are assessed during the training

o Module self-tests o Team-based activities – Jeopardy game

• Describe the Q&A/tutoring sessions o Describe the voluntary vs. required attendance o Dates, time, and location

• Describe the F2F class on using Microsoft Help Offerings o Mandatory attendance o Dates, time, and location

• Describe how managers will coach employees after they complete their courses to integrate their new skills into day-to-day activities, as well as their part in the initiative.

• Describe how the employees can evaluate the training program, and provide feedback during and after they finish their courses

• Describe the resources that the learners have during training o Company blog – for all of the program information, certification opportunities,

and employee purchase benefits o IT – for help will computer access and account sign in o Training – Q&A /tutoring sessions

General Q&A session

Meeting Close

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17 Since the bulk of the knowledge and skills activities will come from the Microsoft

courses, I am not going to build an Instructional plan (a la Caffarella) for those courses. This

table lists out the required courses for each role.

Course Number and Title Listed Objectives Taken by: Course 4697: Introduction to the New Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface

Explain how different elements are organized in the new interface. Use the features provided by the Ribbon. Work with galleries. Work with the Quick Access Toolbar, Mini toolbar, and new items on the status bar.

Employee, Manager

Course 5419: Getting started with Microsoft Office Word 2007

Explore the Microsoft® Office Word 2007 environment. Customize the Microsoft® Office Word 2007 program. Create and use Microsoft® Office Word 2007 documents.

Employee, Manager

Course 5420: Editing and Proofreading Documents in Microsoft Office Word 2007

Edit a document. Proofread and finalize a document.

Employee, Manager

Course 5421: Formatting Documents in Microsoft Office Word 2007

Change the appearance of text in a document. Change the appearance of a document. Create, apply, and use templates with documents.

Employee, Manager

Course 5422: Working with Columns and Tables in Microsoft Office Word 2007

Organize information in columns and tabular lists. Organize information in a table. Perform calculations in a table.


Additional Courses for Certification: Employees interested in completing a MCAS must

complete the following additional courses on their own time.

• Course 5423: Working with Graphical Elements in Microsoft Office Word 2007 • Course 5424: Working with Longer Documents in Microsoft Office 2007

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18 • Course 6787: Collaborating with Others and personalizing Microsoft Office Word

2007 • Course 6788: Working with Advanced Features of Microsoft Office Word 2007 • Course 5422: Working with Columns and Tables in Microsoft Office Word 2007

The exam to pass is Exam 77-601, and details about the certification program are

available at this URL: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/certification/mbc.aspx#section2

The tables below are based on Caffarella’s sample instructional plan (2002, p. 194), and

modified to support the UbD understandings, questions, and knowledge and skills. There will be

8 2-hour sessions of 20 employees each, over a 3-day period.

Instructional Plan for Word Help F2F Class Title: Using Microsoft Word Help Date and Time: December 1, 2, and 3, 2009; as scheduled

Learning Objective

Related Overarching Understanding or Question

Key Points Instructional Techniques Estimated Time

List two methods for getting help from Microsoft Word

How do these skills contribute to their effectiveness or efficiency in their jobs?

Use self-help options before asking someone else. Use Help to expand your knowledge and skills when task requires a new solution.

Demonstrate each method:

- Blue question mark opens Word Help and How to - Office Online – Configure Word Help to load it automatically

1 hour

Hands-on sand box with examples from their tasks

Locate breakdowns in skills, and use Help to solve. Use Microsoft Help options to support your self-sufficiency

Improves your personal skill set; gives you the opportunity to help someone else

Break into small groups with an assistant to discuss these questions: - What does it mean to be self-sufficient?

- How does it feel to you when someone isn’t being self-sufficient? - How does self-sufficiency help you be a life-long learner? - How does it help you advance your career?

1 hour

Assessment: Trainer and 3 assistants observe employees during class, and offer one-on-one when required. Trainer uses group discussion to call out interesting problems, or features. Room Reservation: Training facilities, configured with 20 computer stations, and large screen/projector Instructional resources: Computer projector for demonstrations; Power Point for discussion questions; evaluation forms

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19 K-12

From the scenario: The scenario leaves me without any real definition of the

instructional plan. It does, however, highlight problems will assessments.

What I need to find out for IMPP: As stated elsewhere, a much stronger description of the

context for this program, and a more developed basis of support. What type of assessments

would the stakeholders find acceptable? Why aren’t the current assessments working?

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, as part either of a new program

development or because of stakeholder feedback. This is a very common K-12 activity.

Devising Transfer of Learning Plans

Corporate From the scenario: The scenario provides no information about transfer of learning


IMPP: Caffarella stresses that transfer of learning (ToL) must be part of any program

planning activity, as this is where the student may really need support in his or her learning.

Pressures of ‘the real world’ may challenge their motivation to make real change in their lives.

She recommends that all plans document the ToL strategies for before, during, and after the

instructional sessions, and involve the program planner, the instructional leader, as well as the


UbD: Stage 2 is also about transfer of learning, although they call it assessment. The key

here is to look evidence of the learners understanding, for performance. “Authentic challenges

involve realistic situations, where the context of the task is as faithful as possible to real-world

opportunities and difficulties… Core tasks with authentic challenges embody our educational

aims: The goal of schooling is fluent and effective performance in the world, not mere verbal or

physical response to narrow prompts…Successful transfer means that students can perform well

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20 with minimal or no hand-holding, guiding, or cueing by teachers” (Wiggins and McTighe, 2006,

p. 78).

My Plan: The mid-managers have agreed to support the ToL process by being the eyes

and ears for the Training team. The Training team will provide a short accountability planner (as

described in Exhibit 11.2, Caffarella (2002), p. 239) form to record the evidence of learning that

they see in the team members each day. They will also facilitate any paper-based quizzes or

games created by the Training team for this initiative.

Understandings Evidence Life-long learning, along with ethical behavior, and dedication to the business’ goals are critical strategies to advancing a career. Mastering new Word skills leads to new contributions to the company’s success, greater personal satisfaction on the job, and new career opportunities.

Participating in the program; meeting program deadlines; engaging in discussions; looks for opportunities to use skills outside of the direct assignments; supports learning community

Questions Evidence What is the value of their skills? How can the individual distinguish himself with his new skills? How will the new skills contribute to the success of the initiative?

Completes tasks related to the initiative correctly the first time, and ahead of deadlines; support others who are struggling with their new skills, without condescension or a superior attitude

How do these skills contribute to their effectiveness or efficiency in their jobs? How will they know when to use their new skills? How will they know that they are self-sufficient in Word?

looks for ways to organize work to reduce the timelines; looks for new tasks that can use the skills; follows instructions on tasks correctly; diagnose problems with Word, and use Help to find the answers

What are the key concepts in the Word/Office user interface? How do these concepts apply to other Office applications?

Create and edit documents with Word; locate features on toolbars and menus; apply the features to text (such as formatting) appropriately; apply Word skills to Excel or PowerPoint when directed.

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21 Know and Be Able to Do Evidence

Employee Passes Microsoft course test at 100%; passes pop-quizzes and participate in games during team meetings that provide an opportunity to demonstrate their skill; create, edit, and use documents, without errors, and according to the directions provided; located features quickly using menus and toolbars efficiently; keep cheat sheets for steps that cause problems; trainer’s observations and coaching during Q&A/tutoring sessions; mid-managers meet with Training to discuss any required interventions

Use the Word Toolbars and Ribbon; Cut/Copy and Paste; Change the Appearance of Text – highlight, font, center

Manager Same as above, plus appropriately formatted tables that convey concise information; documents have no spelling or grammar errors; reports have embedded charts, diagrams, TOC

Same as Employee plus: Create Tables, Use Spell Check , Write reports, including diagrams


From the Scenario: The scenario provides no information about transfer of learning

plans, although the table that describes the demographics and the abilities could be construed as

evidence of their learning.

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, this is a key task for a K-12

teacher, although the evidence will likely be more sophisticated for adults than for children.

Formulating Evaluation Plans

Corporate From the scenario: There is no indication of any type of evaluation plans.

IMPP: Caffarella describes an 11-step process for conducting a summative or formative

evaluation. This type of evaluation is focused on the program, rather than the instructional


1. Secure support for the evaluation from those who have a stake in the results 2. Identify the individuals who plan and oversee the evaluation 3. Define precisely the purpose of the evaluation and how the results are to be used 4. Specify what is judged and formulate the evaluation questions 5. Determine who supplies the needed evidence and/or if some of that data are

already available 6. Delineate the evaluation approach

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22 7. Choose which data collection techniques to use, when the data are to be collected,

and/or how the existing data can be put into useable forms 8. Stipulate the criteria to use in making judgments about the program or what

process to apply in determining the criteria 9. Determine the specific timeline, the budget, and other necessary resources. 10. Monitor and complete the evaluation, make judgments about the value and worth

of the program, and think through ways the evaluation data can effectively be used.

UbD: The approach taken by Wiggins and McTighe for evaluation is slightly different

than Caffarella. I think that their stance is more holistic. Since the focus of their model is

evidence of understanding, everything is under constant scrutiny and evaluation, albeit at the

instructional level. There is no specific point at which the program is evaluated. They prefer the

use of rubrics that outline the evidence of success/performance.

My Plan: For this initiative, the formative evaluation will be very simple. Prior to the F2F

Help class, when the employees should be able half done with their courses, a short email survey

will be distributed asking for their thoughts on general questions about the course, using a scale

of 1-3. They may ask any questions, which will be collected and answered, anonymously, during

the F2F Word Help class.

For the summative evaluation, there will be 3 sources:

• the mid-managers ToL accountability planners will be collected and used as qualitative data

• the self-test scores from the Microsoft courseware • a short-form participant questionnaire (as described in Exhibit 11.3, Caffarella

(2002), p. 243)

K-12 From the scenario: It seems that there is some feedback mechanism, given the

complaints about testing.

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, however, they will have to be

age-appropriate. For example, very young children may provide verbal response in a group

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23 setting. Teachers should provide some level of coaching about how to participate in an


Making Recommendations and Communicating Results

Corporate From the scenario: Just the admonition to include this section, which seems odd to call

out, given the whole assignment. The admonition seems out of place as well, since I can’t

recommend changes to something that doesn’t exist (aka the training).

IMPP: Caffarella discusses how to examine both successes and failures against the

program objectives, and then select a format for presenting the results. In discussing program

failures, she suggests a categorization that correlates to point at which it failed – before

implementation through failing to achieve the program design. I feel that this is a very important

distinction, especially in times when economics can play havoc on a program.

UbD: Does not address this topic

The format I would select: In looking over Exhibit 12.3 in IMPP (p. 275), I think that I

would take a two-prong approach to reporting the evaluation of the program. The first would be

employee facing, published to the company blog, and focus on the successes of the training

initiative, as well as how it contributed to the business initiative. The accountability planners

would be the primary source for this report. I would encourage those who are still weak in their

skills to seek out tutoring, etc. The second prong would be a quantitative oral report (with Power

Point) to the executives and program planning staff. This would focus on the short-form

evaluations, as well as the assessments, and ToL observations. The report would highlight both

the success and failure against the objectives.

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24 K-12

From the scenario: Just the admonition to include this section.

The format I would select: Again, it is hard to provide recommendations for a program

that is only quasi-designed. This premise is a superb one, and should be kept. However, I would

overhaul it completely, using much of the approach that I have outlined in this project. I think

that an UbD approach to the instructional sessions will produce a strong curriculum that supports

their normal private/public education. Using the 12-steps from IMPP to manage the project will

produce a program that will be a great recruiting tool for new employees, as well as provide true

value to the children who participate.

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, it is a very common activity

called report cards (I think they still do this, yes? )

Selecting Formats, Schedules, and Staff Needs

Corporate From the scenario: I am the Curriculum developer, but there is no mention of program

planning staff, or trainers.

IMPP: Formats are generally based on group size – from individual to large. For

individuals, the formats include both self-paced and one-on-one approaches. Small groups have

historically been face-to-face, but technology is starting to shape that with online discussions,

networks, etc. Large groups are typically face-to-face, such as a convention (Caffarella, 2002, p.

289). After selecting the format, the schedule can be developed, and includes breakdowns by

day, by hour, and by activity.

Selecting staff is the most challenging part of this step. Reasons for hiring external staff

include, expertise, short-term staff expansion, political leverage, cost-effectiveness, and

opportunities for internal staff to learn new skills and competencies (Caffarella, 2002, p. 297).

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25 UbD: Does not address this topic

My Plan: As described above, the format is a blended one, using a large group meeting,

online coursework, small group sessions, team meetings, and one-on-one tutoring, if needed.

The schedule for the training initiative is described in the table below

Schedule for Microsoft Word Training Initiative Start Date: November 1

End Date: December 31

Week 1, 2, 3 November 2

Initiative Kick off Meeting

All company meeting to introduce training initiative.

November 3 - 21 Wednesdays

As scheduled by manager 3 – 4PM

Work through the Microsoft required courses Attend Q&A/Tutoring sessions

Week 4 Wednesdays

Formative evaluation via email As scheduled by manager 3 – 4PM

Work through the Microsoft required courses Attend Q&A/Tutoring sessions

Week 5 Wednesdays

As scheduled by manager 3 – 4PM As scheduled

Work through the Microsoft required courses Attend Q&A/Tutoring sessions Attend F2F Word Help session

Week 6, 7, 8 Wednesdays

As scheduled by manager 3 – 4PM

Work through the Microsoft required courses Attend Q&A/Tutoring sessions

Week 9 Complete summative evaluation


From the scenario: No information about staffing, schedule, or format is provided.

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, it would play central role in

redesigning the program.

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26 Preparing Budgets and Marketing Plans

Corporate From the scenario: Nothing is mentioned.

IMPP: From previous decisions I have made for this project, I know that the bulk of my

expense, the Microsoft courseware, is a soft expense, since it is an SA benefit of the enterprise

volume license. Facilities charges are likely limited to the cost of the snacks since we’re using

in-house resources. There will be no income from this initiative.

UbD: Does not address this topic

Decisions I can make: Since participation in this initiative is mandatory, the marketing

plan will center on the importance of the initiative to the business’ goals, describe how the

employee’s new skills contribute to these goals, the MCAS incentives, and the Employee

Purchase program. We will develop a short ‘infomercial’ posted to the company’s blog on these

three themes, as well as open a thread on the chat forum where employees can ask questions, etc.

We will arrange for an initiative kick-off company meeting to energize the employees, as

described in the Agenda in the Instructional Plans section above.

K-12 From the scenario Presumably, DTC hires and pays for at least four primary/secondary

teachers, and has space set aside in their office for the schoolrooms.

What I need to find out for IMPP: What is the business/financial model for this school?

An employee benefit? For-profit? Not-for-profit? Are there any plans to expand enrollment to

other businesses close by?

Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Budgeting, yes. Marketing, perhaps,

depending on the financial model. In a more traditional K-12 setting, marketing might focus on

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27 awards received for academic excellence, to attract college recruiters, or students from outside

the school’s normal demographic in order to promote diversity.

Coordinating Facilities and On-site Events

Corporate From the scenario: DTC has a training facility.

IMPP: I was surprised to find this topic in a curriculum-planning model, but now it

seems highly practical. This step includes facilities bookings, multimedia equipment, food

services, etc. Initially I was a bit overwhelmed that a program planner would have these

responsibilities as well as those that are educational or project-management focused. Then I

remembered delegation – this is a task for those who are skilled in it. I appreciated the detailed

descriptions of seating arrangements and how seating contributes to or detracts from learning.

What I need to find out for IMPP: Does it have computers for the Q&A/Tutoring and

Online Help F2F sessions? What are the booking requirements? Are there any costs associated

with booking the training facility or with ordering snacks?

Decisions I can make: Since the Office Manager manages the facilities, I will have to

book the weekly 2-hour Q&A/Tutoring sessions, and the eight 2-hour Online Help F2F sessions

with her. At the same time, I will ask for cookies and milk to be provided at the Q&A/Tutoring

sessions, and a bottled water/juice/soda barrel for the F2F sessions.

K-12 From the scenario: Presumably, DTC has space set aside in their office for the


What I need to find out for IMPP: Is the space shared with any other department?

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28 Can I use this step of the IMPP in a K-12 setting? Yes, but on a somewhat ad hoc basis.

For example, room assignments happen at the beginning of the fall, but using the library or audio

visual equipment might happen more routinely.

Final Thoughts

My challenge to incorporate IMPP and UbD showed me that these two models are

inherently compatible. While they intersect in certain places, each brings its own strength. I

remain convinced that UbD provides a stronger instructional basis, but I have to credit IMPP

with being much broader in scope. While there are some rough spots in my application of UbD, I

am glad that I attempted it.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see the IMPP could work for a K-12 program, with a

few adjustments and compensations.

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29 References

Anderson, L., & Krathwohl, D., (2000) A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and

Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Pearson.

Caffarella, R. S. (2002). Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide for

educators, trainers, and staff developers (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Microsoft.com, (2009). E-Learning for Business Home. Retrieved October 23, 2009,

from : https://business.microsoftelearning.com/default.aspx

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2006). Understanding by Design (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.