The main image takes up the majority of the double page spread, drawing your attention more so on image of the band than the text relating to the image. I think having the image slightly bigger than the text is a good idea as, images engage you into the piece and especially fro a younger target audience they maintain your interest in the piece of text. The image is in a sepia tone which is quite dark and gloomy yet I think it works well on the double page spread especially because blue shapes have been randomly placed around the double page spread and also blue text has been used. This blue theme creates a edginess and uniqueness to the piece and it also bring a bit of colour to the page. Personally I would use more colours to make it more eye catching but I do think that even this small use of colours does work well and is still attractive. The main title is bold and large and attracts your attention. I think the font size is of a good size and the placement overall of the main title and the text creates a balance throughout the double page spread. I think the layout of the text and the image is very simple, yet I think it works very well and the information is presented very well and due to the size of the image, your attention is maintained. The colours are of a very sepia theme creating an old fashioned effect. I personally think this creates uniqueness. If the blue theme did not run throughout the double page spread, readers would lose interest very quickly as it is very plain and boring; yet due to the fact that the colour blue is included it brightens up the page attracts your attention. I still believe more colour should have been included and possibly the natural colour of the red colour

5 magazine double page spreads

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Page 1: 5 magazine double page spreads

The main image takes up the majority of the double page spread, drawing your attention more so on image of the band than the text relating to the image. I think having the image slightly bigger than the text is a good idea as, images engage you into the piece and especially fro a younger target audience they maintain your interest in the piece of text. The image is in a sepia tone which is quite dark and gloomy yet I think it works well on the double page spread especially because blue shapes have been randomly placed around the double page spread and also blue text has been used. This blue theme creates a edginess and uniqueness to the piece and it also bring a bit of colour to the page. Personally I would use more colours to make it more eye catching but I do think that even this small use of colours does work well and is still attractive.

The main title is bold and large and attracts your attention. I think the font size is of a good size and the placement overall of the main title and the text creates a balance throughout the double page spread.

I think the layout of the text and the image is very simple, yet I think it works very well and the information is presented very well and due to the size of the image, your attention is maintained.

The colours are of a very sepia theme creating an old fashioned effect. I personally think this creates uniqueness. If the blue theme did not run throughout the double page spread, readers would lose interest very quickly as it is very plain and boring; yet due to the fact that the colour blue is included it brightens up the page attracts your attention. I still believe more colour should have been included and possibly the natural colour of the red colour should have been shown more so.

Page 2: 5 magazine double page spreads

An on going black, white and red theme can be recognised throughout this double page spread. I like the fact that there is an on going theme but I think more colours should have been included, to make the piece more attractive and most importantly more eye catching to a reader especially because I would like to aim at a teenage-mid twenties target audience.

The title is large and catches your eye because the bright white and red fonts stand out from the dark black backing. The fact that it is at a tilt creates an edginess to the piece and fits in with a “indie rock” genre. The images also reflect the genre and relate to the title as the band themselves are “edgy”.

I like that a large variety of images have been used. Most of the contents pages I saw on the internet had just the one main image. I think including more photos makes an audience more interested within the piece, I also think that it looks overall better. The images are relevant and reflect the bands genre of music, again linking to the “edginess” of the tilted main title.

The layout of the text and images is quite neat and simply laid out and a balance is created throughout the double page spread. Due to the fact that the title is at a tilt it creates a fun aspect to the double page spread, making it more interesting yet the pages still maintain a balance even though the title is at a slant.

Page 3: 5 magazine double page spreads

The layout of the page overall is very balanced and has been laid out neatly creating a smart, professional look. It is also very simple and plain and I would prefer for the writing to look more interesting and for example have certain pieces of the text in bold making the article stand out more and look more appealing, especially when aiming at a younger audience some readers may be put off with the mass of writing.

I think the title is too small and it is not visible enough for a reader to know what the article is about. Yet on the other hand the main image makes up for the title being small as to a reader who knows the artist they are instantly aware on what it is on, without looking at the title. To readers who are unaware though, this is a bad idea as obviously not everyone will know who the artist is.

The black and white images behind the main images work well as it shows a reader instantly what the personality of the artist is like. The fact that they are in black and white and the main image is in colour also works well, as it evens the page out with the black and white text. Although it works well that the only source of colour on the page is the main image, I think there is a lack of colour and personally prefer a variety of colours to be used throughout.

Page 4: 5 magazine double page spreads

The title has been presented in a very unique way and is something I will consider for my own magazine. It stands out and looks very good. It draws in your attention because it is different and lures you into wanting to read it. It also creates a newspaper theme which is then continued in the text, and background colour.

I like the fact that some of the text links into the colour of her t-shirt, a connection is created and it looks smart as there is a link. The fact that a newspaper image has been created and the uses of black, white and red have been used as a continuous colour scheme although more red could have possibly been used and more colours would have also been more beneficial for a younger target audience as it helps them engage more into the magazine and maintain an interest if there is a Varity of colours being used throughout. On the other hand the fact that she; the main image is the brightest and is the thing that stands out the most amongst the whole of the page creates the effect that you should take notice in the picture as she is the most important and also that she is the purpose of this double page spread therefore your attention should be on her.

The layout of this double page spread has been laid out very well, the main image is on the right and the large title is on the top left and text on the bottom left creating a balance. The layout is quite simple yet the unique title makes up for it.

Page 5: 5 magazine double page spreads

A red, black and white colour scheme has been used and looks quite dull. The other colours used are quite boring, especially the members of the bands clothing. The colours are very washed out and not eye catching at all. More colours and a larger variety of bright colours are needed to appeal to an audience.

The layout for the double page spread is very typical and plain. It is neat, well laid out and simple to read but it is boring. Although a balance is created between the text and image which is a important factor.

The main image is quite different and quirky yet can also be seen to an audience as strange. The placement of some of the band members arms look un-relaxed and stiff. On the other hand the rabbit on the floor would raise questions in the readers mind as and it may lure them into reading the article to find out the purpose of the rabbit.

The title is quite eye catching, bolds and stands out from the page which is good as you are instantly aware of what is on this page. I like the fact that it is at a slight slant as it gives it a slight edginess to it yet a bigger and more dramatic slant is needed to catch a reader full attention and more quickly.